Except for a few who are slightly older, most of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms are young people.

There is heavy snow and light snow. They are pretty and quite popular among this group of people. They are all young and ignorant, and there are many people in the village who have a crush on them.

After going back and forth, everyone became familiar with Chen Muyu. After all, Chen Muyu was very open-minded and had an extraordinary bearing, which made it easy for people to like him.

"Do you usually have no entertainment at night?" Chen Muyu asked.

Jingzhe said, "Besides practicing and doing farm work, our place is no better than outside. There are no entertainment facilities. The elders also watch us closely. If you hadn't come, we might still be planting rice in the fields right now!"

This Jingzhe is also in his early twenties. He looks pretty good, but he is a bit tough. After playing a few games, he basically lost.

"Don't you yearn for the outside world?" Chen Muyu asked.

Jingzhe shrugged, "Actually, the clan does not restrict our freedom. As long as we report to the elders and obtain permission from the elders, we can live outside after the age of eighteen. We only need to catch up with a few festivals every year. Just come back and report. We, the solar terms envoys, have special status, so we will be tighter within the clan!"

Speaking of this, Jingzhe was a little proud, "After all, we are the elite of this generation. We will all have the opportunity to compete for the position of elder in the future. And I heard that Grandpa Nongwang intends to give up the position of patriarch and focus on practicing in the future. This The position of clan leader will most likely be chosen from among our younger generation..."

Chen Muyu looked at him a little funny, "Do you really want to be the clan leader?"

"of course!"

Jingzhe didn't shy away from anything, and nodded directly, "If you don't want to be a general's soldier, you are not a good soldier. If I become the clan leader, everyone will have to listen to me, and I won't have to work in the fields anymore..."

Khan, this is the pursuit.

Daxue, Xiaoxue and the others all looked at him with contempt.

Shuang Jiang said, "Even if we have to choose a new clan leader, it won't be your turn. Brother Big Nian, Brother Xiaonian, Qingming, Winter Solstice, which one is not better than you? Don't forget that your ranking last year was only twenty-two. !”

There were only twenty-four in total, so they ranked twenty-second.

Several people nearby were snickering, and Jingzhe's face trembled, "Aren't there two others weaker than me?"

"Come on, Xiaoman, Xiaohan, one is fifteen or the other is sixteen, you still have the nerve to say it!" Daxue cursed with a smile.

Jingzhe was a little embarrassed, "Sister Daxue, if there are outsiders here, can't you save some face for me?"

The aggrieved look made everyone laugh.


At this moment, a loud roar suddenly came from the distance. The sound was so loud that it made the tiles on the roof vibrate and rattle.

Chen Muyu was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked in the direction of the sound. The sound sounded like the roar of some kind of beast, but it was pitch black and he couldn't see clearly.

"What's going on?" Chen Muyu asked.

Jingzhe waved his hand, "It's okay. There aren't many other things in our mountains, but there are a lot of wild animals. There is a great ape king living in the back mountain here. He must have gone crazy again!"

"Great Ape King?"

Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows and looked towards Daxue Xiaoxue.

Xiaoxue said, "A giant ape that has become a climate. It used to come to the village to cause trouble. It was taught a few times by the farmer king. It has not come much in the past two years. However, from time to time, it will bark a few times like just now." I don’t know why I’m so crazy, we’re all used to it!”

Chen Muyu nodded suddenly, but he didn't know what kind of climate Xiaoxue was talking about. If the Farm King could personally teach him a lesson, I'm afraid it would be quite powerful.

"Is everything okay?"

Hearing the loud sound, Chen Muyu felt a little nervous.

"It's okay, it's okay, keep playing!" Jingzhe waved his hand carelessly.

Guyu had already stood up, "This voice is much more powerful than before..."

Concern was written on his face.

At this time, a fire broke out from the sky.

Several people's expressions changed slightly and they shouted that they were afraid. They all knew that something happened.

What game were you still playing? He quickly got up and ran to the back of the village.

Behind the village, under the jujube tree.

It was already crowded with people, and Nong Qianqiu and Xie Jinkui had already arrived here first.

The scene was very chaotic and noisy.

In the medicine field, a huge black ape was roaring and running rampant, holding a dead wood in his hand. He didn't know where the fire was coming from. One end of the dead wood was burning.

The black ape was like holding a torch, roaring and waving wildly. The herbs in the medicine field had already ignited in several places, and many herbs were crushed wherever they passed.

It's really painful to watch.

"This beast!"

Nong Qianqiu clenched his fists and spat, already a bit angry.

Xie Jinkui stood nearby and brushed his beard, "I'm afraid this thing is already infused with golden elixir!"

Although they were far apart, they could still estimate that the giant ape was probably over a foot tall. It looked very powerful, and the momentum from its roar could already resonate with them.

I'm afraid it's really a ferocious beast in the Golden Core realm.

I have known for a long time that Shennongjia Mountain is densely forested, but I never expected that something of this level could be produced. I am afraid that it is also due to the creation of heaven and earth on this great creation day.

Xie Jinkui can feel it, and Nong Qianqiu can obviously feel it too.

He had already experienced the ferocity of this thing. This giant ape had come to the village several times before. It was not so big at that time. At that time, several elders from the Void Refining Realm worked together, but they could not control this thing. Every time Every time, the farmer king took action.

Now, although Nong Qianqiu has reached the Golden Core realm, this thing has obviously improved greatly in strength, and he can't guarantee that he can take it.

"Thank you, old man!"

Nong Qianqiu shouted, turned around and looked at Tang Wuliang and the others, "Everyone, please do me a favor and take down this beast together. I'm very grateful!"

This thing got mad for some unknown reason. If he were allowed to break into the village, wouldn't it destroy the village? If he continued to ruin it like this, the medicine field would be completely destroyed.

Xie Jinkui and others naturally had no objections. They looked back at Chen Muyu. After Chen Muyu nodded slightly, they immediately rose out of thin air and surrounded the giant ape with Nong Qianqiu.

"Stand back, stop watching the fun here..."

The few remaining elders did not dare to go up to the Jindan realm, so they could only stay to appease the clan members.

With so many people gathered here, it is easy for the giant ape to attack, and these villagers really don't mind watching the excitement.

More and more people gathered, and they had no choice but to order Daxue Xiaoxue and the other solar terms envoys to drive the tribesmen toward the village.


In the medicine field, the giant ape roared angrily. Nong Qianqiu raised his hand and struck the giant ape's arm with a sword, causing a fire to appear.

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