A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 576 Return to Qingshan!

"Oh?" Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows,

Old Lady Feng said, "This is a very risky behavior. Refining the Gu Mother has not been attempted by anyone before, but without exception, they all died miserably. This Niu Laojiu must have been extremely powerful after breaking through the Golden Pill." He thought he could give it a try, but unexpectedly, he overestimated himself!"

"If you can refine the Gu Mother, you can command thousands of Gu. His calculations are quite loud, but it's a pity that he is not capable enough!" Old Lady Long shook her head, somewhat sarcastically in her words.

"Don't mention what happened before. No matter who Niu Jiugong was before or whether he had any conflicts with you, from now on, he is one of our own!" Chen Muyu said.


The two quickly said yes.

Since he is one of our own, there should be no discord. Anyway, he will work under Chen Muyu from now on. No matter how bad Niu Jiugong is, at least he is absolutely loyal to Chen Muyu.


The next day, when Chen Muyu came to Niu Jiugong's house, Niu Xiaoli and others had already left.

I heard from Gu Zheng that Niu Jiugong woke up several times last night and was in good condition.

It seems that soaking in cat urine last night really worked.

It's been a night, so it's definitely not possible for the light to shine again, and the light to shine again won't last this long.

Niu Xiaoli and the others didn't rest for almost two days. They couldn't hold on any longer, so they left in the morning.

Chen Muyu took a look and saw that the wound was already healing, and the healing speed was very fast. The old man's physique was really good.

"I'm ready to go!"

Coming out of the room, Chen Muyu said to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng raised an eyebrow, "Why do you want to leave now, before Brother Bu wakes up?"

"He's not in serious trouble, what are you waiting for him to do!" Chen Muyu shook his head, "I'm in a hurry at home, I have to go back quickly, I can't delay any longer!"

"I thought people from the Dai family were coming, and you were so scared that you hid!" Gu Zheng said.

Chen Muyu rolled his eyes, "Who is the Dai family? I don't owe him anything, so there is no need to be afraid of him!"

"That's good!"

Guzheng smiled, "Help me take good care of my little apprentice. When Brother Bu recovers better, we will take a trip to Shennong Valley and then return to Xichuan!"

Chen Muyu nodded slightly. The little apprentice Gu Zheng was talking about was of course Huang Xiaoqi. She was Chen Muyu's sister. She didn't need to remind her. Of course she had to take care of her.


On the same day, Chen Muyu left Southern Xinjiang alone, and Ma Santong did not leave. Firstly, the Wushu Association and the Dai family were coming, and he needed to receive them. Secondly, the old man might still be thinking about Niu Xiaoli.

Xichuan, the provincial capital.

There were only ten days left for the engagement party, and Xu Meng happened to be still in the provincial capital. Chen Muyu went to find her first, and the next day they went to the photo studio to get wedding photos, and selected a few to give to the wedding company.

The custom-made wedding dress was ready, so I hurriedly picked it up and took the groomsmen and bridesmaids to try on the dresses.

Really busy enough.

Chen Muyu only found three best men, including Wu Xiaobao, Xiao Tiangui and Shui Ge.

I originally wanted my cousin to take the job, but my second aunt said her son was unreliable and had to change girlfriends frequently, which was annoying, so Brother Shui would be more honest and steady.

For this reason, my cousin is still a little depressed. After all, his cousin is getting engaged, and he can't even be the best man.

Most of the chores are handled by his family, so Chen Muyu will do what he can do.

At the beginning, Chen Muyu didn't actually want to make a big deal. After all, it was just an engagement. But after all, the woman's family was considered prominent in Qingshan County, and there were many guests, many of them with status, so it was really not possible to do it in a simple way. .

In addition, Chen Muyu personally sent the invitation, and his status was even more impressive. Both the man and the woman had to save face.

In terms of money, Chen Muyu is really not bad, no matter what the budget is, he will give him as much as he wants.

Qingshan Hotel, the most upscale hotel in Qingshan City, has been directly booked for those two days. The wedding company was also hired directly from the provincial capital. Hong Ze introduced it and said it was quite reliable.

There were still about ten days left, so Chen Muyu didn't plan to run around, so he just stayed in Qingshan City. Some relatives and friends wanted to come over in advance to play, and they had to be entertained with good food and drinks.

?"Mu Yu, you deceived us so miserably!"

Chen Muyu was wandering around the Thousand Buddhas Scenic Area with a few college classmates. The person he spoke to was a thin and dark young man named Zhang Jun. He was from Yuzhou. He was a good student in the same dormitory back then. He was a promising candidate for the postgraduate entrance examination, but he failed in the end. , returned to Yuzhou, and now I heard that he is working as a safety officer in a construction company in Yuzhou.

There are two tall and one short next to him. The tallest one is called Zhao Liang. He looks a bit handsome, but he doesn't look too smart. We were in the same dormitory when we were in college. He lost the most when playing cards. After graduation, he married a very rich wife. , my family has been demolished again, and I own several properties in Mian City. Now I am raising my children at home full-time.

The other guy was tall, fat, and breathless when he walked. His name was Wang Yi, who slept on the bunk below Chen Muyu. Chen Muyu still remembers that on the first day of college, this guy used a water boiler to boil water in the dormitory. Seize the opportunity to circulate criticism throughout the school.

Not long after, he barbecued pork liver in the dormitory, causing a stink all over the corridor, which attracted the attention of the dormitory manager. He was also notified and became a target of special attention.

Wang Yi is also from Mianshi. Now he seems to have opened his own company, engaged in metal plating. He hasn't had time to get married yet, but his wife is pregnant.

There is one person left who is not much taller than Zhang Jun. His name is Wang Bo. This guy and Zhang Jun are at the opposite extremes. Zhang Jun loves to study, but he is the kind of guy who often skips class and plays games in the dormitory. Yes, copy it during the exam and get a graduation certificate.

But this guy, when he returned to his hometown after graduation, his father directly arranged a job for him and introduced him to a kindergarten teacher. He got married in less than three months.

It has been two years since graduation and my son is almost one year old. He is truly a winner in life.

Although it has only been two years since graduation, everyone's life trajectories are already different. Time is really a wonderful thing.

One thing is true, none of them are in the field. They studied environmental engineering in college, and it seems that only Chen Muyu, a rag collector, can have any influence.

"How to say?"

Zhang Jun suddenly said that he lied to him, which made Chen Muyu a little confused.

Zhang Jundao, "When you were studying, you said your family was a rag collector. You said it yourself, how many meals did you deceive us?"

"Yes, I didn't expect you to hide your secrets. Your family is so rich, and you actually got the daughter of the richest man's family!" Wang Yi said from the side.

This guy is obese and talks a little breathlessly. He is not born obese. I heard that he got sick when he was in junior high school and took too many hormone pills. After that, he became uncontrollably fat.


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