A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 598: Catastrophe! Catastrophe!

Of course, the notice has been sent out. How many people will respond is another matter. After all, these members who join the Wushu Association, especially the small group above the concentration level, have some status in society. , it is impossible for everyone to have time.

Members of the Wushu Association are not employees of the Wushu Association. The Wushu Association only restricts these people and has no mandatory requirements.

Chen Muyu immediately called Ma Santong, but no one answered the call. This happened several times in a row.

Qin Hong also received the message. Chen Muyu asked him, but he didn't know what happened.

Qin Hong tried to contact Lingyun Temple, but he didn't get through at all.

Rush to Jiazhou.

Jiazhou City is not far from Qingshan City, only fifty or sixty miles away. If you go down the Qinglong River, you can get there in half an hour.

It rained heavily on the road. The further we walked towards Jiazhou, the worse the weather conditions became. The rainwater flowed down the car windows and the wipers had no effect.

Chen Muyu didn't let Qin Hong go. Although the old man was still strong, he had old arms and legs. In this weather condition, it was best not to go out.

He only brought Lu Wanli and Mei Renjie with him. Chen Muyu was also worried about any accidents, so he brought two of them just in case.

Because the road conditions were bad, the car drove very slowly. Before we reached the outside of Jiazhou City, the water had covered most of the wheels, making it impossible to enter.

I simply abandoned the car, there was still some distance from Lingyun Mountain, and just flew over.

None of the three dared to fly too high for fear of being struck by lightning.

After all the hard work, it was almost five o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at Lingyun Mountain.

It was dark as night.

Standing on Lingyun Mountain, looking at the mighty waters of the Three Rivers below, the three of them could not help but feel frightened.

The water has reached the Buddha's ankles.

The rain is still scary.

The scenic spot has been closed and has not been open for the past two days.

When we arrived at Lingyun Temple, there was a power outage in the temple. It was powered by a diesel generator and the signal was zero. No wonder Qin Hong couldn't contact the temple.

"Where's Master Laifeng?"

The doorkeeper was still the middle-aged monk, and when he came out to open the door for Chen Muyu, his clothes were already soaked.

Still holding an umbrella.

"Master and several uncles are going to Lingyun Valley!"

The middle-aged monk's voice almost shouted, the sound of the rain was really too loud.

"Where is Lingyun Valley?"

"Back Mountain!"

The middle-aged monk quickly led Chen Muyu and the others to the back of the temple.

Hurry to the back mountain.

No one was seen. Although the Wushu Association issued a notice, not many people could come. After all, in this situation, it is difficult for cars to get in. Not everyone can fly like Chen Muyu and others, and many of them are intentional. Powerless.

When I came to the back mountain, I looked down from the top of the mountain. There was fog blocking the bottom, so I couldn't see clearly. There was a trail next to it that could go down, but the trail was too steep and was full of mud from the heavy rain.

Normally few people would dare to leave, let alone when it rains so heavily now.

The middle-aged monk did not dare to go down, "Master and the others are down there. Donor, the rain is too heavy and it is difficult to walk on this road..."

Before they could finish speaking, they saw that Chen Muyu and the others had already jumped directly.

The middle-aged monk opened his mouth and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

This valley is at least one to two hundred meters high. Even if you are martial arts practitioners with strong martial arts skills, if you fall from such a height, you will die, right?

You came all the way to Lingyun Mountain just to jump off the cliff, why don't you ask Master what they are doing down there?


Lingyun Valley is not big. It is surrounded by steep mountain walls on three sides and rolling rivers on one side. It can be said that it is a completely natural place.

Either cross the water to come in, or come down the road that is not a road on Lingyun Mountain. It is not easy for ordinary people to enter the valley bottom.

The bottom of the valley is only the size of a basketball court, and there are weeds everywhere. The river has overflowed into the valley, and as far as the eye can see, it looks like a swamp.

"Master Lai Feng!"

There was a cave ahead, and Chen Muyu saw a person lying at the entrance of the cave at a glance.

He quickly ran over and turned the man over. It was none other than Laifeng.

He pinched Renzhong to get some of his energy.

When the wind comes, you wake up and turn around.

"Master Laifeng?"

Chen Muyu quickly shook him, "It's me, Chen Muyu!"

"Little benefactor!"

Laifeng seemed to be injured and vomited a mouthful of blood. The blood on his face was quickly washed away by the rain. When he saw clearly that it was Chen Muyu, he quickly reached out and grabbed Chen Muyu's arm, "Quickly, leave here, it will come out." Got it!"


Chen Muyu frowned slightly, "Senior, don't be afraid, I brought two friends here, both masters of the Golden Core Realm..."

At this time, Laifeng seemed to realize that there were two people standing behind Chen Muyu.

Golden elixir realm, two of you?

Laifeng obviously calmed down a little.

"Where are the others?" Chen Muyu asked.

I heard from the middle-aged monk just now that there was more than one person in the valley, but he only saw the coming wind.

It looks like there was a fight here just now.

Laifeng pointed in the direction of the cave ahead.

Chen Muyu looked up and saw that the hole was dark and there were obvious signs of a fight.

Three old monks were found one after another in the grass nearby.

They all still have breath.

After receiving first aid injections, the three of them woke up quickly.

Lai Yun, Lai Yu, and Lai Wu, who are from Lingyun Temple, are not yet at the state of concentration.

Chen Muyu couldn't help but complain, what the name is, these people couldn't be the cause of this rain.

"Is there anyone else?" Chen Muyu asked.

The four shook their heads.

Lai Feng said, "Little donor, go back to the temple first!"


Lingyun Mountain, the Mahavira Palace.

Four old monks were sitting on futons meditating. They all seemed to be seriously injured.

"Master, what is the situation? Can you explain it?" Chen Muyu couldn't help but asked.

He came all the way here without knowing anything about the situation, and even gave him a few potions.

Chen Muyu had just been to Lingyun Temple two days ago, and everything was fine at that time.


Laifeng let out a long breath and looked at Chen Muyu and the others apologetically.

"Doom, catastrophe!"

Laifeng's words almost made Chen Muyu angry.

"It was my lax discipline that caused the disaster. One of my disciples, in order to find the Tianxin Stone, ignored the temple's prohibition and secretly entered the cave in Lingyun Valley..."

"There is a seal under our Lingyun Mountain. Inside is the demon-sealing hell created by Master Haitong more than a thousand years ago..."

"It is said that more than a thousand years ago, water beasts were raging and causing trouble everywhere. Master Haitong suppressed all the captured monsters at the foot of Lingyun Mountain, built a giant Buddha to suppress them, and built Lingyun Temple to use Buddhism to liberate them..."

"My little disciple, not knowing how high the sky is, caused the seal of the Demon Sealing Hell to loosen, and the energy leaked from the forbidden land immediately caused heavy rain..."

"I have pity on my disciple. He knew that he had caused a big disaster, so he used his life to repair the seal..."

"Although we arrived in time, a big monster still ran out..."

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