In the cave, it was pitch black.

Coupled with the cold temperature, which can reach more than ten degrees at most, such an environment is still a test of one's mental endurance.

Chen Muyu felt a chill running down his spine and a creepy feeling.

If you can't see with your eyes, put on the infrared night vision device, it will be much more comfortable.

Although at his current state, spiritual thoughts can replace the physical eyes, after all, the eyes are much more accustomed to it.

The space in the cave is quite large, and there are natural stone piles and stone pillars everywhere, and the holes are connected in series with each other.

Chen Muyu saw some traces of ropes on the ground, and some signs in some places, which should have been used by people who came in before to mark the route.

But I'm afraid none of these people can get out of here.

There is already poisonous gas in the surrounding air, and it is a mixture of poisonous gases from various poisonous creatures, with a faint earthy smell.

Chen Muyu is not worried. Once these Gu Qi enter his body, they will be immediately scanned by the waste system. Regardless of whether it is a ball or a wisp, the system will directly recycle it.

Therefore, when Chen Muyu walked into the cave, his wealth kept growing, but the growth rate was not fast, accumulating hundreds and thousands.

It's not much, but it looks cool.

As the saying goes, the predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoyed the shade. Following the marks on the surrounding cave walls, Chen Muyu walked directly inside.

On the road, I saw many bones, both human and animal.

It looks like they must be some years old. The system scanned them. Although there is no name, the approximate year of the bones is still there.

Basically, they are corpses from hundreds of years ago, and they cannot be Niu Xiaoli's father.

It’s really a deserted place. Who would dare to come here?

Chen Muyu was a hot-blooded young man. If he hadn't been a bold man with a high skill level, or if he hadn't been seeking money, he wouldn't have come to a place like this even if he was beaten to death.

"Chi chi chi..."

Suddenly there was a rustling sound from ahead.

Chen Muyu was immediately alert. He could see in the infrared night vision device that a large number of small red dots were quickly approaching him.

Are you so fierce that you will be served the main dish as soon as you arrive?

As soon as the system scanned, a lot of information immediately popped up.


Name: Gold-Eating Ant!

Introduction: Level 2 Gu worms are good at devouring metals and absorbing metallic energy. 100 Level 2 gold-eating ants can devour each other and can be upgraded to a Level 3 gold-eating ant...


The front was densely packed with insects. They looked like ants, but were bigger than ants. They were as big as a small bee. Their bodies were black and iron-colored. Their crawling and squeaking sounds made people's scalp numb.

I don’t know which Gu master left it.

Level 2 Gu Insects, which is the level that a Level 2 Gu Cultivator can master, shouldn't be considered much, it's just that the population is too large.

Soon the swarm of gold-eating ants came to Chen Muyu. Chen Muyu did not dare to fight with them. He quickly flew back, pulled out the system, and quickly recovered these things directly from the system.

Gu insects are basically unconscious creatures, and they are also ownerless. The system can completely recycle them directly, without Chen Muyu spending any wealth at all.

However, the system recycles directly and gives the scrap price, so what Chen Muyu can earn is not particularly impressive.

But a second-level Gu worm can be sold for 100,000 wealth value even at the scrap price. There are more than 8,000 Gu worms in this group. After being manipulated by Chen Muyu, he also gained 800 million wealth value. .

A swarm of gold-eating ants came menacingly, but they were quickly cleared away by Chen Muyu.

Of course, Chen Muyu did not let the system completely recycle them, but still kept dozens of them as a kind of seed.

If this thing can be properly cultivated in the future, it may also be a big help.

Continuing to walk inside, the cave becomes more humid and colder. All kinds of poisonous insects can be seen under your feet and on the walls of the cave.

The Gu Qi here is extremely strong. Anyone who can survive here must be poisoned by strange poisons.

Spiders, earthworms, scorpions, worms, ladybugs, poisonous moths, bats, poisonous snakes...

There are also many unnamed Gu insects, which are simply encountered every step of the way. The further you go, the more they become and their strength becomes stronger.

In the middle, they encountered a group of blood bats, all of which were already at the level of fourth-level Gu bats. Moreover, Chen Muyu was a little slow in his attack. The bats sensed the crisis and devoured each other. Two fifth-level Gu bats were actually born.

However, it was only level five, and Chen Muyu accepted it all, and the price was much higher.

For things like Gu, the most direct way to advance is to devour each other. As long as you devour enough of them and survive in the end, you will be the strongest.

After walking nearly 200 meters, Chen Muyu's system account already had more than 2 billion worth of wealth.

It is said that money can make the world go round. As long as there is money to make, it seems that it is not impossible to make Chen Muyu risk his life.

Along the way, many skeletons were found, but they were basically ruled out as Niu Xiaoli’s father.

Gu insects encountered one after another, but none of them saw the mother Gu appear.

Chen Muyu didn't know what the Gu mother looked like, and neither did Niu Xiaoli or Ma Santong.

But when he heard this name, Chen Muyu's mind was always haunted by the disgusting and terrifying scenes of the Zerg mother body in certain movies.


After Chen Muyu dealt with a few Gu snakes, a burst of crying suddenly came from deep in the cave ahead.

It sounded like the cry of a little girl, but in this quiet cave, it seemed particularly scary.

This is Ten Thousand Gu Cave, there can't be anyone there.

Chen Muyu frowned, but still walked cautiously towards the place where the sound came from just now.

After walking only a few dozen meters and arriving at a new cave, Chen Muyu quickly discovered something was wrong.

A figure flashed and quickly rushed towards him.

Chen Muyu didn't say anything, just raised his hand and punched him.


It goes without saying that Chen Muyu's current boxing power is of course unparalleled.

The figure was sent flying backwards. Chen Muyu also took two steps back and touched his hand. It felt as if he had just hit a pile of iron.


The night vision device saw that the figure in front looked like a human figure. It looked very tall, but there was no warmth on the body. The image of the night vision device was not much different from the surrounding environment. Only an outline could be seen.

Is it a person?

Before Chen Muyu could think about it, the figure immediately moved towards Chen Muyu's original position. He moved very quickly and punched Chen Muyu again, and the attack was extremely cruel.


The divine dragon palm struck out.

The man was thrown away again.

Half of his body was embedded in the mountain wall, but he quickly struggled out and walked towards Chen Muyu again like a machine!


Another cry like a little girl came from the deep cave, and the hair on Chen Muyu's back stood up.

As soon as the sound sounded, the cave seemed to explode, and more than ten figures quickly jumped out from several surrounding cave entrances.

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