"It looks like there are a lot of them!" Looking at the pile of red dots, Ma Santong sobered up. "What are these guys doing all the way to Iron Coffin Mountain?"

"Who knows!" Xie Fei smiled bitterly.

"Can you see the scene?" Chen Muyu asked.

"it should be OK!"

Yang Tao next to him called up the satellite map, aimed at the target location, and zoomed in and zoomed in again.

The images are transmitted back by satellites. Although there is a certain delay, the delay will not be long.

Several people stretched their heads out, but there was a bit of regret on their faces. The light was not good at night, and the images returned by the satellite were dark and foggy, and nothing could be seen at all.

"Old Ma, let's report it to the police quickly!" Xie Fei said.

Ma Santong nodded, took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call when he saw Chen Muyu walking out.

"Brother, where are you going?" Ma Santong asked.

"Let me take a look!" Chen Muyu said.

Ma Santong frowned slightly and hurriedly chased out, "Brother, don't take any risks. Wait until I ask my superiors for instructions before making the next step!"

Chen Muyu ignored him at all, "Didn't you say that Qingshan is my territory? I can't tolerate such a force existing around me!"

"Brother, you should take what I say at the wine table seriously. I'm joking with you. You can't act casually on this matter. You don't even know how strong the other party is. What if..."

"Nothing is wrong, brother, you still don't believe in my ability? Wait, I'll catch some alive for you!"

After saying that, Chen Muyu flew away directly.

Ma Santong stood there, looking up at the night sky, and stamped his feet anxiously. This guy was too arrogant and uneasy.


Chen Muyu was not stupid. He first went to Hulu Villa and called Tan Feihu up before heading to Ebei Mountain.

"Let's take a look at the situation in a while. If we can win, we can go in. If we can't, we can withdraw!"

In the night sky, Chen Muyu said.

Tan Feihu nodded, "Master, don't worry, the old slave is here, I guarantee that no one can escape!"

This guy was practicing martial arts just now and was forced to start business by Chen Muyu. He didn't even understand the situation yet, he just wanted to kill someone.

It doesn't matter who he is, Tan Feihu is fierce enough anyway.

"This group of people are just like the little man Nan Yun met last time. They are all from the Sky Ghost Star. It's better to be more vigilant!" Chen Muyu said.

"Oh, that little brat, I can kill a lot of them with one slap!" Tan Feihu stroked his beard and became more energetic.

Chen Muyu was too lazy to tell him. It would become clear when he arrived at the place soon.

Goebei Mountain.

Between Ebei Mountain and Wulidu, there is an iron coffin mountain. This mountain is not high and looks like a lump of earth from a distance.

I don’t know why it is called Iron Coffin Mountain. I heard an old man say before that there are ancient tombs in Iron Coffin Mountain.

Could it be that these guys from Tiangui Star came all the way here to rob the tomb?

The two of them stood at the highest point of Ebei Mountain and looked toward Iron Coffin Mountain from a distance.

It's very cloudy tonight, and the wind is blowing, making it very cold.

Iron Coffin Mountain was shrouded in thick fog, making it impossible to see clearly with the naked eye.

But this does not affect the penetration of Chen Muyu's spiritual consciousness.

After all, the distance is only two or three miles.

On Iron Coffin Mountain, there is a mountain forest. There are erratic figures in the forest, and there is a faint flash of fire.

The circle outside the forest is full of white mist.

In the middle of the forest, there were three hazy figures in cloaks floating there, with more than ten people surrounding them.

There is a cave ahead.

From the dark entrance of the cave, there was the sound of chanting.

Twenty or thirty people, carrying iron chains, pulled out a huge object from the cave.

Seeing this object, the three figures in front of the cave trembled slightly and immediately fell from the air.

"Young Master, come out!"

A person next to him said respectfully to the tall figure in the middle.

The man nodded slightly.

Everyone pulled the objects to the middle of the open space and placed them firmly on the ground.

The tall figure tiptoed and floated to the side of the object.

He reached out and touched it, and there was mud on his hand.

The object was a rectangular shape, dark, tightly tied with iron chains, and covered with mud.

Judging from the shape, it looks like an iron coffin.

"Dad asked us to come all the way here just for this thing. This mission plane is too simple!"

Wiping off the dirt on his fingers, the man felt a little disgusted. From the sound of his voice, he must be young.

"Young Master, please don't talk nonsense. This mission was specially ordered by the emperor. This iron coffin is very important to our clan, and there must be no mistakes..."

"Young Master, now that the things have been excavated, let's go on the road at night and return the iron coffin to Lianshan..."

"The emperor specially asked you, young master, to handle this matter this time. He must have wanted you to establish the prestige of the clan. Young master, you must not make any mistakes..."

The two people next to me, you say something and I say something.

The man felt irritated and waved his hand, "I'm so annoyed!"

He opened his mouth and blew out a mouthful of mist. The mist floated in front of the iron coffin, like a cloud bed, wrapping the iron coffin and slowly lifting it up!

"It's really heavy!"

The man seemed to be struggling to control the mist. The iron coffin probably weighed thousands of kilograms.

When everyone around him saw it, they rushed over, and the figure turned into mist strangely and merged into the cloud bed.

The man felt much more relaxed just now.

"Let's go!"

The man said something.

"Where to go?"

Just as he was about to leave, suddenly, a voice came from behind.

Turn around suddenly.

I saw two figures walking in from outside the forest.

It was none other than Chen Muyu and Tan Feihu.

The man winked, and the two men in black robes next to him rushed towards Chen Muyu and Chen Muyu without saying a word.

The whole body was filled with black energy, like two ghosts and evil spirits.

There was only a ghost-like howl in his ears, and the coldness had already penetrated into his bones before the figure arrived.

There’s not even a single unnecessary nonsense, this is going to cost people’s lives.


Before Chen Muyu could take action, Tan Feihu stood up first, and without seeing any movement from him, he heard two miserable screams, and the two figures flew backwards at a faster speed as if they had been severely injured.

With two bangs, it fell to the ground.

What fell out of shape was a man and a woman. They were two old men and an old woman. They were both quite tall. The man was 1.8 meters tall and the woman was 1.7 meters tall at least.

It seems that the ghost star man is not short today. The one he saw in Nanyun last time is just an exception.


The two of them spit out a mouthful of ink-like blood at the same time, collapsed on the ground, clutching their chests, having lost their fighting power.


The young man was shocked. These two were his personal bodyguards photographed by his father. Measured by the realm on earth, they were already in the late Jindan stage.

The two late-stage golden elixirs are actually not the combined enemy of the old man in front of them?

Since when has there been such a powerful person in the human world?

Under the black robe, the young man's face changed slightly and he took two steps back, "Who are you?"

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