A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 421 Ma Santong is here!

"Him? Who?"

Chen Muyu looked around and saw that there was no one else in the room!

Shang Xiaohao looked down.

Chen Muyu's eyes also fell on his aluminum alloy pants.

"Dong dong dong..."

There seemed to be a fish inside, violently hitting his pants.

Chen Muyu's face twitched, a little unbelievable, "It can't be..."

Shang Xiaohao pressed his pants hard and nodded awkwardly.

Chen Muyu has been turned to stone. This operation really shakes people up. What kind of superpower is this?

After a while, the struggle in his pants calmed down.

"Originally, when I found out that my hands and feet could be separated, I was quite excited, but gradually, I found that they had given birth to consciousness, and, slowly, it became more and more difficult for me to control them. From time to time, I found that my hands and feet could be separated. It will get out of control..."

"Now, my left hand and left eye have developed self-awareness. These two characters are even better. I can persuade them, but..."

At this point, Shang Xiaohao was already a little embarrassed to speak.

After a while, Chen Muyu finally came to his senses. He could see that Shang Xiaohao was not joking with him at all. In order to prevent his brother from running away from home, he even used aluminum alloy pants.

In this way, when I came in earlier, I heard Shang Xiaohao "making a phone call" somewhere. In fact, he was not making a call, but trying to persuade his brother.

Really weird!

Although there are indeed many wonders in the world, this is too absurd.

"So, after everything is like this, you still refuse to let me help you?" Chen Muyu wanted to laugh, but couldn't. Now it seems that Shang Xiaohao is really pitiful. "As long as you nod, the beads in your body will... I can help you take it out..."

"Still, let me think about it for a few days. I will give you an answer after a few days!" Shang Xiaohao said timidly.

Chen Muyu could tell that although this boy was afraid of this power, he did not want to lose this power. He still had the illusion that he could control the consciousness born in his body.

In the end, Chen Muyu did not persuade Shang Xiaohao. He had no choice. If he did not agree to donate the power beads, Chen Muyu had no way to separate the power beads from his body through the system.

Of course, one can either directly force the purchase of the power beads, or acquire Shang Xiaohao's loyalty and then ask him to contribute the power beads.

But Chen Muyu didn't want to use either method, because it was a loss-making business.

"Have you ever seen a power like his?" On the way back, Chen Muyu asked Barus for advice.

When it comes to superpowers, Barus is the expert.

Barus said, "If I read it correctly, his condition should be a rare ability, splitting!"

"Split?" Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Barus nodded, "His kind of splitting is different from splitting in the general sense. He is a mutated form of splitting power. Not only can his body split, but his consciousness can also split!"

"The main reason why he is in this situation is that his own ontological consciousness is not strong enough. If the other parts of his body are born with consciousness, they should be much weaker than the ontological consciousness. Ken's ontological consciousness should be able to completely suppress these new consciousnesses. Grow up, let them be used for your own use, and drive them as you please..."

"However, he does not understand the cultivation of superpowers, and his original consciousness is weak. With the superpower beads in his body, continuously providing mutant energy to his body, these newly born consciousnesses will continue to become stronger and more powerful. Big, one or two may not be a big deal, but if there are more, as time goes by, these new consciousnesses and the original consciousness will have the power to fight, and they will become what they are now!"

"The newly born consciousness is no longer subject to discipline. There will definitely be fourth, fifth, or even more consciousnesses born in the future. It was originally a whole, but in the end, each of them took over the mountain and became king, and they were divided. But in the end, I am afraid it will be a fragmented one. The end..."

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Thinking about that scene, it's quite scary.

"Can we save him by taking away the power bead?" Chen Muyu asked.

Barus shook his head, "The superpower has been born and the body has mutated. This is irreversible. Taking away the superpower bead from his body now will only alleviate his condition at most. Moreover, if the bead cannot be retrieved in the right way, If you do, you might even take his life!"

After a pause, Barus said, "His condition cannot last long. If he wants to survive, unless his body consciousness can grow stronger and completely suppress his new consciousness..."

"You should have a way to save him, right? I think this man is pitiful. Are you interested..." Chen Muyu opened his mouth, said half a sentence, and then closed his mouth. After all, he couldn't force Barus to go. Save people.

Barus sighed, "Originally, when I first found out that the boy was fused with my superpower bead, I wanted to swallow him in one gulp to avoid wasting the superpower bead. But after thinking about it calmly, I realized that this might be you. Earthlings say cause and effect, I can save him, but he must agree to one condition..."

"Oh?" Chen Muyu looked at Barus in surprise.

Barus said, "He must worship me as his master. After the spacecraft is repaired, he will follow me back to the Andromeda Galaxy."

"You? Become a disciple?" Chen Muyu looked at Barus with some surprise.

"The Clay Man Clan's supernatural skills cannot be taught to outsiders. If he wants to survive, I can only teach him the skills to strengthen his body consciousness and refine the energy of the supernatural beads. It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. If he refuses , then wish yourself good luck!" Barus looked serious, not joking at all.

"Okay, if he takes the initiative to find me, I will talk to him then!"

Chen Muyu took a deep breath. This was the first time he had encountered this kind of thing. He believed that it wouldn't be long before Shang Xiaohao would find him again.

After all, even the organs are about to escape. As time goes by, the situation will definitely worsen. Shang Xiaohao will have no choice but to ask him for help.


Two days later, Ma Santong made a special trip to Qingchuan and brought Chen Muyu the membership information.

A small teahouse in the garden in the center of the street.

In the private room, Ma Santong put the information in front of Chen Muyu and handed him a pen. After Chen Muyu read the information, he signed it and filed it away, becoming a member of the Wushu Association.

There was not much information, only a few pages. Chen Muyu read it very carefully. Apart from the welfare part that Fang Tianzheng mentioned that day, he was more concerned about the obligations after joining the Wushu Association, for fear of being buried.

When the time comes, you will have a lot of things to do for yourself. You have to do this by yourself, and you have to do that by yourself. Doesn't that mean you are causing trouble for yourself?

"Brother Xiao Chen, this is the first time in all these years that I have seen President Fang care so much about a new member joining the club. You are truly a hero born from a young age, and your future is limitless!"

Ma Santong drank tea and flattered Chen Muyu.

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