A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 409 He’s up there!

The eruption of earth energy cannot last long, so everyone is hurrying up, for fear of wasting every second.

Once the energy of the earth escapes into space, it will never come back. Some of it may be absorbed by the earth's gravity, but it will definitely be very little.

Chen Muyu was a little worried. The stone spirit was absorbing endlessly. If it was still so endless after the energy of the earth was dissipated, wouldn't he have to ascend to heaven on the spot?

No, you have to prepare in advance.

Anyway, I don’t practice anymore, so I just pull out the system and scan the surrounding earth energy. They are all unowned things that have escaped from the center of the earth. They are free things. It is a pity to lose them. Keep collecting them!

Make a reserve in advance. If the stone spirit is not satisfied for a while, at least it will have something to absorb, so that it will not cause any harm to itself.

As time passes, there is a limit to the eruption of earth energy. The Wushu Association has already issued an announcement, giving an approximate time. There will be a peak in about half an hour to an hour, and then the concentration will It will slowly descend until it ends before dawn.

This night was simply spring for practitioners. Countless people's realms that had been stagnant for a long time were loosened, pried open by the powerful power of the earth, and lifted to a higher level.

There are countless people who have broken through the realm.

After tonight, the member information stored by the Wushu Association will probably undergo a major version update.

Some people break through the realm early and have no time to rejoice. The energy of the earth has not yet finished erupting, so they must seize the opportunity to strive for further progress.

The sky turned white.

Xu Meng was the first one to wake up. After practicing all night last night, she had reached the peak of concentration state, and was just one step away, but she held back and did not break through.

She herself felt that she was progressing too fast and was a little unsure of the direction of her cultivation. Therefore, Xu Meng still wanted to settle down first.

The second person to wake up was Barus.

This guy just slept. At five o'clock in the morning, a strong aura suddenly appeared, waking him up from his sleep.

Looking up, he saw that the aura was emanating from Lu Wanli. As expected, Lu Wanli had successfully condensed the golden elixir and entered the golden elixir realm.

With the magical pill, so many potions, and such a strong earth energy, it would be really unreasonable if he could not break through.

"Barrus, have you seen Mu Yu?"

Xu Meng was a little worried. When she woke up, she didn't see Chen Muyu's figure. She didn't know where this guy went!

Barus yawned, "Didn't you wake up before me? You don't even know, how can I know?"

Xu Meng searched all over the valley but could not find Chen Muyu.


At this time, Lu Wanli let out a long breath and woke up from his cultivation state. His eyes were deep and introverted. Upon closer inspection, there seemed to be bright stars twinkling with infinite brilliance.

"Miss Xu, there's no need to look for it!"

Lu Wanli spoke and pointed upward, "He's up there, he's fine!"


Looking up, the sky was not yet bright and the moon was setting in the west. The Qiongyu sky was like an ink vat. Where could I see Chen Muyu's shadow?

Thousands of meters in the air.

Chen Muyu was lying on the Silver Shadow Flying Board, his eyes closed tightly, and his face seemed to be a little worried.

In his dantian, Shi Ling was still frantically absorbing the energy in his dantian, with no sign of stopping.

At around three o'clock last night, he felt that the power of the Earth's energy in the spirit gathering array was somewhat insufficient, so he summoned the Silver Shadow Flying Board to chase up.

Because the energy of the earth spreads from the ground to the outside of the earth, theoretically, as long as you keep up with its diffusion speed, you can still enjoy the bath of the energy of the earth.

However, more than 10,000 meters is already Chen Muyu's limit. Going further up, the air is already very thin, and it would be a challenge with his life.

Fortunately, he had made preparations in advance and used the system to collect a large amount of earth energy in advance, just in time for the stone spirit to absorb.

At first, Chen Muyu felt that he had prepared enough, and even if the stone spirit could eat, he could still feed it.

But the result was a little different from Chen Muyu's imagination. At this time, the stone spirit had formed a substantial ellipsoid shape, a bit like an egg, about the same size as a quail egg.

It just hung in the middle of the dantian, spinning constantly. The massive amount of earth energy that poured into the dantian was sucked away by it almost instantly.

There is not much earth energy stored in the Wanjie Station, and Chen Muyu is very worried. If this thing keeps sucking it in like this, he will have to use Martial Saint Golden Pills and elixir injections to fill his cravings.

With the speed it absorbs, I'm afraid it won't be enough by then. If I really want to suck myself dry, it will be really doomed.

The only good thing is that after a night of violent erosion of earth energy, Chen Muyu's inner Dantian and meridians were greatly expanded, and the toughness and strength were also greatly improved.

If it was a straw before, it is now a huge steel pipe. If it was a puddle before, it is now a huge lake.

Perhaps, the strength of the meridians and dantian in the golden elixir realm is nothing more than this!

Chen Muyu thought in his heart, but what's the use? Looking at the quail egg-like foreign object in the middle of his dantian, he would not naively think that he was condensing the golden elixir.

As time passed, the power of the earth was about to be exhausted, and Chen Muyu was ready to replenish it with elixirs.


The surface of the quail egg suddenly shook, and a crack appeared?

what's the situation?

Chen Muyu was stunned, is this thing so fragile?

The rotation speed of the quail eggs suddenly slowed down, and the terrifying suction force gradually weakened.

Chen Muyu obviously felt that the pressure was not so great anymore.


The quail eggs vibrated violently, and there were more and more cracks on them, densely packed like a spider web.


As the last trace of earth energy was sucked in, the quail egg suddenly stopped, and then exploded without Chen Muyu's defense.

Oh my god!

Chen Muyu felt his eyes go dark, and was hit by a powerful energy, and he fainted instantly.

Upon detecting that Chen Muyu had lost consciousness, the Silver Shadow Flying Board immediately returned automatically.

When Chen Muyu woke up, it was almost noon. Xu Meng said that he fell from the sky in the morning, but luckily he was caught by Lu Wanli, otherwise he would have fallen to death.

"Mu Yu, are you okay?" Supporting Chen Mu Yu, Xu Meng's face was full of worry, "If you don't stay on the ground, why are you so high in the sky?"

Chen Muyu smiled, "That doesn't make me special!"

"Disgusting!" Xu Meng rolled her eyes at him.

Lu Wanli came over and reported on his own cultivation situation. In addition, Gong Daquan and the others had already called immediately.

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