A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 753: Killed with one thunder!

"Don't worry, I will never hurt you!" Zhu Wei'an replied immediately.

Several others nearby also agreed.

I'm afraid they thought Chen Muyu was a fool, right?

"You must keep your word!"

Chen Muyu said seriously, but he had already taken out the box given by Ma Santong.

Whether the new weapons of the Academy of Military Arts are strong or not, you have to try them to find out.

The two pills were just right, so I gave one to Bai Qiuniang.

The grenade is in my hand,

"It's true, it's true, it's true!"

"Hurry up and remove the seal on the door!"

Several monsters inside were already a little impatient.

Chen Muyu walked to the door and said, "Brothers, don't worry. I'll let you out right now. Please stand back. This seal will explode in a moment. It's very powerful and I'm afraid it will hurt you..."

There were footsteps soon inside the door.

Chen Muyu winked at Bai Qiuniang.

Bai Qiuniang nodded, followed Chen Muyu forward, took a fingerprint, and tapped it on the door.

The seal on the door receded like a film of water. With quick eyes and quick hands, Chen Muyu pushed the door open, pulled the grenade, and threw it in.


Exploded instantly.

Because it was a closed space, the sound was extremely loud.

A stream of white mist poured out from the crack in the door, and Chen Muyu and Bai Qiuniang quickly retreated into the courtyard.

There were a few exclamations and coughs from inside the door, but soon there was no movement.

After about five or six minutes, the white mist dissipated, and Chen Muyu and Bai Qiuniang walked into the Hidden Dragon Cave.

The cave is really stinky and slutty. These monsters have been locked up here for several days, and they are as stinky and slutty as they want.

There was a big wild boar lying at the door, a white crane with messy feathers next to it, a wild dog, a wild duck, a fox, a grizzly bear, an old stork, and a hare.

They are all surprisingly large.

Everyone was lying on the ground, sleeping soundly, all of them showing their true colors.

This thing developed by the Academy of Military Science is really amazing.

There were so many golden elixir realm monsters that could be dealt with with just one grenade, and its power was too terrifying.

He stepped forward and kicked them twice, and everyone fell into a deep sleep.


The smell was still a bit pungent, so Chen Muyu covered his nose and walked out, "You can handle these guys as you watch!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Bai Qiuniang didn't care about the smell and didn't follow Chen Muyu out, but when Chen Muyu came out, he clearly saw her taking out a knife.

Front hall.

Chen Muyu sat in the hall and drank tea for a while.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, these monsters were really too cruel. I'm afraid Bai Zhan never imagined that he would end up like this in the end.

When Chen Muyu met Zhu Wei'an and the others before, he felt that although these guys were a bit rude, they were at least quite loyal.

I never thought that these guys could do such a thing.

It's also ridiculous. There are no legal checks and balances in the demon world, so what's the use of loyalty?

Talk about loyalty to a group of monsters who have not received civilized education. I'm afraid they are thinking about how to eat you all the time!

This incident also reminded Chen Muyu that the rivers and lakes are so dangerous. When walking in the rivers and lakes, you should be more careful and don't talk about brotherly loyalty.


Half an hour later, Bai Qiuniang came back.

Chen Muyu didn't ask her how she handled it. The row of heads placed in front of Bai Zhanling said everything.

Disloyalty indeed deserves death.

There's nothing to pity these guys.

Bai Qiuniang must be in a complicated mood now, and Chen Muyu didn't bother her. After all, she had been with her for thousands of years, and then disappeared all of a sudden. The feeling was incomprehensible to ordinary people.

Early the next morning, Bai Qiuniang came to see Chen Muyu, and her mood was much calmer. Chen Muyu did not take the initiative to mention Bai Zhan.

He just told Bai Qiuniang what happened in the fairy world, and he had no choice but to accept the token as its owner.

Of course Bai Qiuniang can understand, and now that Bai Zhan is dead, there is no point in returning the Heavenly General's token.

"Qiuniang, I want to ask you something!" Chen Muyu and Bai Qiuniang were sitting opposite each other in the front hall of the dormitory.

"Master, tell me!" Bai Qiuniang was still a little distracted.

Chen Muyu asked, "Did a group of people go up the mountain a few days ago? The leader was an old man who looked to be in his seventies or eighties. He was a very dignified man named Li Changqing. Have you seen it?"

Bai Qiuniang thought for a while after hearing this, "On the day you came down from the mountain, there was such a person who came to hang out by Tianchi, but I ignored him, and then he left with his people..."


Chen Muyu frowned slightly when he heard this, "He's not in the Tianchi Secret Realm?"

Bai Qiuniang shook her head.

Chen Muyu's eyebrows were twisted together. If they weren't in the Tianchi Secret Realm, where would they be?

Bai Qiuniang would never deceive Chen Muyu. Since she said she wasn't here, she definitely wasn't here.

But Li Changqing and his party did not go down the mountain!

How could such a few living people disappear out of thin air?

"Master, are these people very important?" Bai Qiuniang asked.

Chen Muyu came to his senses and waved his hand, "No, I was just asked to ask, these people went to Changbai Mountain but didn't come here, so where can they go?"

Bai Qiuniang said, "Changbai Mountain is not a small place. It has been snowing heavily these past few days. Maybe something unexpected happened..."

Chen Muyu waved his hand, "The old man has the realm of golden elixir, and I heard that he came from Changbai Mountain. He used to collect herbs in the mountains, so there shouldn't be any accidents..."

Bai Qiuniang nodded slightly. In those days, there were some powerful monsters on the mountain, but they were all attending the banquet in the secret realm of Tianchi and never left.


Bai Qiuniang seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and raised her head to look at Chen Muyu, "Master, tell me, they didn't encounter the willow demon, right?"

"Willow Demon?"

Chen Muyu's heart also skipped a beat.

The Willow Demon came to cause trouble that day, and even teamed up with the Bamboo Demon. Although he escaped, he did not necessarily leave Changbai Mountain.

Li Yaowang and the others went up the mountain to look for medicine. It happened to be that day, so there was still a chance that they would run into them.

"It's okay. I'll send an order to the birds and beasts on the mountain to check it out later. As long as they have been up the mountain, it shouldn't be difficult to find out their whereabouts!" Bai Qiuniang said.

Chen Muyu nodded slightly. If he really bumped into Liu Yao, it would be really bad luck.

"By the way, what happened to Peanut?"

Mentioning the Willow Demon, Chen Muyu then thought of Peanut. This little guy was snatched away by the Willow Demon before. Although he was rescued by Chen Muyu, it still took a lot of time to recover. He didn't know whether he was awake or not.

Bai Qiuniang shook her head, "She's still lying down. I'm afraid it will take some time to wake up!"

This was also expected by Chen Muyu.

"Master, do you think you should send him back to the Vajra Temple?" Bai Qiuniang asked.

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