A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 377 Alien Flying Stick!

When Ah Rong was originally a spirit body, he could actually enter and leave Chen Muyu's mind world freely. As long as Chen Muyu wanted to let him out, he could, after all, belong to the world where Chen Muyu lived.

However, after Ah Rong obtained a new body, this did not work. Chen Muyu could not let him out again because Ah Rong's body did not belong to this world.

Now, it is possible to send Arong back to this world by sending missions.

This mission is very likely to come into contact with extraterrestrial life, and it will be contact with extraterrestrial life on the earth. To be honest, Chen Muyu is a little uneasy in his heart. If Ah Rong is here, he may feel more at ease.

After all, Ah Rong can be regarded as a monk in the Golden Core Realm.


After exiting the world in his mind, Chen Muyu took out his mobile phone and checked the map.

Wanjuan Mountain, Luobogou.

It is within the boundaries of Xichuan, some distance from the provincial capital, and close to the plateau to the west.

There are many mountains nearby, the roads are dangerous and the altitude is not low.

We must hurry up and not delay this matter.

After all, the arrival of aliens is a big deal. If something goes wrong and this list is not completed, it will be a big deal. If the aliens do something that affects the peace of the universe, it will be a big deal.

After wishing Wushuang dispatch the order.

Ah Rong successfully came to this world. This could be regarded as the first time he achieved freedom after gaining a physical body and being reborn.

It was broad daylight and there were people everywhere, so it was impossible to take off blatantly. Chen Muyu took Ah Rong out of the city from the west gate and found a secluded place. Then he summoned the Silver Shadow Flyboard and flew to the west.

Wanjuan Mountain is more than 300 kilometers away from the provincial capital.

Because it is close to the plateau to the west, it is very inaccessible.

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In recent years, the country has been very strong in transportation construction and has developed many tourist routes connecting the plateau, attracting many tourists. However, because of the high altitude, tourists cannot stay long.

Mountains are connected to mountains, and mountains are surrounding mountains. There are not only 10,000 but also 8,000 mountains here. It is impossible to develop every one of them into a tourist attraction. Except for a few that are more distinctive, they have become one of the check-in points on the tourist route. Outside, many mountains are deserted.

From a distance, it looks like a group of elderly people standing between heaven and earth, watching the passing cars and people, so sacred and awe-inspiring.

High altitude, altitude sickness, etc., are nothing to a martial artist like Chen Muyu.

After all, he often flies to an altitude of 10,000 meters and has long been used to it.

On the other hand, Ah Rong, who was still a little unaccustomed to it and was a master of the golden elixir realm, vomited all over the ground after landing.

On Wanjuan Mountain, looking at Ah Rong who was vomiting and vomiting next to him, Chen Muyu had a look of disgust on his face. He knew he shouldn't have brought him here. A master of the Golden Core Realm, he was too incompetent.

"How is it? Can you bear it?" Chen Muyu handed over a bottle of water.

Ah Rong finally stopped vomiting and pointed to his temple, "I have a little headache."

Chen Muyu rolled his eyes, "How about you go back first?"

"What should I do with the order?" Arong asked.

After all, the order was sent to him.

"I'll go take a look first and then talk."

Chen Muyu really didn't know what to say. This guy really failed to succeed but failed.

Without saying anything, he returned to Chen Muyu's mind world.

This can’t actually be blamed on Ah Rong. After all, he is a new physical body. Although it has been integrated, it is still in the adapting stage. After all, the physical body is not original. External stimulation can easily cause rejection, just like altitude sickness. For him, the reaction was huge.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and go it alone.

There was no signal in these thousands of mountains, and the map navigation didn't work. Fortunately, he had already expected that there would be no signal here, so he took a screenshot of the nearby map and saved it.

After looking at the surrounding mountains and roughly figuring out the direction, Chen Muyu went up to Wanjuan Mountain to find Luobogou.

The nearby area is almost no man's land. Except for some adventure enthusiasts who have a very small chance of coming here, it is impossible for anyone to come here.

This mountain is hundreds of meters high and undulates like a piece of thousand-feuille cake. Perhaps it is because of this appearance that it is called Wanjuan Mountain.

Like other surrounding mountains, Wanjuan Mountain is bare, with not a single tree to be found, and only some unnamed plateau vegetation, one in the east and one in the west, looking so desolate against the blue sky. .

Luobogou is halfway up the Wanjuan Mountains. It is like a huge radish pit between two peaks. Chen Muyu is looking down from a high position, so it is easy to find.

There were gravels everywhere in the ditch, but there was some rare vegetation.

Under the cliff, there was a huge unknown metal rod-shaped object, about three meters high and ten meters long. It was broken in the middle and was still emitting black smoke.

There is a group of wild wolves wandering around, and there are many animal bones on the ground nearby. It seems that there should be a wolf den here.

As soon as Chen Muyu entered Luobogou, he was immediately spotted by the group of wild wolves. A slightly larger wild wolf with a tuft of yellow hair on its head howled, and the nearby wolves quickly rushed toward Chen Muyu. Come closer.

That should be the alpha wolf of the pack.

There were at least fifty or sixty wolves gathered nearby.

It's not easy to mess with at first glance.

However, Chen Muyu was not afraid.

As soon as the system scanned the wolf, he spotted the wolf and spent 200,000 wealth points to buy his loyalty directly.

The eyes of the yellow-haired wolf were originally full of evil and ferocious, but they turned into docile in an instant.

After howling, the wolves were a little confused, but they dispersed quickly.

Chen Muyu walked in swaggeringly.

The yellow-haired wolf came to Chen Muyu's side and pressed against Chen Muyu's calf, looking extremely docile.

Ignoring it, Chen Muyu walked to a distance of more than 20 meters from the stick-shaped object. He did not dare to go any further and looked forward.

"Excuse me, is there anyone?"

When he met an alien for the first time, Chen Muyu didn't know what kind of opening remarks he should use. After much thought, he finally came up with such a sentence.

After waiting for a long time, there was no movement.

"Barrus?" Chen Muyu shouted again.

"Who, who are you?"

At this time, a response finally came from inside the stick.

He still speaks Mandarin. Although he is a bit sloppy, it does not affect communication.

Chen Muyu was overjoyed. It would be great if we could communicate. "Hello Barus, my name is Chen Muyu. I don't mean any harm. Can you open the hatch and let's talk?"

"I don't mean any harm, friend Chen, can you let your pets leave first?" The voice came from the stick again.

The voice was slightly sharp, but also a bit trembling. It could be heard that the person inside was very nervous.

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