A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 71: Everyone is gone!

The car overturned into the reservoir?

Hearing this, several people were startled and hurriedly left the ancestral hall and ran towards the reservoir.

This is what people who work on construction sites fear the most. If someone loses their life, it would be a big deal.

Ganquan Reservoir.

There is a weir at the entrance of Ganquan Village. The locals call it Meier Weir. It is a tributary formed by the Qinglong River bursting its banks many years ago. It is more than 20 kilometers long. Finally, Feishadu and Qinglong are connected downstream. The rivers merge.

A few years ago, Meieryan built a reservoir to divert water to the village to prevent dry weather from affecting the village's crop harvest. In addition, the village also made full use of its resources. Everyone jointly raised some fish in the reservoir and put them into use at the end of the year. After the fish is sold, the villagers share the dividends.

Although the dividend is not large, after all, there are many monks and few people, but for the villagers, this can be regarded as an unexpected income, and everyone is very supportive.

Meieryan Reservoir has a radius of several miles and is not particularly large. After all, Xichuan is mostly mountainous and has limited geographical conditions.

The road in and out of the village is right next to Meieryan. There is no guardrail next to it, and the road is from a few years ago. It is only 3 meters long and has not had time to be widened. There is also a big bend, so this section of the road is quite dangerous. It is easy to shoot into the reservoir accidentally.

Although there is a sign posted next to it, cars still get into accidents here every year.

Especially in summer, there are countless people bathing in the water. Since the establishment of this Meier Weir, countless accidents have occurred.

When a few people arrived at the reservoir, there were already many people piled up beside the reservoir and it was very lively.

"how is it going?"

Wang Jianhong pushed her way through the crowd and shouted anxiously.

There was a brake mark on the road, which is where the car entered the water. However, the water in the reservoir was green and there was no sign of the car.

It must have sunk to the bottom obviously, the water in this reservoir is deep enough.

There was a shirtless man splashing in the water, holding a man in a black T-shirt in his arms. The man had obviously lost consciousness, but he didn't know if he was still alive.

I heard that the person who fell in was a car from outside the village.

Chen Jianli breathed a sigh of relief. The car was not brought by him.

I was really shocked. The person who just reported the news didn't explain clearly. He didn't know how he got here just now. His head was still buzzing until just now.

The man who rescued people was obviously exhausted and could no longer swim, but he was still thirty or forty meters away from the shore.

There were several villagers nearby who quickly took off their clothes to go down to help. Some of them couldn't swim. They found bamboo poles and stretched them into the water. However, the bamboo poles were not that long, and they were completely out of reach.


At this moment, everyone heard a low shout and saw a figure rushing over from the road next to him. He jumped at the edge of the reservoir, made an arc in the air with a biu sound, and fell into the water with a bang.

This jump, plus the distance from the ground and water surface, shot out at least ten meters!

Where did this tough guy come from?

It wasn't until the man entered the water that the surrounding villagers saw clearly that it was a man, a strong man.

"Xiaoyu, be careful!"

Chen Jianli was also stunned for a moment. Wasn't that person Chen Muyu? He was standing next to him just now, and in just a moment, he fell directly into the water.

Chen Muyu is relatively good at water. After all, he grew up by the Qinglong River. Chen Jianli was not worried, but he still gave him a reminder.

I saw Chen Muyu's continuous dog-pawing, causing large splashes of water. He was as fast as a fish. In a few breaths, he arrived in front of the big man who was rescuing people.

"Are you okay?"

Holding up the drowning man, Chen Muyu asked the big man next to him.

The big man shook his head, he was too tired to speak!

Just now, he dived into the water to save people, which really consumed too much energy. Chen Muyu's arrival relieved him of the burden, which made it much easier.

Dragging the drowning man to swim to the shore, Chen Muyu's current physical strength is not comparable to that in the past. In the past, he could rely on dog paddles to fight back and forth in the Qinglong River. Now his physical fitness is far better than before. Although he is dragging a person to swim, It's not very convenient, but it doesn't take much effort.

Soon, several villagers from behind also swam over. They supported the young man who fell into the water and swam to the shore together.

"You still have energy!" a villager shouted.

The villagers watching on the shore applauded one after another, and some even picked up their mobile phones to take videos.

"My nephew, that's my nephew!"

Chen Jianli smiled happily and narrowed his eyes, as if he was the one rescuing people in the water.

In the water, less than five meters from the shore, the water is not very deep anymore.


At this moment, Chen Muyu suddenly felt as if his foot was hit by something.

At first, he didn't pay attention, thinking that someone behind him accidentally bumped into him, or maybe it was a fish in the water.


However, at this moment, Chen Muyu suddenly felt that his right foot was wrapped in a warm thing, and he suddenly woke up.

I kicked it off with my left foot but couldn't push it off.

"Ouch, what a fool!"

Just when he was confused, a huge force suddenly came from him. Chen Muyu had no time to react and was pulled out of the water almost instantly.

Everyone on the shore noticed something was wrong, but it was too late. They all looked shocked when they saw Chen Muyu suddenly disappearing.


Chen Jianli was also startled and shouted quickly.

The water surface was thrashing violently, and there was no movement for a moment.

Several surrounding villagers who had gone into the water had been confused for several years. They didn't know who on the shore screamed that there was a monster in the water. Everyone was frightened and hurriedly pushed the drowning man to the shore.

There were ripples on the water, and it was eerily quiet!

At this moment, Chen Jianli felt that his whole body was numb. In front of him, what if Chen Muyu was good or bad?

After realizing it, without even taking off his clothes, Chen Jianli plunged in and looked for the place where Chen Muyu disappeared just now.

Most of the people on the shore were frightened. They clearly saw a black shadow flashing under the water just now, and almost their first reaction was a water monster.

Is there a water monster in Meieryan?

In fact, there are indeed rumors about this matter. It was very popular in the past few years. Some people witnessed it, and some people who went into the water experienced it personally. It spread to people with noses and eyes. It even appeared on the city's news, and several waves of experts came to investigate. , but in the end there was no result, and it was settled in the end.

What age is this, and there are still water monsters? I'm not afraid of being laughed at if I speak out.

But now that this happened, many people saw the black shadow, thought of the legend in the village, and immediately connected it with the water monster.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu..."

Chen Jianli was like crazy, piercing the water one after another, trying to find Chen Muyu, but where could he find him?


ps: Thank you to the book friend "2019 Yuanzhixing" for the 200-coin reward, thank you to the book friend "Why Does My Tooth Hurt" for the 200-coin reward, and thank the book friend "Huayue Jiuli" for the reward!

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