A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 82: Say my name and I’ll scare you!

In the tin house, on the computer screen, there are a bunch of orders!


Location: Jintan Star.

Task: There are some discarded yellow talismans and talisman papers in Xianhe Mountain Ruyi Temple that need to be disposed of...

Client: Zhang Quan.

Dispatchable employees: 1. Guan Yunpeng


The wealth value needs to reach 5 million to enter!

This is okay. Chen Muyu directly sent this order to Guan Yunpeng without saying anything.

Continuing to scroll down, almost all of them were small and innocuous lists. Chen Muyu didn't even like them, so he simply screened them.


Location: Nyx ​​Galaxy, Titan.

Mission: The Royal Family of Titan, there are some discarded clothes of the maids that need to be disposed of...

Client: Director Holt.

Dispatchable employees: None!


The expression on Chen Muyu's face was a bit strange about the palace maid's clothes. Save them for now. If you have time, go there yourself. If you don't have time, let him go when Guan Yunpeng comes back.

That guy is cheap!


Location: Three Kingdoms World, Lingling!

Mission: Liu Xian, the son of Liu Du, the prefect of Lingling, has a batch of Dukang old wine in his account, and wants to sell it at a low price to empty the warehouse to store military rations and pay...

Client: Liu Xian.

Dispatchable employees: None!


The wealth value needs to reach 10 million to enter.


Chen Muyu raised his eyelids. How valuable is this thing? If you buy it and resell it, can you sell it?

Nowadays, people who sell wine must have a license or something. Although the ancient wine Dukang is somewhat famous, if you say it is wine from a thousand years ago, who can believe it? Who dares to drink?


After hesitating for a moment, Chen Muyu looked at Ah Rong, who was floating outside and wrestling with the boulder toad, thoughtfully.

Do you want to take a trip?


Three Kingdoms World!

This is an era of chaos, but also an era of heroes.

During the recent period, Liu Bei conquered the four counties in Jingnan, with Lingling bearing the brunt, and the prefect Liu Du was struggling to cope.

On the city wall, looking at Liu Bei's army outside the city, the young master Liu Xian was also worried.

The dark army arrayed below the city, with flags fluttering, and there was no end in sight.

I wonder if this small Lingling can be defended?

In the past few days, there have been several small-scale conflicts, and Lingling did not get any benefits.

As one of the Five Tigers of Jingnan and the son of the Lingling Prefect, Liu Xian has a heavy responsibility. No matter what, he must guard it!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Outside the city, the enemy troops had begun to beat drums. Liu Xian felt his blood surge and he tightly held the spear in his hand.

"Sir, the last general invites you to fight!"

At this moment, a rich voice came from next to Liu Xian.

But he was a general holding a mountain-breaking ax and covered in armor.

With a strong back and strong waist, thick eyebrows and big eyes, he is a good man.


"the river is long and tempestuous, it was like a hero……"

Above the blue sky, Chen Muyu stepped on the silver shadow flying board and flew all the way towards Lingling. He didn't know what happened to the waste system. Instead of sending him directly to Lingling City, it landed more than 50 meters away from Lingling City. A mountain village kilometers away.

In these years of war and chaos, not even a few people could be found who had fled. It took a lot of effort to find someone to ask for the direction of Lingling.

Fortunately, there is a silver shadow flying board, otherwise he would have to walk for a whole day.

This flying board is indeed a good thing, it consumes less energy and flies very fast.

One hundred kilometers consumes two steamed buns!

Thousands of years ago, the world was raging with war, but there was no industrial pollution. The air was fresh, and Chen Muyu actually sang when he was in love.

From a distance, one can already see a city on the horizon. It is square and well-organized. It should be Lingling City.

"Dong, dong, dong..."

Just as he was about to go down, Chen Muyu suddenly braked.

The sound of drum beating from below attracted his attention.

I didn't pay attention just now, and I saw a large area of ​​darkness outside the city. Looking down, I thought it was a forest. But when I looked closer, I saw that there was some kind of forest outside the city. It was clearly a military formation.

It’s so densely packed, there are so many people that it’s hard to count them all.

His face changed slightly.

When he just asked for directions, the man told him that Uncle Liu Huang was attacking Lingling recently and asked him not to go to Lingling.

Did you just catch up?

His heart skipped a beat, and his blood surged. He came from a peaceful era and had only seen scenes like this in TV series. But how could a TV series be comparable to being there?

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Muyu switched the Silver Shadow Flying Board to stealth mode, slowly lowered his cloud head, and leaned towards the battle formation in front of the city.

This was a war, a real bloody and life-threatening war. Chen Muyu did not dare to land, nor did he dare to get too close. In this era, there were many capable people. If someone discovered it, he would lose his life. It's a bit unfair here.

"Rebel, how dare you invade my realm?"

A faint voice floated over in the wind from a distance in front of the military formation, and Chen Muyu felt inexplicably kind and familiar.

"It can't really be him, can it?"

His face twitched slightly. Chen Muyu was suspended in the air more than fifty meters high. The military formation in front of the city was still hundreds of meters away. Although he was condescending, his strength was not that powerful. He could only see a general sitting on a horse. , holding an axe, was scolding the formation.

I can't see the appearance clearly, and I can't confirm the body shape.

Accompanied by the sound of thundering drums and the shouts of sergeants, the military formation outside the city separated into a lane, and a four-wheeled chariot with a yellow flag drove out. On the chariot sat a middle-aged man with a feather fan and a turban.

There are generals on the left and right, one white and one black, one riding a white horse and one riding a black horse, riding out with the chariot.

Seeing this, Chen Muyu was inexplicably excited.

The person sitting on the four-wheeled chariot should be Zhuge Liang, and the person on the left and right should be Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun.

Unfortunately, I can only see the back, and I don’t know what the front looks like.

"Who's next?"

"Say my name and I'll scare you. I am Lingling General Xing Daorong..."

The sound floated from far away, scattered and fell into Chen Muyu's ears.

Chen Muyu felt a chill in his heart, it was really this guy.

Although I couldn't see the face clearly, the voice sounded so familiar!

I wanted to call out Ah Rong in my mind and identify him, but after thinking about it, I decided not to. Sometimes, it’s better to be a little confused.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

I don't know what was said before the formation. Suddenly, drums were beating loudly on the city wall, and the man shouted loudly and led his soldiers to kill the army outside the city.

In front of the military formation, the black and white generals immediately retreated into the military formation while guarding the four-wheeled chariot, and did not look like they were going to fight the general.

When the general saw the opponent retreating, he roared loudly and his morale was shaken. He slashed with his ax and charged directly into the opponent's formation.

Seeing this scene, Chen Muyu looked embarrassed and knew the pill.

But I saw a yellow flag in the formation, moving around.

There were too many people around, and the general couldn't tell the difference between north, south, east, and west, so he just stared in the direction of the yellow flag and chased and slashed wildly. Unknowingly, he was surrounded by the army!

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