Teng Hu responded, turned and left.

"Little guy, this is quite surprising!"

After smiling, Qin Hong drank the tea in his cup and went back to his room to sleep while humming a little tune.

Drinking tea in the middle of the night, I don’t know if I can sleep!


Let’s talk about Chen Muyu.

There was an order before the Wanjie Acquisition Station, saying that Longquan Temple in the ancient martial arts world was renovating the library, and there were some waste products that needed to be cleared. At that time, he did not have that much wealth and could not enter the ancient martial arts world.

Now that he was rich, he felt that his past would not only be troublesome, but also likely to put his life in danger, so he sent this order to Guan Yunpeng two days ago.

Guan Yunpeng is Chen Muyu's first and so far the only system employee. Chen Muyu is not clear about his work ability.

It's been two days and he still hasn't returned to life. Chen Muyu is a little worried. He won't die in the ancient martial arts world, right?

Of course, there is no need to worry. Now all Chen Muyu can do is wait.

The lithographs collected in the afternoon were all placed in the storage ring by Chen Muyu, and he just happened to take them out for study at this moment.

Compendium of Materia Medica, article differentiation of febrile diseases.

Both sets are medical books, and because the paper is a bit old, you have to be careful when reading them.

The fonts are all soft-pen characters, which look very comfortable, and there is a bit of antique flavor between the lines.

There are annotations on almost every page of the two sets of books. These annotations were added by later generations. The fonts are different and the pen and ink used are also different. More than one or two people should have read them.

Most of them are the readers' experiences, but there are few innovative ideas and advanced concepts. Occasionally, you can see some prescriptions and the like, which are directly annotated between the lines of the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases.

There were also those who commented on other people's comments, and even those who criticized others because of conflicts of ideas. Some of the terms were quite vulgar, which made Chen Muyu laugh.

Maybe this is the prototype ancestor of some modern Internet trolls.

Chen Muyu has never studied medicine, so he cannot understand many things, but this does not affect his interest in reading.

The Compendium of Materia Medica is famous, so needless to say, this book on febrile diseases is also very famous.

"Tiao Bian of Febrile Diseases" was written by Wu Tang, a medical scientist in the Qing Dynasty. It was only completed in the third year of Jiaqing. It is one of the "four classics" of traditional Chinese medicine.

Based on the achievements of many febrile disease experts in the Qing Dynasty, this book further established a system of febrile disease theory that was completely independent of typhoid fever, established a tri-energizer syndrome differentiation program, clarified that febrile diseases are divided into three energizers, and elaborated on wind-warm, warm-toxin, heat-heat, The treatment of syndromes such as temperature and dampness-warmth is clearly organized.

Of course, Chen Muyu didn't know much about these things. He just found out about them by searching the encyclopedia online.

Unfortunately, two of the six volumes are missing.

With some wealth points, the system could be repaired, but Chen Muyu was worried about the repair and erased all the annotation information above, which would be a huge loss.

After all, the contents of the Treatise on Febrile Diseases have not been lost, and the full text can be found online. For Chen Muyu, the most important thing about these books is the annotations inside.

“The way to establish the sky is based on yin and yang, the way to establish the earth is soft and hard, the way to establish people is benevolence and righteousness, medicine is the way of benevolence, and it must be preceded by wisdom, followed by courage, and completed by benevolence... "

The opening chapter of the first volume was eloquent and eloquent. Chen Muyu read it once and did not understand 50% to 60% of it. However, his eyes were attracted by an annotation at the end of the volume.

"The ancestor of medical prescriptions is Zhong Jing. I have been practicing medicine for more than 80 years. After reading ancient medical books, I got a prescription, which was passed down to Zhong Jing and was named Xiao Hunyuan Decoction. However, I cherished my life and dare not try it lightly. Today Put the medicine here and wait for the chance!"

Next comes the contents of the prescription. Counting, there are more than eighty medicines, which look quite similar.

Xiao Hunyuan Tang? But don’t know what’s the use?

There are many comments below. Judging from the handwriting, they should not be written by the same person.

"According to the senior's prescription, I cooked half of the pot last night and gave it to Mr. Wang next door. After drinking it, Mr. Wang flew down from the balcony on the 18th floor and his whereabouts are still unknown!"

"I used my rooster to test the medicine. The chickens in the whole village kept crowing that night. The next morning, the roosters had exhausted their sperm and exploded and died. I fed the chicken to the dogs. That night, the dogs in the village kept crowing. The next morning, the dogs also exhausted their sperm and exploded. And die, and then I eat it..."

This group of people didn't know if they had really tried the medicine. Chen Muyu just wanted to laugh when he saw it.

However, Chen Muyu still copied the prescription and looked for opportunities to study it later. If it turned out to be some amazing prescription, wouldn't it be a profit?

When it was almost twelve o'clock, Chen Muyu put away the book, took out the small pill bottle, grabbed a handful, counted about thirty pills, and swallowed them dryly with a grunt.

The smell of this stuff is okay, it doesn't irritate your nose, but it just sticks in your throat a little.

I had eaten a handful before and successfully helped Chen Muyu master the first level of the Overlord Manual. The effect was obvious, and he naturally wanted to be stronger.

It's a pity that this small bottle of Huandan is only enough for three handfuls, and it will be gone after eating it. Such a small amount may not be enough to support his cultivation to the second level.

If you want to speed up your practice, pills are definitely indispensable, but I don't know when Guan Yunpeng will come back and whether he can bring him some surprises.


The next day, I made an appointment with Xu Meng to go to the Porcelain Expo. Chen Muyu got up just after seven o'clock.

He and Xu Meng have been in contact these days, and they chat on the phone for a while every day. Xu Meng arrived in the city yesterday, but he had some things to deal with, so he didn't come to see Chen Muyu.

I took a shower and looked in the mirror. What a spirited guy!


After taking a shower and getting ready to go out, my mother came in from outside carrying a vegetable basket with a mysterious smile on her face.

"Mom, why so early?"

Chen Muyu was a little surprised. Today is the weekend, and the purchasing station also has a day off. My mother's habit is to sleep until noon.

Xu Yanfen smiled brightly, threw the vegetable basket aside, and shook the things in her hands.

A bunch of car keys!

"It's your first date with a girl, so you can't lose the prestige. I asked your third uncle to drive his BMW over, and leave your second-hand Jetta alone..." Mom handed over the car keys with a smile. Chen Muyu's hand.

"Mom, Xiaomeng and I are old friends, why would we care about these things!" Chen Muyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. His mother got up so early to borrow a car for herself.

The only reason to blame is that when Xu Meng was on the phone with him when he just came back last night, his mother was right next to him.

Most people can't handle my mother's gossip, so she actually took the opportunity to video chat with Xu Meng on the spot.

As a result of the video, no matter whether others are embarrassed or not, my mother is very satisfied anyway, which is why today’s scene happened.

"Just because you don't care doesn't mean that this girl doesn't care!" Xu Yanfen's eyes widened with a serious look on her face, "I told you, you must take it seriously. Your dad and I don't have any other pursuits now, we just look forward to it. This girl is pretty good if you can find something to hold your grandson in. I think you can handle it..."


PS: Thank you to Brother Zeng Aniu for your full support. Guigu has nothing to repay, so I can only pledge myself to you! During the new book period, there are all kinds of requests, recommendation votes, collections, rewards, brothers, Gui Gu kowtows!

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