A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 834 Younger brothers and sisters!

Chen Muxue just nodded slightly.

Xu Meng was used to it, so he put a blanket on her, patted her shoulder, and went to the bathroom.

At this time, Chen Muxue suddenly turned his head and looked out the window. His eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was looking at.

"looking at what?"

Chen Muyu came out of the bedroom and happened to see this scene. The light shining from a pair of beautiful eyes on that beautiful face was so deep.

Chen Muxue raised her head and pointed out the window.

Chen Muyu followed the direction of her finger and looked out the window. It was dark outside, and he didn't know what she was looking at.


Just when he was confused, he saw Chen Muyu throw out a grape in his hand.

The grapes flew directly out of the crack in the window.

Chen Muyu raised his eyebrows, came to the window, and looked outside. The yard outside was very quiet, and he didn't see anything strange.

After closing the window and coming back, Chen Muyu snatched the fruit plate from Chen Muxue's hand, "Eat less, go to bed quickly, and eat again tomorrow!"

Chen Muxue didn't feel angry or anything, she got up quietly and walked to the bedroom.

"Don't forget to take a shower and brush your teeth!"

Chen Muyu reminded me that if you are so good-looking, you are really blind. You have no worries at all and you have to be taught everything.


"Oh shit!"

At the same time, dozens of miles away, on a mountain in Peng City, a figure fell straight from the clouds.

Just now, on the top of Laojun Mountain, a gap opened in the sky, and a young man dressed as a Taoist boy walked out of the gap, with auspicious clouds flying under his feet. He looked around, and when he was hesitating where to go, suddenly, he didn't know what to do. Something flew over and hit him directly on the head.

The Taoist boy was stunned for a moment, and fell from the clouds without weight.

With a bang, it hit a flat ground on the top of Laojun Mountain.

The ground was shaken by the impact, as if it had been hit by a meteorite, and a large human-shaped crater several meters deep was directly created.

The man was lying in the pit, face down, and it hurt to look at him.

No one is around!

The cold wind blows!

After a long time, the man finally moved. He pulled his hair with one hand and pulled out his head first.

Finally got out of the pit.

The man sat on the edge of the pit, his face covered with dirt, looking in front of him and then at the pit next to him.

"Eh? Why am I here!"

"What's my name?"

The young man rubbed his head and picked out a black thing from between his eyebrows.

"Pu, grape?"

It was a grape that had been smashed to pieces.

Scratching his head, he couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north. His chubby face looked a little confused.

Look left, look right, look up and down.

"Eh? Who am I?"

The young man sat on the ground, rubbing his forehead and thinking hard.


The next morning, Chen Muyu woke up and heard the good news from the delivery room that her mother had given birth.

He quickly rushed to the hospital with Xu Meng.

Dad had already informed all the aunts and wives. When he came to the obstetrics and gynecology department, a bunch of people had already gathered around him.

Qin Hong, Chen Guanyue, and Chen Guanshan were all here, grinning happily, and the nurses came to chase them away.

My mother is really amazing. She is in her forties and yet she still gives birth to two children in her lifetime.

I don’t know what kind of luck happened, but they turned out to be a dragon and a phoenix.

It seems that the power of the Little Hunyuan Tang is indeed quite great.

In the room, my father just smiled happily, and my mother was lying on the bed chatting with her seven aunts and eight aunts. She was in good spirits. If it weren't for a few old people here, she would probably be able to go for a walk.

Chen Muyu went to the nursery to see his younger brothers and sisters, and when he came back he was still smiling. His relatives and friends inevitably teased him.

After being an only child for more than 20 years, who would have thought that at this age, I would have two more brothers and sisters.

"Dad, you are really good!" Standing next to Chen Jianzhong, Chen Muyu praised him heartily.

Everyone nearby laughed.

"Xiao Yu, you see your parents have given you two more younger brothers and sisters. You and Xiao Meng should work hard and get things done as soon as possible!"

"Yes, yes, your Master Jiu is right. It doesn't matter if you are one or two years younger. If you are much younger, you will be bullied by your uncle and aunt!"

Qin Hong and Chen Guanyue were talking to each other there, and it was obvious that everyone was very happy today.

Chen Muyu sweated, "Don't worry, everyone, twins are nothing. Xiaomeng and I are planning to have eight children!"

"Fuck you, treating me like a pig!"

Xu Meng blushed, and everyone around laughed.

The nurse really couldn't bear it anymore and quickly drove this group of people out. Ten or twenty people gathered here and used this place as the lobby of the neighborhood committee.

No quality at all.

The next day, my mother was discharged from the hospital, and the baby was also returned. She did not hire a nurse, so she breastfed by herself.

In her words, no one can do it better than herself.

Chen Muyu didn't know anything about taking care of children, and Xu Meng certainly had no experience.


Haha, not much better.

Fortunately, Brother Shui's mother brought his wife over to help, otherwise my mother would be really busy.

Qin Hong didn't come to the Chen family villa before, but now he and Chen Guanyue ran several times a day, delivering various supplements and daily necessities by the truckload, so much that the warehouse downstairs could hardly hold it.

My mother has been a great contributor these past two days, and Chen Muyu was envious of the special treatment she received.

When I have children in the future, I'm afraid the battle will be even bigger than this.

In the study, Dad and Qin Hong were discussing the name of the child. Dad and Mom had considered this issue for a long time, but they had not yet decided.

It just so happened that Qin Hong and Chen Guanyue were the elders in the clan, so I wanted to refer to their opinions.

My father’s idea is to find a fortune teller to tell the child when it’s suitable and decide the name according to the child’s birth year.

But Qin Hong sneered. The fortune tellers his father said were just charlatans. They didn't even know much about what they were capable of.

Chen Muyu didn't want to get involved in this matter.

There is one more important thing to do. He and Zhang Xiaomi have made an appointment to go to the fairy world tonight.

This trip may take several days.

In the evening, Chen Muyu gave Xu Meng some instructions at home, and then went out.

He didn't hide anything from Xu Meng about going to the fairy world, and there was nothing to hide about it.

Although it is a bit unbelievable, it is the fact. Chen Muyu has taught Xu Meng a lot about science during this period, so although it is mysterious, it is not difficult for Xu Meng to accept it.

After all, Chen Muyu had brought her too many surprises, and there were already practitioners there. So what was unimaginable about the existence of a higher-level space?

After all, Xu Meng is now considered a practitioner. Although his level is not very good, with Chen Muyu's help, he is almost at the level of the soul.

On earth, he can already be regarded as a leader in the martial arts world.

However, she didn't learn many martial arts skills. Most of them were techniques forced into her by Chen Muyu to strengthen her body and protect herself.

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