After making a phone call, Chen Muyu went to Ganquan Village early in the morning and would not be back until a while later. Huang Xiaoqi rushed to the purchasing station to wait.

I took my mobile phone and took pictures here and there. Sometimes I took pictures of unloading trucks, and sometimes I went to the scrap pile to hunt for treasures. I said I wanted to collect materials in life. Anyway, I didn’t feel lonely when I was playing alone.

"Hey, those born in 2000, come here and have a look. Do you recognize this thing?"

Brother Shui unloaded an old-fashioned black and white TV from the car. This thing is a rare item. It is an antique from the last century. It has been eliminated by the times and can only be found occasionally in some nostalgic-themed stores. See.

The things in the old houses in Ganquan Village can still contain some surprises occasionally.

Seeing Huang Xiaoqi playing alone nearby, Brother Shui shouted with a smile. He knew that Chen Muyu liked to collect these things, so he found a separate open space to put them down.

Huang Xiaoqi came over and looked at the black and white TV, her face full of curiosity, "Brother Shui, what is this?"

This type of black and white TV is basically rare to see after 2000.

"you guess?"

Brother Shui grinned mysteriously.

It was a square, big thing with a long antenna. Huang Xiaoqi looked at it for a long time and said uncertainly, "It can't be a tape recorder, right?"


The uncles nearby couldn't help but laugh.


Brother Shui laughed, a little weird.

"A tape recorder?"

Huang Xiaoqi repeated it. Although everyone was laughing, she didn't know it and could only guess blindly.


Yang Shui was amused and chuckled, "In my age, this is the first time I've heard that that thing can record!"

What a wicked laugh!

Next to him, the youngest Wang threw a cardboard box over.

Yang Shui turned around and saw the youngest Wang staring at him, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Brother Shui is good at everything, but he speaks regardless of the occasion and can offend people if he is not careful. He can drive in front of such a little girl. If Wang Lao doesn't slap him, Chen Jianzhong next to him will start to slap him. .

Yang Shui laughed dryly and scratched his head. He thought it was a joke, but it turned out that he was just enjoying himself.

Huang Xiaoqi felt even more baffled.

Just as he was about to ask what happened, another truck drove into the field, and Chen Muyu jumped out of the passenger seat.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Muyu threw away his gloves with a smile, but found that something was not right about the atmosphere.

"Brother Yu!"

Huang Xiaoqi rushed over, "Brother Shui, he bullied me!"

Yang Shui felt a chill next to him, saying that women should not be messed with, especially this girl.

Look up at Yang Shui!

"Don't listen to her nonsense!"

Yang Shui quickly explained and pointed to the TV set on the ground next to him, "Look, this thing is a rare item. If you want it, keep it. If you don't want it, throw it away!"

Chen Muyu took a look and saw that it was a black and white TV.

A little gray and dirty, but still intact.

Sanyo brand, 14 inches.

Chen Muyu's family had them before, but after they got a color TV, they didn't know where they were thrown.

Even though this thing is old, it carries the memory of a generation. Some people who do nostalgic collections like to collect this kind of thing. If one unit sells for thousands, it is not a problem at all.

I habitually scanned it with the system.

Chen Muyu's expression was slightly strange.

"Keep it, thanks Brother Shui!"

Smiling, Chen Muyu picked up the black and white TV and carried it directly into the back room lounge.

"Brother Yu, come to my house later. My dad wants to thank you in person!" Huang Xiaoqi chased in and watched Chen Muyu playing with the TV with excitement.

"Why are your dad still being polite to me?"

Chen Muyu smiled, put the TV on the dining table, wiped it with a rag, and found a screwdriver from the tool box next to it.

"My dad was praised by the principal. I heard that he will be promoted to director next semester. I'm so happy!" Huang Xiaoqi lay on the table, dragging her chin with her hands.

"Director? Don't be the head teacher!" Chen Muyu joked.

Huang Xiaoqi chuckled after hearing this, "Brother Yu, what are you doing? Do you want to repair this thing?"

