A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 394 Why do you want to be rude?

On the fifth floor, on the left, is the third room.

The door is closed, because the house is old, so the door looks very mottled.

"Young man, if you ask for permission from others, you can enter the occupied rooms. You cannot enter these unoccupied rooms casually!" The dormitory aunt was very principled and followed Chen Muyu all the way.

Seeing Chen Muyu about to open the door, the dormitory aunt hurriedly stopped her. The dormitory is a private place and she is the dormitory. She cannot allow outsiders to break in. If something is lost, she cannot bear the responsibility.


Chen Muyu stopped and pointed to dormitory 503 in front of him, "Auntie, who lives here?"

"Why do you ask this?" Auntie was a little alert.

Chen Muyu said, "Just ask, I see that the doors of other rooms are open, but this room is the only one that is locked, so it feels a bit strange!"

It's a valid reason.

The dormitory aunt looked at the door and said, "A young man who is a junior lives here..."

"On a?"

Chen Muyu was stunned for a moment. Only one person lives in a dormitory?

The dormitory aunt said, "You also know that there are not many boys in the medical school. Maybe it's because their majors are more special. He is the only boy..."


Chen Muyu nodded slightly, "Do you know where he went? Can you call him and ask him to come back and open the door? I have to go in and look at the wall to avoid any safety risks."


The aunt hesitated for a moment. When she was hesitating, she looked up and saw a young man coming up from the end of the corridor carrying a bottle of boiling water.

"Isn't that here? Xiaohao, come here and open the door. This handsome guy is looking for you!" The dormitory aunt shouted directly to the young man.

The young man paused and looked up at Chen Muyu. For some reason, his legs were trembling a little and his face changed slightly.

The expression was as if he had done something bad and was caught by someone, and his eyes were almost filled with fear.


The boiled water bottle fell on the ground, and the young man turned around and ran away, heading straight for the stairs.


The aunt was stunned, what was this kid running for? Have you seen a ghost?

It’s clear, I feel guilty!

Chen Muyu didn't chase him. He already knew his appearance and Barus could track his aura, so he couldn't run away at all.

"This young man is quite weird!" Chen Muyu said casually, hoping to get more information from the dormitory aunt.

The dormitory aunt laughed dryly, "His name is Shang Xiaohao. He used to be a very cheerful child, but for some reason, he has become a bit withdrawn recently. He often gets startled. I don't know what kind of evil he got into... "

"Crash into evil?" Chen Muyu said casually.

The face of the dormitory aunt immediately became serious. She looked serious and lowered her voice, "I'm telling you, don't be afraid. The school has not been very peaceful recently. There are always rumors of ghosts in the girls' dormitory." , it is said that there is a pervert who often peeks at the girls in the dormitory taking showers. Many people are spreading the rumor that he has a nose and eyes..."

"Oh? Really?"

"Why isn't it true? This medical school was originally built on a cemetery. Over the years, a lot of strange things have happened. If one person says he saw it, it may be false, but if a group of people are saying it, do you think it is false? Come on? The school has set up a special investigation team for this matter..."

"I haven't dared to take a shower recently. Even when I go to the toilet, I feel like a pair of eyes are staring at me..."

The more the aunt said, the more outrageous she became.

Chen Muyu looked at her dignified appearance and thought to himself, Auntie, if that pervert heard what you said, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

After coming out of the dormitory, it was almost noon, and Chen Muyu went to the school cafeteria.

I grabbed a plate of food and found a seat to sit down.

A boy opposite him was devouring his food with his head buried. When he saw someone sitting in front of him, he looked up and his expression suddenly froze.

A mouthful of shredded potatoes was still in my mouth.

"Classmate Shang Xiaohao, right? Let's get to know each other?"

A smile appeared on Chen Muyu's face, and the smile was full of meaning.

The boy's eyes showed fear again. He nervously spit the food in his mouth onto the plate, turned around and ran out of the cafeteria.

Do I look that scary? Chen Muyu shook his head and slowly ate a few mouthfuls of food. He felt that it was not very tasty, so he packed up, got up and walked out.

To the north of the health school, there is a mountain.

The north wall has collapsed and has not yet been repaired. Students often run from here to the mountains to find excitement. Especially at night, when the security guards are patrolling, there are always a few young couples in the woods.

However, it is daytime now.

The mountain is not high and the forest is not dense. Many paths have long been trampled on.

"What should I do? What should I do? Has he discovered me?"

Shang Xiaohao was sitting under a big tree, as if talking to himself, with fear written on his face!

"Classmate Shang Xiaohao, are you talking about me?"

A voice suddenly came from behind.

Shang Xiaohao shuddered and quickly stood up and looked back. A young man stood out from behind the tree, the same one he had just met in the cafeteria.

At this time, Chen Muyu was looking at him with a smile.

Shang Xiaohao swallowed, took two steps back, and quickly wanted to run again.

But he could outrun Chen Muyu. Chen Muyu ducked out of the way, took a few diagonal steps, and arrived in front of Shang Xiaohao.

The collision hit him full in the chest, and Shang Xiaohao was bounced back directly, sitting on the ground with his butt.

"You, who are you?" Shang Xiaohao looked at Chen Muyu in fear.

Chen Muyu looked at him with some confusion, "Classmate, why did you run away when you saw me? We don't know each other, right? Or am I more fierce-looking?"

Shang Xiaohao sat on the ground and kept backing away, looking stern and inwardly saying, "Don't come over, otherwise, I won't be polite!"

Chen Muyu appeared downstairs in their dormitory twice at night. When Chen Muyu appeared at the entrance of the dormitory in the morning, saying that he was looking for him, Shang Xiaohao felt guilty and thought that what he had done had been exposed, so he ran away as soon as possible. .

What happened to him in the past few days was so unbelievable that he, who often read online novels, immediately thought that Chen Muyu was the one who captured him for sectioning and research, and he was naturally very scared.

"You're welcome?"

Chen Muyu wanted to see how capable he was and how he might be threatened by his warning, so he took a few steps closer to him and said, "What's the rude way you want to use?"

The next second, Shang Xiaohao's body seemed to be out of control. He stood up straight and punched Chen Muyu fiercely in the air.

There is still four or five meters between the two!

But the strange thing is that Shang Xiaohao's right hand was like a prosthetic limb, broken directly at the elbow, separated from the body, and blasted towards Chen Muyu like a cannonball.

However, this power is slightly smaller.

Chen Muyu reached out and touched his Shenmen point.


Shang Xiaohao immediately screamed.

Chen Muyu grabbed the right hand with his backhand.

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