
I walked to the window and looked outside. The sky was filled with white flowers, like cotton wool falling down.

Is it really going to be winter in a second?

Chen Muyu wrapped himself in pajamas and stood in front of the window in a daze.

This is October in the Gregorian calendar. In previous years, there would be autumn tigers at this time, but this year it actually snowed?

Moreover, it wasn’t just a few snowflakes, but a solid amount of snow.

This snow is almost comparable to the snow that fell in my hometown last year. There is already snow in the community, and the property management staff are cleaning it up and going door to door to check for safety hazards.

In previous years, it was rare for Qingshan to snow in winter. Snow like the one last winter had not happened for many years.

This weather is indeed too abnormal.

But ordinary people don't think that the snow makes them feel very novel and excited. Uncle Dashan and his family are having a romantic time building snowmen. Several juniors from Li Guoxiang's family are also chasing each other downstairs. , had a snowball fight.

The TV and morning news were also reporting on the snow.

It is said that last night, a strong cold air entered Xichuan, and the temperature dropped by nearly ten degrees overnight.

Many people didn't even have time to buy winter clothes, so they hurriedly dug out last year's down jackets.

The highway has frozen over, and many places have temporarily restricted traffic. Fortunately, Chen Muyu came back yesterday, otherwise he would have been stuck on the road today, and he would have had to find a chance to fly back by himself.

It's only October and it's so cold. If it takes another two months, how much colder will it get?

At the dinner table, mom and dad were talking about the snow. Lan Tian was standing over there. It would be impossible to start work today. It was rare for dad to have a free day. Mom's due date is not long. If the weather continues to be so cold, , really a little annoyed.

After eating, I followed Xu Meng to play in the snow outside the yard.

It is said that auspicious snow heralds a good harvest, but Chen Muyu had a vague feeling that this snow was unusual and might not be considered auspicious snow.

Maybe it was the snow in Linchun that left a little shadow on Chen Muyu?

The figure of that girl could not help but appear in his mind. Chen Muyu thought to himself, could that woman come to Xichuan?

"What are you thinking about, let's have a snowball fight!"

Xu Meng pulled Chen Muyu and was extremely excited. He had not seen such heavy snow for a long time.

Brother Shui and his wife are having a fierce fight with the children of Li Guoxiang's family, and Uncle Dashan and his wife have also joined the battle group. Under such circumstances, how could Chen Muyu not join them.

Chen Muyu didn't dare to say that he was thinking about other women, so he quickly grabbed a handful of snow and swung it at Brother Shui.

"Hey, sneak attack on me?"

When Brother Shui saw Chen Muyu coming, he became even more excited and immediately launched a counterattack.

No matter how fast Chen Muyu was, he could hit him wherever he could. The snowball got bigger and bigger as it rolled, causing Brother Shui to beg for mercy again and again.

"Stop, stop, stop..."

Brother Shui hugged his head and huddled beside the flower stand. Chen Muyu held a large snowball almost one meter in diameter in his hand, and everyone around him laughed.

That was the lower body of the snowman that Brother Shui and the others had built just now.

"Aren't you just kidding?"

Brother Shui looked at Chen Muyu dumbfounded, and everyone around him had already bent over with laughter.

Where can you play like this?

I'm afraid a snowball weighs hundreds of kilograms, so shouldn't it kill someone if it hits them?

"Do you accept it?" Chen Muyu asked.

"I'm done with it, I'm done with it!"

How could Brother Shui be dissatisfied? A snowball weighing hundreds of kilograms was lifted directly above his head. With such strength, how dare he dissatisfy it?

"You guys, stop playing around!"

While they were playing around, Barus shouted.

Looking back, Barus, Chen Jianli, Chen Jianzhong, and Wang Laoyao came in from the gate of the community. It was Barus who shouted.

Recently, under the influence of Chen Muyu's father, this guy fell in love with fishing. This morning, in the snow, a few people got together and went fishing on the Qinglong River.

The youngest Wang is an expert in fishing, and everyone in this group likes to hang out with him.

Wang Laoyao and Barus walked in front, carrying buckets, Chen Jianzhong walked at the end, holding fishing rods, and third uncle Chen Jianli walked in the middle. Looking at him, he was carrying someone on his back.

a woman.

The woman was all wet, lying on the third uncle's back, her hands hanging down, and her fingers were still dripping with water.

"What's going on?"

Everyone quickly gathered around.

The third uncle carried the woman directly into the villa, "Stop watching the excitement and help me quickly!"

Everyone was in a hurry and put the woman on the sofa.

My mother also came down from upstairs at this time. When she saw the scene in front of her, she was a little confused, "What are you doing?"

Didn't he go fishing? Why did he come back with a woman on his back?

"It's so cold! It's so cold!"

The third uncle rubbed his hands. Dad had already turned on the air conditioner in the hall to the maximum.

"We were fishing on the Qinglong River just now, but we didn't catch any fish. From a distance, we saw a person floating down the river. Jianli was brave enough, so he plunged in and fished her out..."

The youngest Wang was still a little shocked and told everyone what had just happened.

Everyone looked at the third uncle.

The third uncle chuckled, a little shyly, "You should be brave enough to do what is right, you should, you should..."

Mother Chen was standing next to him and glared at him, "Hurry up and take a hot bath. It's such a cold day and you dare to jump into the river. You don't want to die!"

As the saying goes, a sister-in-law is like a mother. When Mother Chen scolded her, the third uncle did not dare to talk back and hurriedly ran upstairs to take a shower.

I just came all the way and didn't feel anything while exercising. Now that I stopped, it was really unbearable cold.

Mother Chen looked at Father Chen.

Chen Jianzhong shrank his neck, "I'll find some clothes for him!"

With that said, he quickly went upstairs.

The influence of raking ears was vividly demonstrated by him.

"What happened to this little girl? Why can't she think about it so hard?" Brother Shui's wife said next to her.

Several people looked at the girl on the sofa and felt very distressed.

For a girl of this age, what other things could make her commit suicide? It was probably emotional confusion.

"I'm going to find dry clothes for her, otherwise she will freeze to death!" said the mother.

"Mom, let me go!"

Xu Meng went upstairs. Her mother was pregnant, but she didn't dare to let her run up and down.

"Not to mention, this girl is quite handsome!" Brother Shui and his wife lifted the hair from the girl's face.

Everyone's eyes lit up obviously.

Although this girl is pale, she looks really good.


However, when Chen Muyu saw that face, he subconsciously trembled all over.

"is her?"

Chen Muyu's face was full of surprise, as if he had seen a ghost.

Barus noticed something was wrong with Chen Muyu and poked Chen Muyu on the shoulder, "Brother Yu, you know this girl!"

Chen Muyu came to his senses and quickly said he didn't know him.

At this time, Xu Meng found a set of clothes and her mother quickly asked everyone to help move the girl into the guest room on the first floor.

Brother Shui and Aunt Dashan stayed behind to change her into dry clothes.

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