A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 608: Go to Lingyun Temple again!

"Contradiction? It shouldn't be discussed!"

Chen Muyu paused for a moment and shook his head, "Perhaps there is some connection between our ancestors. Time has passed so long that by my generation, it is difficult to explain clearly the things about our ancestors..."

As he spoke, Chen Muyu took out the bracelet, "Do you know this thing? According to the old man at home, this is a keepsake of the Yao family!"


Dai Junyi took it and looked at it carefully, but didn't see anything special about it. "I really don't know this, but I can show it to Yao Chen. He might be able to recognize it!"

Then he handed the bracelet back to Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu put away the bracelet and nodded slightly. Yao Chen is the spokesperson of the Yao family connecting to the secular world. Although he is only a side branch, his position should be very important. He may know something.

After we get back, let's see how Mr. Ba recovers and ask him again. Maybe he has something he hasn't revealed.

After all, this bracelet was passed down by Master Eight to his third uncle. The third uncle was afraid of trouble, so he gave it to Chen Muyu.

When the Eighth Master gave it to the Third Uncle, he did not tell any information about the bracelet. He only said that it was the inheritance of the Chen family, but the specific inheritance method, maybe the Eighth Master himself could not tell clearly.

But no matter what, Chen Muyu is still very curious about this period of history.

What is the relationship between the ancestors of the Chen family and the ancestors of the Yao family? Does the Yao family owe the Chen family a lot of money?

The big dream of the Spring and Autumn Period needs to be done. What if it comes true?

Of course, it would be best to investigate this matter clearly before making any mistakes. Wouldn't it be embarrassing?


After chatting with Dai Junyi for more than half an hour, Chen Muyu did not keep him in Xichuan, but let him return to the capital.

The immortal-killing gourd was also given to him, otherwise Dai Junyi would not be able to pay the job when he returned. He was in charge of the martial arts treasury in the Dai family, and the spiritual stones and martial arts treasures were all under his management. If Chen Muyu wanted to use them in the future, Dai Junyi could find an excuse to take them out at any time.

It's just that he has to let him pass this hurdle now.

Besides, this Immortal Killing Gourd consumes too much, and Chen Muyu cannot use it.

This thing is very powerful, but it also requires powerful energy. The reason why it was able to emit such terrifying power last time was because Gu Zheng and Bu Qingyun were there, and everyone tried their best.

If Chen Muyu really wants to use it alone, it is not certain whether this gourd can kill the golden elixir in the early stage.

It is tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away.


Qingshan City.

After the heavy rain, it has been sunny for the past few days, and the temperature has risen rapidly, entering the summer weather.

The weather was calm and the ink dragon never showed up again.

The Wushu Association has not given up the search, but its intensity is much smaller than before.

At Qingshan City No. 1 Hospital, Ba Ye has woken up and is recovering well.

A whole family came to pick him up from the hospital.

Chen Muyu used the cultivation aid to repair his body. The hidden disease in his heart has also been eliminated. He has become much healthier. His white hair is gone, there are fewer wrinkles, and he doesn't stagger as much when he walks.

In his seventies, he looked like he was in his fifties. He didn't have anyone to support him. When he walked out of the hospital, he felt like he had ushered in a new life.

Uncle Jianwen and Aunt Jianwen followed behind, looking very serious. Mainly, the Third Master and the Ninth Master were also here. They were a little scared. The Third Master and the Ninth Master ordered them to order that night, and they are still scared to this day.

"Xiaoyu, your Third Master has told me that if it weren't for you this time, I would have lost my life!"

In the car, Chen Guanyue held Chen Muyu's hand and was very emotional.

He has experienced life and death twice in his life. Fortunately, he met noble people both times. It was a blessing in disguise and he survived the crisis. He didn't know how many good things he had done in his previous life.

"Third Master, the whole family doesn't have to be so polite!" Chen Muyu shook his head.

Chen Guanyue shook his head, "It's really dragging you down by asking you to spend all your energy healing me!"

"Stop being pretentious here, it's good for people to live, everything else is empty!" Qin Hong said.

Chen Guanyue nodded and pondered for a moment, "I want to go to Lingyun Temple to fulfill my wish. Master Wuchen saved me back then. Due to emotions and reasons, I should go kowtow to others and burn incense!"

"If you are in good health, you can go if you want. I can't accompany you. I still have a business to discuss in the next two days!" Qin Hong said.

Now that Chen Guanyue has recovered, Qin Hong has nothing to worry about. His heart is settled and there is no need to follow him all the time.

"Well, Xiaoyu should be fine, will you accompany me to Jiazhou tomorrow?" Chen Guanyue patted the back of Chen Muyu's hand.

Chen Muyu hesitated for a moment and nodded. He wanted to know more about the Yao family's affairs with Chen Guanyue.


The next day, it was a bright sun again.

Uncle Jianwen and Aunt Jianwen said they were busy with business and were in a hurry to return to Binhai. Chen Guanyue did not go with them, but chose to stay at Qin Hong's place and prepare to have fun for a while.

I get homesick as I get older, and Chen Guanyue is definitely not willing to leave just how long she has been back.

The old man has just recovered from a serious illness. Uncle Jianwen did not force him. He only said that the old man would come back to pick him up after a while. As for Aunt Jianwen, she almost laughed when she heard that the old man would not go back.

Early in the morning, Chen Muyu drove to pick up Chen Guanyue.

Because he was going to Lingyun Temple to fulfill his vow, Ba Ye specially changed into simple clothes, took a shower early in the morning, and looked after himself.

The old man is actually quite handsome. After all, with the Chen family's genes here, he can't be much worse.

Qin Hong went to work, and before leaving, he handed Chen Guanshan to Chen Muyu, leaving Chen Muyu speechless.

This Master Jiu is really hard to coax.

As for Uncle Jianwen and Aunt Jianwen, they left early in the morning. There is a high-speed rail from the city directly to the provincial capital, which is more convenient than driving.


Jiazhou, Lingyun Mountain.

The floods have receded and the Lingyun Mountain Scenic Area has reopened.

The hidden danger at the bottom of the mountain should have been resolved. I heard that experts from the Wushu Association Headquarters were sent here to solve the seal problem. The seal at the bottom of the mountain has been strengthened and there will be no more problems.

The Wushu Association also left an expert squatting at Lingyun Temple, saying that it would have to be monitored for a while, just in case.

There were many tourists and the sun was bright. The three of them were holding parasols and lined up on the mountain road to go up.

Chen Guanyue was sweating profusely, saying that her morning shower was in vain.

From after ten o'clock in the morning, we waited until twelve o'clock at noon, and finally we went up the mountain.

Fortunately, most people came to see the Big Buddha, and there were much fewer people on the way to Lingyun Temple.

Chen Muyu had already been here twice, so he was no stranger to it. The three of them arrived at Lingyun Temple, and the gatekeeper was still the middle-aged monk they had seen before.

They were already familiar with each other. Chen Muyu explained his purpose of coming. Without saying anything, the middle-aged monk took the three of them directly to the backyard to meet Laifeng.

The backyard is the Zen room, where the monks live in the temple, so it is not open to the public like other places.

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