A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 648: Entering the Treasure Pavilion!

You know it when you see it, how about a little surprise with me?

The two came to Chaoyang Peak, where Yao Fengyou was guarding. The two led Chen Muyu into the bedroom. What they saw in front of them shocked Chen Muyu.

Yao Fenggu was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his breath was like a thread.

The person who smells of alcohol all the way around is dizzy.

"What do you mean?"

Chen Muyu walked over and checked Yao Fenggu's condition. Not only was the old man drunk, but he was also seriously injured, with only half a life left.

Yao Fengchen briefly told Chen Muyu what happened.

Chen Muyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this. Yao Fenggu originally thought he was the ultimate boss, but he didn't expect that he was such a bad guy. He had a good hand of cards beaten to pieces by him, so he gave it away like this.

The internal injuries on his body were caused by Yao Fengchen and Yao Fengyou. They were afraid that Yao Fenggu would not be able to deal with it after he woke up, so they beat him to death first, so that at least he would still be under control by then.

"Well done!"

Chen Muyu praised him sincerely. With two subordinates who didn't even know their relatives, why worry about a big thing happening?

Save yourself the trouble of doing it yourself.

He quickly pulled out the system and bought Yao Fenggu's loyalty.

Wealth value -200 million!

Two hundred million, in exchange for a strong man in the late stage of the Golden Core Realm, this deal is definitely a profitable one.

The Yao family has a great business, so healing is not a problem at all. After Chen Muyu has dealt with it, the rest will be left to Yao Fengchen and the others to deal with the aftermath.

After coming down from Chaoyang Peak, Chen Muyu was in a happy mood.

Three of the five elders of the Yao family have now been admitted. Among them, Yao Fenggu, the third most difficult to deal with, has also been naturalized. The remaining two are actually not important anymore.

It can be said that the actual power of the Yao family is now completely in the hands of Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu himself did not expect that this trip to the Yao family's holy realm could lead to such a situation.

In fact, if the Yao family could be more particular and directly return the relics of their ancestors, then the Yao family would still be the Yao family, and they would not be like now, becoming Chen Muyu's Yao family.

Five days later.

In the past few days, Chen Muyu spent most of his time practicing and trying to communicate with the mountain spirit, but the mountain spirit never responded to him.

After the catastrophe, it has been wrapped in a ball of purple energy, as if it has become a cocoon.

To contact it, I have to wait until it breaks out of its cocoon.

The main peak is Shaoyang Hall.

The five elders gathered together, and Yao Jiannan, the contemporary patriarch, was also there.

However, when the five elders talked about things, Yao Jiannan could only stand aside and listen.

"Why did third brother suddenly change his gender?"

Yao Fengming looked at his third brother and recalled that five days ago, on Chaoyang Peak, Yao Fenggu almost had sex with Yao Fengchen. It had only been a few days, so why did the two of them get together?

Everyone in the Yao family knew that the two ancestors, Yao Fenggu and Yao Fengchen, could not deal with each other. They disliked each other and had always been at odds with each other.

Yao Fenggu's change really surprised them.

Today, not only did they sit together harmoniously with Yao Fengchen, but they also took the initiative to ask them to hand over the seal to Yao Fengchen.

A few days ago, Yao Fenggu also said that he wanted them to give all the seals to him and let him keep them for safekeeping, but not to Yao Fengchen.

These two brothers really have a bit of a dog-meet-sheep relationship.

"Don't mention the past anymore. We are two brothers in one generation. There are only five of us left in our generation. If we don't unite and set an example for the younger generations, it will be a joke!" Yao Fenggu sighed. tone.

It seems quite sincere.

Yao Fengchen also said, "We are all close relatives of flesh and blood. How can we have any overnight feud? We are both over a hundred years old, so why bother with each other..."

Yao Fengqin and Yao Fengming looked stunned. Is this still the boss? Is this still the third child?

Yao Fengyou laughed beside him, "This is really great. Big brother and third brother, you don't know how uncomfortable it has been for us to be sandwiched between you all these years. Now it's fine. You shake hands and make peace. We are all happy. !”

Upon hearing this, Yao Fengqin and Yao Fengming also showed smiles on their faces. No matter why these two people suddenly thought about it, it was a good thing worth celebrating for them.

"Back to business!"

Yao Fenggu coughed lightly, "The ninth floor of the Treasure Pavilion has not been opened for many years. Since the boss wants to use the seal, there must be his reasons, and we have no reason to refuse..."

With that said, Yao Fenggu took out his two seals and placed them on the small table next to them.

Two small jade tokens, about the size of a thumb, were carved from sapphire and engraved with some unknown runes.

Immediately afterwards, Yao Fengyou also took out two of his coins.

This attitude has shown everything.

The third child has nothing to say, the fourth child and the ninth child, you won’t object, right?

They had met earlier and Yao Fengchen mentioned this matter. Everyone else agreed, but of course Yao Fenggu disagreed.

Now, both Yao Fengqin and Yao Fengming have no reason to refuse.

Immediately took out their respective seals.

Yao Fengqin said, "Brother, the Treasure Pavilion is the foundation of our Yao family, and the treasures inside are extremely important..."

Among the few people, Yao Fengqin is still very cautious.

Yao Fengchen said, "Of course I know this. I asked you to get the seal just because an old friend recently came to us with a token of our Yao family and wanted to get back the relics of our ancestors. We have no reason not to give them to them, so …”


The two looked at each other. They had heard about this in the past few days.

"That boy who claims to be a descendant of the Chen family? Brother, are you really going to return the things to him?" Yao Fengming was stunned for a moment.

Yao Fengchen nodded, "They have valid reasons and reasonable demands. If we don't give them to them, wouldn't we be stabbed in our spines?"

Yao Fengming said calmly, "The Treasure Pavilion has always been accessible and non-exitable. Even if it has to be exited, it can only be accessed by our Yao family. It seems that our ancestors do not have this tradition when it comes to returning the treasure!"

You really have the nerve to say it.

"This tradition didn't exist before, but that doesn't mean it won't exist in the future. From now on, doesn't it exist?"

Yao Fengchen waved his hand, "In the past, our Yao family kept a low profile and accumulated strength, and did not value reputation. But it is different now. The Yao family has become stronger. At this time, reputation is very important to us..."

There seems to be some truth in what he said.

Yao Fengming and Yao Fengqin looked at each other and had nothing to say.

With all the seals in hand, I can take a day trip to the Treasure Pavilion.

That afternoon, Yao Fengchen personally took Chen Muyu into the Yao family's treasure pavilion.

This treasure pavilion was built by Yao Guangxiao, the ancestor of the Yao family. Each floor has a barrier. To enter, you must have a seal to open the door. Otherwise, no matter how strong you are, it will be in vain.

The prime minister in black back then was such an arrogant figure. The barrier he left behind is still indestructible even after hundreds of years!

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