Chen Muyu held the pill under his tongue. It was astringent and had a strange smell, as if there was a cool and faint air flowing straight into Tianling Gai.

Apart from anything else, I feel so refreshed. Even the smell coming from the entrance of the cave seems to be gone.

The soil in front of the cave entrance is soft, and you can see a series of footprints going in. Although I don't know if they are from Ma Santong, the footprints are very fresh and are obviously left by people.

"You stay outside and I'll go in by myself!"

In any case, let's go in and take a look. Chen Muyu doesn't want to bring Liu Miaoxue with him as a burden.

Liu Miaoxue didn't even know that she had become a burden, "Can you do it on your own?"

"Aren't they just a bunch of yellow men? What's the big deal? Just stay here and watch. Maybe the couple will show up!" Chen Muyu said.

Liu Miaoxue nodded, "Then be careful!"

Chen Muyu didn't say anything and walked directly into the cave.

When I entered the cave, it was completely dark. I quickly put on my infrared night vision goggles. The entrance to the cave was quite large and deep.

After walking thirty or fifty meters inside, a huge space suddenly opened up. In front of the cave entrance was a cliff. A huge skeleton left by an unknown animal lay just across the space. A long spine emerged from the entrance of the cave. It extends all the way down, just forming a passage.

This place wasn't the habitat of dinosaurs before, right?

Chen Muyu looked at everything in front of him in surprise. With such a big skeleton, what kind of dinosaur could be so big?

Following the skeleton, Chen Muyu walked slowly down, and when he reached the bottom of the cave below, Chen Muyu was even more shocked.

This skeleton is really too big. The exposed height alone is probably more than thirty meters, and the length must be sixty or seventy meters, but I can't tell what kind of creature it is.

In the field of view of the night vision device, there were red star dots all around, and small shadows quickly jumped out from all directions, rustling and chirping.

Weasels, all weasels.

On the skeleton and on the cave wall, in just a moment, thousands of them gathered, densely packed. The scene was very shocking, and the sound gave people a headache.

The irritating smell that hit his nose almost made Chen Muyu dizzy. Even if he held the pills given by Liu Miaoxue in his mouth, it was still nauseating.

One by one, they bared their teeth and claws at Chen Muyu, as if they were meeting the enemy who killed his father. Some even urinate on Chen Muyu's skeleton and pull Oli to him!

"your mom!"

Can this be tolerated?

Chen Muyu immediately pulled out the Dragon-Slaying Sword, let out a cry, used up his internal strength, and slashed with the sword.


I don’t know how many people were killed by this sword, but all I saw was blood.

I don't know if it was Chen Muyu's aura that shocked them, or the natural pressure of the dragon-slaying sword. After the sword was struck, the surroundings instantly became quiet.

The group of weasels fled in all directions, and within a few breaths, they disappeared, leaving only the corpses of dozens of weasels.

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, does it think I'm a sick cat?

Chen Muyu spat. The stench around him was so overwhelming. These little things were so disgusting.

Follow the skeleton and go deep towards the end of the skeleton. The skeleton of this giant beast has just received the sword energy of the Dragon Slayer Sword, but it was not damaged. It was slashed with the sword blade, but only a shallow mark was left. This The quality is comparable to that of a magic weapon.

Chen Muyu couldn't help but be a little shocked. What kind of existence left this skeleton? It couldn't be any dinosaur fossil.

At this time, Chen Muyu didn't have time to think about recycling the skeleton, so he had to find Ma Santong quickly before he woke up.

The tailbone of the skeleton went deep into a deep hole, and after walking a few dozen meters in, another large cave suddenly opened up.

The top of the cave is covered with vines, and there is a mounded platform in the middle. On the platform lies an old man, disheveled, holding a wooden stake, kissing and kissing, I don't know what he is doing!

Next to them, stood six weasels, obviously larger in size, and their hair was a little gray with age.

Six weasels surrounded Ma Santong, standing on their hind legs like little people, holding their front paws together, burying their heads, and chirping in their mouths, as if they were chanting something.

It’s so evil!

"Old horse!"

Chen Muyu shouted, raised his sword and rushed over.

Suddenly, a large vine rushed towards Chen Muyu, like countless long snakes with a sense of life.

Chen Muyu spat, raised his sword and slashed, the sword energy swayed out, and large pieces of vines were broken off. However, these things seemed to be able to grow infinitely, and like the tide, they kept coming, almost pushing Chen Muyu out of the hole.


Chen Muyu cursed, pulled out the Zhuge Liannu, and fired an arrow forward.


The terrifying impact directly shattered the vines in front of him, clearing the space instantly.

Chen Muyu took the opportunity to approach the table, raised his sword and slashed at the weasel on the table.

"Chi chi chi..."

A large number of weasels surged out from all around, rushing towards Chen Muyu overwhelmingly, bravely blocking the sword for the white-haired weasels.

Blood spilled on the earthen platform. Chen Muyu slashed from left to right, but he didn't know how many he killed.

The dignified dragon-slaying sword is actually overkill for cutting these evil things.

These things are evil, but there is no way they can stop Chen Muyu.

In a moment, Chen Muyu had arrived on the mound. Of the five white-haired weasels, two were hacked to death by Chen Muyu, and two were kicked to death. Another one rushed towards them without fear of death and was slapped to death by Chen Muyu.

The scene was so bloody!

"Get out of here!"

Chen Muyu thrust the dragon-slaying sword into the ground, used up his internal strength, and roared loudly.

The group of weasels seemed to be shocked again, and they retreated one after another, spreading a circle around Chen Muyu, but did not retreat.

"Xiao Li, Kang is busy..."

"Treat me hard..."

Ma Santong is still hugging the wooden stake, lingering there. This old guy is still thinking about Niu Xiaoli even in his dreams.

The look was really unbearable. Chen Muyu grabbed him and slapped him with his hand, "Old Ma, wake up!"

The slap was loud, but it had no effect. Ma Santong still looked confused and immersed in hallucinations. He wanted to hug Chen Muyu and pouted to kiss him.

Disgusting as hell.

Chen Muyu didn't bother to care anymore, so he carried him on his back and left the cave first.


At this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently, and the soil and stones above the cave wall fell and collapsed.

Chen Muyu was almost unsteady on his feet.

A stone hit Ma Santong on the head, and the man fainted. Chen Muyu also had a hard time, and received several blows on his body.


Is this hole going to collapse?

As soon as Chen Muyu had this thought, he heard a loud roar and the cave wall above him instantly collapsed.

At this moment, he finally understood that these little things were using the horse tee as bait and wanted to bury themselves alive here!

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