"This is called a black and white TV. It's an old thing. It's much older than you. It won't be of any use if you repair it. It's just for display!"

"Then why did you dismantle it?"

Chen Muyu smiled mysteriously and without answering, mysteriously removed a few screws and pulled off the back cover of the TV.

All gray.

Huang Xiaoqi hurriedly shrank her neck and stretched out her hand to fan the dust.

After cleaning the dust, there was a small gray plastic bag hanging on the line connecting the TV to the high-voltage package. Chen Muyu reached out and took the bag off.

Huang Xiaoqi quickly came over again, her face full of curiosity.

In the past, people did not have safes at home, and valuable things were hidden everywhere, and the back cover of the TV was a good place to hide things.

Chen Muyu's father did this before, hiding thousands of dollars of personal money in the TV. Later, the TV broke down, and his mother found someone to fix it, which exposed the truth. At that time, she wanted Chen Muyu to take the blame. Fortunately, my mother has a keen eye and was not fooled.

The bag was torn open, revealing a bunch of yellow stuff inside.

Chen Muyu took a look at it and saw that this thing was not small and could not be pinched with one hand. It was shaped like a weight, but its texture was not very heavy.

"Brother Yu, what is this?"

Huang Xiaoqi's eyes sparkled, thinking she had found a treasure, and she quickly wanted to take a video.

"Don't shoot!"

Chen Muyu stopped him, "Go and call Mr. Wang in!"

"Mr. Wang?" Huang Xiaoqi was stunned.

"Brother Shui's father!"

Chen Muyu reminded her, and then Huang Xiaoqi realized that although she came here often and knew almost everyone who came and went in the venue, everyone called her Wang Lao Yao. When Chen Muyu just said Mr. Wang, she almost didn't react.

When the youngest Wang entered the room, he saw Chen Muyu facing the light, studying the yellow thing. He quickly walked over and took a look.

"Beeswax?" Wang Lao Yao's eyes lit up.

Chen Muyu nodded slightly, "Old Beeswax!".

The youngest Wang was a little excited. He reached out and took the thing over and examined it carefully.

"Brother Yu, what is beeswax?"

Huang Xiaoqi is like a curious baby. This thing is not like jade or stone, it looks more like a piece of soap.

Chen Muyu smiled and began to educate Huang Xiaoqi.

Beeswax is a fossilized resin millions of years ago. It is named for its color like honey and light like wax. It is opaque and mostly waxy yellow. It has been favored by the upper classes of various countries for thousands of years and has been depicted by the cultures of various countries. Got to be very mysterious.

Buddhism calls it one of the seven treasures, and believes that it is an extremely spiritual thing with powerful energy to ward off evil spirits. With the help of it, spiritual practice can double its efficacy; in addition, according to the perspective of traditional medicine, it is also a good medicine that can soothe the mind. , diuresis, treatment of rheumatism, etc.

It is recorded in the "Shan Hai Jing Nan Shan Jing": "The swaggering mountain is located above the West Sea, and the beautiful water flows out of it, and the west flow flows into the sea. There are many pebbles in it, and there will be no gallbladder disease if you wear it!"

I'm talking about beeswax.

There are not many real old beeswaxes left in the world, and it is not easy to encounter them.

Old beeswax is formed in the vicissitudes of time, and has silently condensed the essence of thousands of years. It has a very delicate texture, is light in weight, and looks like plastic, but is completely different from plastic in color and texture.

Beeswax is actually amber, but its color is different from amber. Because it contains high succinic acid, it is opaque or semi-opaque. After being left on the wax for a long time, due to the body temperature, the succinic acid in the beeswax decreases, and the wax will slow down. Slowly turns into transparent amber.

Just now, Chen Muyu just subconsciously used the system to scan the black and white TV, but he didn't expect to scan a bunch of information about the best beeswax.

This is really a system in hand, treasures are everywhere, and surprises are everywhere!

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