A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 924 The safest place!

Chen Muyu said, "I have wronged you to live here these days. Don't worry, it is absolutely safe here. There is a friend of mine in retreat in the east room. Please be careful not to disturb me. If someone from Naha Dao Sect comes, I will A friend will deal with it..."

Hearing this, several people all looked at the door in unison. The door to the east room was indeed closed. They were wondering just now, why weren't they allowed to stay in a room with such a good location?

"If nothing happens, just stay here in the villa and try not to go too far. When I take care of the matter, you can go back down the mountain!"


"Xiaoyu, is your friend reliable?"

On the way back to the city, my father asked a little worriedly.

Chen Muyu smiled and said, "Let's put it this way, it's extremely reliable!"

"Extremely reliable?" Dad was very happy. Is he that powerful?

"Today the old man is like that, he will hang out as much as he comes!"

Chen Muyu didn't introduce any realm to him, since he didn't understand it anyway.

Dad seemed to understand, but if Chen Muyu said it was reliable, then so be it.

"You just told your Third Master and others that they have to deal with this matter. How do you want to deal with it? You won't go to fight with others, right?" Dad has new worries.

Chen Muyu said, "Dad, am I that violent? I still have some friends in Kunlun. Just ask them to help mediate. It's not a big deal!"

"That's best!"

Chen Jianzhong nodded and sighed, "Your mother and I are the only ones like you..."

"Stop, stop, don't we have the second and third children now?" Chen Muyu said quickly.

Chen Jianzhong laughed dryly, "For a grown-up son like you, you and Xiaomeng have just been engaged. Your mother and I are both looking forward to you getting married and having children as soon as possible..."

"Dad, you are more verbose than my mother!" Chen Muyu couldn't stand it.

"This is called pity for the parents in the world!" Chen Jianzhong didn't know what to say.

What happened today really stimulated Chen Jianzhong. It turns out that there are really people who can go up and down, bring great power with a wave of their hands, and kill others with just one look.

It's rough and bloody, respecting the strong, treating human life as trivial, making enemies if you're not careful, being sought out for revenge if you're not careful, and no one can take care of the key. This feeling is so unpleasant.

If the world becomes like that in the future, will it still be called a world?

Cultivation of immortality and immortality seems to be much more cruel than imagined.

"Xiaoyu, do you think they will come to our home?" Dad suddenly thought of a question and had a new worry.

Chen Muyu smiled when he heard this, "Dad, let me tell you this, the safest place on this earth is probably our home, No. 6 Binhewan!"

Dad's face trembled, "If you are so powerful, how can you let Third Master and the others live in that villa?"

Obviously Chen Jianzhong thought Chen Muyu was talking nonsense. He didn't mean to joke when he asked Chen Muyu this question.

It is even more impossible for Chen Muyu to joke about which place is the safest on this earth. If he has to mention a place, Chen Muyu probably only knows his family's villa.

Because there lived a Chen Muxue.

With Chen Muxue's ability, I'm afraid even the whole Kunlun team might not be able to do it.

Of course, he didn't explain it to his father because he was already home.

"What else are you hiding from dad?" Chen Jianzhong asked again after getting out of the car.

Chen Muyu had taught him a lesson today. This kid had quietly become a master in the spiritual world, and he seemed to be much better than his ex-girlfriend Qin Wanhong.

This kid has hidden a lot of things from his family.

Just as he was about to enter, Chen Muyu pointed to the Binhewan Villa No. 8 next door, not far away, "Have you seen the people living in that house?"

Dad nodded, "I only know Xiaoba. Yesterday he came to our house to borrow soy sauce. He is a very honest young man. He is also quite handsome. He seems to be called Barus, right? Foreigner? Listen. He said he is your friend, so he is also a practitioner, right?"

Chen Muyu shrugged, "It's not a foreigner, it's an alien!"


Dad froze on the spot, obviously confused by Chen Muyu's words.

Chen Muyu ignored him. It was very cold outside, so he went inside to warm up.

"Why are you so surprised? Why did you come back so late?" My mother asked casually when she saw that my father was distracted.

Dad came to his senses and said, "Xiaoyu said the minibus next door is an alien!"

My mother was unhappy, "Chen Jianzhong, you don't want to think about it, right? I asked you why you came back so late. What are you talking about about aliens? If you want to change the subject, please think of a better reason!"

Dad said coquettishly, "Honey, I'm serious, that's what Xiaoyu just said..."

Mom turned back to look at Chen Muyu.

Chen Muyu nodded perfunctorily, "Yes, everything dad said is right!"

Khan, what’s this expression? You kid is trying to trick me, right?

Just as he was about to speak, my mother grabbed my father's waist and said, "Go back to the room with me!"

"Honey, be gentle, the children are here!"

"You old thing, why don't you just want to live a good life for a few days? You have to give me an explanation today!"

Watching the two elders go upstairs, Chen Muyu couldn't help but smile.

"Still laughing?"

Xu Meng handed over and rolled his eyes.

"You won't become as fierce as my mother in the future, will you?" Chen Muyu walked over and hugged her, completely treating Chen Muxue on the sofa as nothing.

"Mom, Xiaoyu said you..."

Xu Meng shouted at the top of his lungs, catching Chen Muyu off guard.

He quickly reached out and covered Xu Meng's mouth.

It's so dangerous, otherwise the war would have burned my place.

I looked back at the stairs, but there was no movement.

Mom is busy taking care of dad at the moment, so she can take care of them when she has time.

"Okay, let's see how I deal with you..."

Chen Muyu chuckled and moved up and down his hands.

Xu Meng begged for mercy again and again, and it took a while for Chen Muyu to give up.

"Okay, I was wrong!"

Xu Meng's face turned red and she winked at Chen Muyu repeatedly. Chen Muxue was still there, please calm down.

Chen Muyu sat down on the sofa and turned to look at Chen Muxue. This girl never took her eyes off the cartoon on TV.

It's really boring. I don't know if it's because I put a seal on her before. I always feel that she is a bit dull, but sometimes her behavior is quite normal.

"My cousin called me this afternoon and said there was something going on at the Huangtu Geng Quarry. I wanted you to go and take a look!" Xu Meng snuggled into Chen Muyu's arms.


Chen Muyu hesitated, "Isn't he working in a ceramic tile factory? When did he go to the quarry?"

"The recent batch of goods shipped from the factory has some quality problems. He is the manager of the quality control department. Of course, he has to find out the source of the problem. At present, it seems that there should be a problem with the stone!" Xu Meng said.

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