A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 764 The light in the dark night!

"Brother, thank you very much!"

Ou Linxie swallowed and patted Chen Muyu's shoulder. He hadn't had this feeling of escaping from death for a long time.

"These insect animals are just larger in size and have no cultivation base. They are actually not bad!"

Chen Muyu took a deep breath. Although this place was full of spiritual energy, Chen Muyu didn't feel that the ants had any cultivation just now. They were basically the same as ordinary ants, except that they were big enough and so fierce.

"Even if this is the case, it's enough for us to drink a pot!" Ou Linxie said angrily, "Li Yaowang and the others are in danger if they enter this place..."

Only those who have experienced it personally can know the dangers involved. Although Li Changqing has the realm of golden elixir, he has brought so many people with him. Even if Li Changqing survives, he may not be able to take care of other people.

Ma Santong took a few breaths and finally stood up, "What kind of evil is this Li Yaowang doing? Isn't he here to poach the ginseng king? What are you doing here in this damn place..."

Tucao and complaints are inevitable.

Ou Linxie pointed to the distance, "Look, there seems to be a building on the top of the mountain over there!"

Chen Muyu raised his eyes and looked over. As far as the eye could see, there was a big mountain. The top of the mountain was surrounded by clouds and mist, and it seemed like there was a building.

"Is there someone else here?" Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Masan Passage, "Whatever, let's go over and have a look. If Li Yaowang and the others have been here, they will definitely go there..."

Ou Linxie nodded, "Brother Chen, what do you think?"

Chen Muyu shrugged, "Let's go, but be aware that this place is weird and may not be a good place to go!"

After saying that, he grabbed one with each hand, flew into the air, and flew directly towards the mountains in the distance.

It was really a waste of time to look at the mountain. When I first looked at it, the mountain didn't seem very far away, but after flying for more than half an hour, it still seemed so far away.

After flying for another hour, Chen Muyu felt a little desperate.

Feeling hungry, I quickly found a place to land and took out some food to wrap my belly around.

"It's too far!"

After eating something, Chen Muyu felt a little better. Looking up, the mountain was still so far away, as if they had never moved.

"It's so evil!"

Ma Santong spat on the ground, "Isn't this some kind of illusion? A mirage or something. If you keep running like this, we'll be exhausted before we get anywhere!"

Chen Muyu chuckled, "It's better for you two, I'm the one who's exhausted!"

Chen Muyu was flying with them all the way, and it was only Chen Muyu who was tired.

Ma Santong laughed dryly and said, "President Ou, do you want to continue?"

Ou Linxie looked at Chen Muyu. After all, Chen Muyu was the driver.

Chen Muyu said, "I think it's almost getting dark today. Let's find a safer place and rest for the night!"

"That's exactly what I meant!"

Ma Santong was also a dream come true, and Ou Linxie naturally had no objections.

If they keep running like this, they still don't know when they will arrive. There may be no danger in this space. If they are attacked on the way, they may only be in a bad state.

There happens to be a canyon nearby. Although it is connected to a forest, there are two natural barriers on the mountain walls. Inward from the mouth of the canyon, I found a cave, which is perfect for hiding!

At that moment, the three of them simply cleaned the surrounding area and prepared to spend the night here.

It's getting dark, and it should be almost dawn in the outside world.

Sitting in front of the campfire, the three of them simply ate something. Chen Muyu had the illusion that he had returned to those days in the Fairyland Valley.

"Brother, I always feel a little uneasy in my heart!" Ma Santong tried his best to sit next to Chen Muyu, as if Chen Muyu could give him a sense of security.

Chen Muyu used his spiritual consciousness to search an area of ​​several hundred meters to make sure there was no danger.

"You two, go into the cave and rest. I will keep vigil tonight!" Chen Muyu said.

"How can this be done?" Ou Linxie shook his head, "Brother Chen, you have been tired enough for the day, so let me do it while you go and rest!"

"I'm worried about you keeping vigil!" Chen Muyu said directly.

Ou Linxie laughed dryly, but he didn't expect Chen Muyu to be so direct.

"All right!"

Ou Linxie smiled bitterly and stopped arguing, "Then let's go in first. Brother Chen, if you can't hold on, tell us and I'll take your place!"

Chen Muyu nodded slightly.

Chen Muyu was really worried about having these two people come to watch the night. No one could tell what dangers lurked in this world. If they were attacked at night, would these two people be able to react?

Therefore, when it comes to matters of life, it is better to do it yourself.

Chen Muyu still overestimated his perseverance. His mobile phone could not connect to the Internet. He stood alone in front of the fire for two hours before he yawned again and again and his upper and lower eyelids began to fight.

From time to time, two beast roars could be heard in the distance, which could barely cheer Chen Muyu up.

This won't work, I'm afraid I'll fall asleep if I hold on for a while longer.

He flashed into the mind space, found Zhu Wushuang, and asked her to contact Xiao Zaojun. About ten minutes later, Zhang Xiaomi appeared at Wanjie Station and brought the Zaowang flag.

Chen Muyu borrowed it without saying a word.

If you have resources, of course you have to make good use of them.

Coming out of his mind space, Chen Muyu quickly planted the Stove King's flag around the cave.

Start the battle!

Sit back and relax and go to sleep on the spot.

That's the only good thing about the Kitchen King's Flag. It doesn't cost much skill and its protective power is surprisingly good.

Together in this formation, even the Heavenly Immortal Realm cannot be forced to break into.

Of course, if the formation can still be broken like this, then Chen Muyu can only say that he deserves to be unlucky.

Sleepyheads can't stop. Chen Muyu felt really tired after running all the way today. As soon as he closed his eyes, his mind went blank. He might have fallen asleep in less than ten seconds.


A beast roar pierced the night sky, breaking the silence, and the sound waves spread far away.

Chen Muyu woke up suddenly.

"what's the situation?"

Ou Linxie was also alarmed and walked out of the cave.

Chen Muyu looked up and saw a bright light reaching into the sky deep in the valley. A large white mist poured out from the light, making people feel a bone-chilling chill even from a distance.

Ou Linxie shivered!

"There is a formation guarding here. You stay here and don't move!" Chen Muyu said.

"Where are you going?" Ou Linxie asked hurriedly.

"Look what happened!"

After saying a few words, Chen Muyu immediately called out the Silver Shadow Flying Board and flew towards the place where the light was.

"This young man is really not afraid of death!"

Ou Linxie did not dare to take a step forward. Chen Muyu was in the Golden Core realm and could go up and down, but he was different. He was in a low realm and did not dare to follow the waves.

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