A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 882 Qinggua Village!

The woman smiled reluctantly and said, "Boss Long, you, you asked someone to bring me here. What's the matter?"

Long Dingkun spread his hands and said, "Don't be nervous, I don't eat people. This is a civilized society in broad daylight. I can still eat you. Come here and have a cup of tea..."

He pointed to the seat next to him and asked the woman to come and sit down.

A cup of hot tea was handed to her, but the woman did not dare to drink it and looked very uneasy.

Long Dingkun said, "It's not that I want to see you today, but that a friend wants to see you and talk to you about something. Don't be nervous. Just say what you know!"


The woman was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chen Muyu and Gong Changfa next to her in surprise.

At this time, Chen Muyu spoke, "Your name is Alima, right? From the Nick tribe?"

The woman nodded, deciding that Chen Muyu was the one who wanted to chat with her, "Do we know each other?"

"I didn't know each other before, but now I do!" Chen Muyu smiled calmly, "Sister Alima, some time ago, did you take a porcelain figure and consign it to Boss Long's auction?"

When the woman heard this, she was obviously surprised and subconsciously became defensive.

"This Mr. Chen is my friend, Alima. You don't have to hide anything. Just tell me what you know. Don't worry, he won't make things difficult for you. He just wants to know where your porcelain doll came from!" Long Dingkun said.

The woman hesitated, "Can I not answer?"

Chen Muyu didn't speak, Gong Changfa didn't speak, and Long Dingkun said, "You don't have to say anything, but Auction Gang still has a balance of payment that has not been paid to you. If you don't cooperate, Auction Gang will probably not cooperate either. You If you want to get the balance, you have to keep waiting!”


The woman was obviously panicked, "Boss Long, we have a contract..."

Long Dingkun said nonchalantly, "The contract is a contract. Isn't this a special situation? We must act in accordance with the contract. The money will not be withheld from you. It's just that the speed of the loan depends on your cooperation. I say this, You should understand, right?"

Of course the woman understood what Long Dingkun meant.

After hesitating for a while, he finally compromised, "That porcelain doll was passed down by the old man in our village. I heard from my grandfather that almost a hundred years ago, life was so hard, there was no food to be found anywhere, and the wild beasts in the nearby mountains were all gone." They were beaten and eaten, and not even a mountain rat could be found. There were dozens of small villages in Boluo Mountain, and many people starved to death..."

"At that time, a dozen nearby villages organized teams to go to Dustpan Mountain. There has always been a legend in our area that there is a tomb of a big shot buried in Dustpan Mountain, and there must be good things in it..."

"However, Dustpan Mountain is too dangerous and there are poisonous barriers everywhere. Until now, few people dare to approach there. My grandfather said that that year, those who went to Dustpan Mountain together included hundreds of strong men from more than ten villages. Almost all the people who came were destroyed inside, and only two people came out, one of whom was my great-grandfather..."

"They brought back some things, including a lot of silver and jewelry, and the porcelain doll was one of them. At that time, those villages divided the silver and jewelry, and only the porcelain doll was left, which was kept by my great-grandfather..."

"My great-grandfather once said that the porcelain doll was a treasure, but where the treasure was, my great-grandfather never told me until his death. Later, the porcelain doll was passed to my grandfather, and he passed it to me before he died..."

"Since it is a family heirloom, why do you want to sell it?" Chen Muyu asked.

The woman smiled bitterly, "My brother fought with someone on the street some time ago and maimed him. The other party reported it to the police and said he wanted five million. If he paid, he would keep it private. If he didn't pay, he would go in and use the sewing machine... "

"I have no choice. Even if I were sold, it wouldn't be worth five million. But I'm just a younger brother. If I don't save him, he will be ruined!"

"So I thought about the porcelain doll passed down by my great-grandfather. Since my great-grandfather said it was a treasure, it might be worth some money. A friend suggested that I auction it on the black market. Then, you will know..."

After listening to her story, Chen Muyu also sighed. It was another story of a younger brother cheating on his older sister.

Fortunately, Alima could at least produce a porcelain doll.

Chen Muyu was not interested in these, "Sister, you just said that your great-grandfather brought back that porcelain doll. Are you sure your great-grandfather brought back just one?"

Alima nodded, "Of course, there is only one. I have only seen this one since I was a child. Grandfather never said there was a second one?"

Chen Muyu nodded slightly, "Can you take me back to your village to have a look?"


Alima paused, looking up and down at Chen Muyu, wanting to ask Chen Muyu what he wanted to do, but she didn't dare to speak.

"I think it's okay. I'll have someone prepare a car. Mr. Chen, I'll go with you!" Long Dingkun was very enthusiastic.

"But..." Alima wanted to say something.

"But what?"

Long Dingkun was stunned, and directly suppressed Alima's words, "Whatever Mr. Chen said is what he said, Alima, you have done what Mr. Chen told you, and I will handle your brother's matter." You do it!”

"Huh?" Alima looked at Long Dingkun in astonishment.

"What? Doubt my ability?"

Long Dingkun's eyes widened even more!

"No no no!"

Alima waved her hands quickly, "If Boss Long can help, that would be great!"

Her brother's matter is very difficult. Alima even feels that even if she collects enough money, the other party may not give up easily and will definitely ask for more, because she has met him and he seems to be... Not like a good person.

It was said that her brother had injured the person, but the other person was more like a blackmailer. If Long Dingkun could intervene and help her solve the problem, of course she would be happy to do so.

As the saying goes, evil people will have their own trials and tribulations.

"Then leave quickly!"

There was no need to waste time. Gong Changfa's car could not accommodate so many people. Long Dingkun made a phone call and called a commercial vehicle. He left the city directly and headed for the mountains.

Lianzhou is located in Nanyun. There are really too many mountains and the roads are winding and winding. Many of them are winding mountains and are full of dangers.

The straight-line distance to Boluo Mountain is not far, only about twenty miles. However, when driving there, it takes one or two hundred miles to go around and around, from that mountain to this mountain, and from this mountain to this mountain again. When I reached that mountain, I almost vomited Chen Muyu.

A little after four in the afternoon, we finally arrived at our destination.

Boluo Mountain is shaped like an upside-down bowl, but when viewed from the side, it looks like a gong, hence its name.

The village is called Qinggua Village. When everyone arrived, they all looked surprised.

The entire village was full of weeds, and there was no way to find it. Many of the villages seemed to be old and collapsed, and looked dilapidated.

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