A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 700: Good luck to you!

"Liu Changqing?"

Bai Zhan said with a dark face, "Aren't you dead?"

"Who told you, aren't your father and I alive and well?" Bald Head smiled lightly, "We haven't seen you for so many years, are you still satisfied with the little gift I gave you, your father?"

Bai Zhan didn't react at first, but when he saw the bowl in front of him, his face turned green.

"That's right, this is the smell!"

Gou Sheng was sniffing hard just now. He didn't know what he was intoxicated about. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he pointed at the bald head in front of him, "I can guarantee that this guy did it!"

The faces of all the monsters are ashen. What the hell are you doing? It would be great if everyone knew it. Do you have to be so straightforward about wearing it? Didn't you notice that the elder brother's face looked ugly? This man has made it clear that he is not someone to be trifled with.

Gou Sheng also felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere. He looked around and quickly retracted his neck.

"When did it happen?" Bai Zhan asked.

The bald man smiled and said, "I came to your place last night, but unfortunately you are too alert. I passed by your door and you didn't even notice me!"


Bai Zhan snorted coldly, "Where's the fairy dew?"

The bald man shrugged, "Drink it. I filtered it. It doesn't taste very good. I'll give you the whole urine..."

I go……

All the monsters cursed in their hearts.

"This is the fairy dew given by the fairy world..."

"No matter where he gave it, if it tastes bad, it tastes bad. Can't we still say that it tastes bad?"

"This is a felony!"

"Crime? What crime? You have the ability to let them come down to get me!"

The two of them started talking to each other and started bickering.

Bai Zhan's face was bruised and bruised, and he obviously knew it was unrealistic.

"Liu Changqing, I almost didn't recognize you after you changed your skin. However, no matter how good your skin is, it can't cover up your meanness..." Bai Zhan looked at the bald head with disdain, "You are really good now." What a tragedy, I'm in a good mood today and I won't argue with you, so get out now..."

"Hey, what do you mean?"

The bald man chuckled softly, "No one with the surname Yao could kill me back then. Lao Bai, it's not that I look down on you. Not to mention that you are only in the Nascent Soul realm. Even if you enter the Transformation God realm, there's nothing I can do about it. At worst, I'll change it again." It’s just a physical body, for me, isn’t this as simple as changing clothes?”

Bai Zhan's face is green.

"It's you, don't you hate humans the most? Why are you hanging out with humans now?" When the bald man said this, he sneered and looked sideways in the direction of Chen Muyu.

Is this guy trying to start a fight?

Bai Zhan frowned slightly when he heard this.

Chen Muyu said, "Should I call you Peanut, or should I call you Liu Jing?"

Yo, still an old acquaintance?

When Bai Zhan heard this, he looked at the two people in front of him a little strangely. Chen Muyu could actually name this person's identity at a glance. It was obvious that the two had dealt with each other before.

"Why, from your tone, do you look down on Liu Jing?" The bald man raised his eyebrows and looked at Chen Muyu provocatively, "Look down on us monsters?"

This guy is really good at bullshitting!

Chen Muyu waved his hand, "If I looked down on monsters, I wouldn't come here to attend this banquet. I just look down on you!"

From the moment this guy appeared, Chen Muyu felt that something was wrong. Recalling the strange behavior at the airport that day, after thinking about it for a while, he already understood something.

This person is definitely not Peanut, Peanut is such an honest person.

Chen Muyu only thought that the willow demon had escaped that day, but he never thought that he was actually hiding in Peanut's body.

Precisely because Chen Muyu didn't think about it at all, Liu Yao was able to escape from death.

Needless to say, this guy followed Peanut back to the Vajra Temple, and Peanut might have been taken away by him.

Liu Yao sneered, "Boy, what happened last time was your good luck, but this time you actually let me happen to you..."

"What? With your little ability, you still want to take advantage of me? Didn't you teach me enough last time?"

Chen Muyu interrupted him directly, "Liu, if you know what's going on, come out of Peanut's body, otherwise, haha, I won't be able to control you!"

"Ha ha!"

Liu Yao laughed loudly, "It's true that the dragon was tricked by the shrimp in the shallows, the tiger was bullied by the dog, and the battle was in vain. How many people dared to act like that in our time, let alone seven hundred years ago? Like this kid, saying such things in front of me?"

When Bai Zhan heard this, he chuckled, "Should I say it or not, there are quite a lot. Didn't that guy named Yao suppress you for seven hundred years?"

The words are full of humiliation.

Liu Changqing's face was bruised and bruised, "It doesn't matter if he presses me for seven hundred years, he still can't kill me?"


Chen Muyu smiled, "It's ridiculous for you to say that Yao Guangxiao can't be killed. Just because he didn't kill you, it doesn't mean that he can't kill you!"


Liu Changqing lost his composure when it came to matters involving dignity.

"You do not believe?"

The corners of Chen Muyu's mouth curved slightly, "I have something here that Yao Guangxiao left behind for you. If you don't believe it, come out of this little monk's body. Do you think I can kill you?"

Liu Changqing is also an old demon who has been around for thousands of years. How could he not know what Chen Muyu is thinking.

"It's no use trying to provoke me."

Liu Changqing shook his head, "Although this physical body is a bit weaker, it is still young and has good potential. I am quite satisfied. If you want to destroy me, you can destroy this physical body first. Of course, the premise is that you have the patience to do so. …”

"Little friend, stop arguing with this guy. This guy was already a famous scum in the demon world seven hundred years ago. Comparing your skills with him is a complete waste of saliva!"

At this time, Bai Zhan interrupted Chen Muyu's words, and then looked at Liu Changqing, "Liu, you came to me so confidently, are you just trying to feed us a bunch of people a bowl of urine?"

"Ha ha!"

Liu Changqing smiled, "You are still smart. Who would have thought that a little demon who couldn't even compare to my little brother could pick up such a huge temper? Changbai Mountain Tianmen Guardsman, a ginseng essence, just broke through the Nascent Soul At this level, seven hundred years ago, I’m afraid it would have become a laughing stock in the cultivation world, right?”

The ridicule in his words made several Bai Zhan fans next to him filled with indignation, but at this time, no one spoke at all, for fear that the bald man in front of him might be some unknown power.

Bai Zhan was not angry, "You also said that that was seven hundred years ago, and now it is seven hundred years later. You are like a pitiful ant in front of me!"

Liu Changqing shook his head, "Bai Zhan, I'm here today not to talk nonsense to you, but to give you good fortune!"

"Oh?" Bai Zhan raised his eyebrows.

Liu Changqing smiled calmly, "You know why it took you five hundred years of practice to become wise, and thousands of years of practice to achieve what you are today, while human monks have grown from scratch, no matter how talented they are, at your age, I'm afraid they would have been long gone The immortal has ascended..."

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