A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 964: Jiuzhou Ancestral Lineage!

"What did you do to him?"

Chen Muyu had a bad feeling in his heart.

Sun Wukong shrugged, "What are you looking at? I am a monk. I can't kill him. I just used a immobilization technique. After three or five days, he will naturally resume his actions!"

Chen Muyu looked at him in surprise, "How did you escape?"

"Although the Tianluo Net is powerful, but it wants to trap me, Sun Wukong, hehe, it's not even interesting..."

Having said this, Sun Wukong paused, "No, I shouldn't need to explain this to you, right?"

As he spoke, he took out a fruit from his arms, put it in his mouth and chewed it.

Chen Muyu took a look, wasn't that ginseng fruit?

"Did you steal ginseng fruit again?" Chen Muyu exclaimed.

Sun Wukong grinned, "Would you like another one?"

Chen Muyu's face trembled. To be honest, he quite missed the taste.

"Hey, I won't give it to you!"

Sun Wukong changed his tone and never thought of sharing it with Chen Muyu. Chen Muyu cheated him last time, and he must still hold a grudge.

Chen Muyu's face was filled with black lines, "How many more did you steal?"

With this guy's temper, don't pull up other people's trees again.

Seemingly knowing what Chen Muyu was thinking, Sun Wukong said, "Don't worry, I'm not that stupid, I'm causing trouble for myself, there are ten or eight fruits, my sworn brother is not that stingy, and besides, I don't eat his fruits in vain! "


Chen Muyu was confused and didn't know what he meant by not eating for free.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to explain this to you!"

Sun Wukong waved his hand and said impatiently, "Anyway, you just need to know that I, the old Sun, can eat this fruit with peace of mind!"

Chen Muyu disdains it, stealing other people's fruits and still eating them with peace of mind. This is too unreasonable.

"Where did you bring me here?" Chen Muyu looked around, and what he saw was either flowing clouds and waterfalls, or vast mountains.

Sun Wukong said, "This place used to be called Five Elements Mountain and Wuzhi Mountain, but now it's called Wuling Mountain, the territory of the Ten Thousand Monster Kingdom!"

Chen Muyu frowned slightly when he heard this, "Wuzhishan? Could it be the place where the Buddha suppressed you before?"

"You know quite a lot, don't you?"

Sun Wukong smiled, "But that's right. We have such a great reputation in the immortal world. It's hard for you not to have heard of it. Yes, I have stayed under this mountain for five hundred years..."

"It's been suppressed for five hundred years!"

Chen Muyu emphasized, looking around. The five peaks around them are really like five fingers. They really have the power to wrap up the world with one palm. At a glance, they feel very heavy.

Sun Wukong didn't argue and swallowed the remaining half of the fruit, no matter what you said.

"Why did you bring me here?" Chen Muyu asked.

Sun Wukong grinned, with a somewhat malicious look in his eyes, "What for? Help you improve your skills!"

"Help me improve my skills?"

Chen Muyu frowned slightly, "Are you kidding? I didn't help you. Why are you helping me improve my skills?"

Sun Wukong chuckled, "I, Sun, are always willing to help others, and we also want to know, what is the power of your body?"

Chen Muyu was speechless for a moment. He couldn't help but think of the monkeys in Shao'e Mountain. They were not only cunning, but also annoying, and extremely curious.

Someone like Sun Wukong would definitely be exposed by the Internet on earth.

"What do you want?" Chen Muyu asked.

Sun Wukong sat on the stone, holding his chin in his hand, looking like a thinker, "Do you know where Wuling Mountain came from?"

Chen Muyu said, "In order to suppress you, Buddha turned his palm into a five-finger mountain and suppressed you for five hundred years..."

Sun Wukong grinned, "That's just a rumor from outside. In fact, there is a huge secret under Wuling Mountain. At that time, we didn't know the heights of the sky and the heights of the sky, but we dared to challenge the gods and Buddhas in the realm of golden immortals. Now I think about it, it's really ridiculous. The Buddha pressed us here, but actually he made us practice hard here..."

Chen Muyu listened with rapt attention. Could it be that there was another story behind it?

"You may not know that the Immortal World was originally a huge landmass. At that time, it was called the Great Wilderness. In ancient times, after the war between gods and demons, the Great Wasteland split into nine continents. Later, there was the War of Interpretation, and only four of the nine continents remained. Continent, which is now the four continents, and the other five continents have been shattered in the war and scattered overseas..."

"Each of the nine continents has an ancestral line. Although the five continents have been split, the ancestral line is still there. I am the stone monkey born in response to the ancestral line of Dongsheng Shenzhou!"

"And under the Five Fingers Mountain is the place where the Nine Continents of the Immortal World converge. Back then, the fortunes of Buddhism and Taoism collided, and the Nine Continents were in turmoil. This happened before the Great War!"

"The fortunes of the two religions are in conflict, which means that there is likely to be a war, but the fairy world at that time can no longer withstand such a battle. Laojun, Buddha, and many other great gods of the Hunyuan Realm of Heavenly Dao discussed, Then I thought of a way to balance the fortunes of the two religions, spread Taoism to the west, and Buddhism to the east. I am among you, and you are among me..."

"At that time, before the Buddhist scripture seeker came out, the ancestral veins of Jiuzhou were in turmoil and almost went berserk. The great gods discussed what to do in the heaven. Hey, if you have it, just find a stone to block the ancestral vein. When the scripture collector is born, the two Teach the balance of Qi, and the heaven and earth will naturally return to peace."

"So, you can think of it, right? My old grandson's body is the five-colored sacred stone that the great goddess Nuwa used to mend the sky. Since this stone can be used to mend the sky, it can also be used to mend the earth!"

"So, we were played by all the gods and Buddhas in the sky. Bodhi taught me magical skills, Laojun helped me practice my body, Dragon King promised me magical weapons, but, wow, Buddha took action and pinned me down here..."

Hearing this, Chen Muyu didn't know what to say. He was afraid that this guy was being used to plug the leak.

However, listening to Sun Wukong's tone, it seems that there is no resentment at all. Perhaps the edges and corners have been smoothed over the years.

After all, if you can't beat it, join it.

Sun Wukong continued, "However, I also have to thank them. If it weren't for the Nine Continents Ancestral Lineage, I wouldn't have broken through to the Great Luo Jin Fairyland so quickly. In just five hundred years, I would have reached the late stage of the Great Luo Jin Fairyland. Hehe, To others, this place is extremely terrifying, but to me, it is truly a unique paradise in heaven and earth..."

Chen Muyu nodded, "Bring me here..."

"I'm going to pin you down under this mountain..."

"Are you kidding?" Chen Muyu immediately exclaimed.

Sun Wukong shrugged, "I'm not kidding you. The power of the Nine Continents Ancestral Lineage is beyond your imagination. I'll hold you down. As long as you can bear it, hehe, with your current state, with In less than a month, I will definitely reach the Immortal Realm!"

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