A scrap collection station comes to mind

Chapter 97: Net worth over 100 million!


Li Yuanshan let out a light sigh. He originally didn't believe that Chen Muyu had that ability. He must have just deceived him and wasted his time. But suddenly, it seemed as if the congested meridians in his body had been unblocked.

Maybe it's just an illusion.

How can this be?

Li Yuanshan felt ridiculous for his idea, but soon he felt something was wrong. It seemed that something was really helping him clear the blocked meridians.

It was a very weird feeling, like you had eaten too much and stretched yourself to the point where your belly was about to burst, and suddenly there was a force that scooped out a piece of the food in your belly.

This time the sense of relaxation was even more obvious.

There is no mistake, there is indeed less internal force blocking the meridians.

Due to the blockage of the violent internal force, his meridians had long been stretched to the point where they were like a bulging balloon, ready to burst at any time. But in this moment, he clearly felt a sense of relief. .

"Xiaoyu, are you okay?"

Li Yuanshan opened his eyes and looked at Chen Muyu, who was holding his right hand in front of him with his eyes closed and a serious look on his face. Could he really absorb the violent power from his body?

But what level was Chen Muyu in? How could he bear so much inner energy pouring into his body?

"It's okay, senior, don't worry."

Chen Muyu replied lightly and continued to pretend, recovering the rampant internal energy in Li Yuanshan's body in batches. 2%, 10%, 30%, 50%, 80%…

In just twenty minutes, Chen Muyu had completely cleared away the internal energy blocked in Li Yuanshan's meridians.

Nothing fell.

A total of 8498 strands.


Chen Muyu exhaled a long breath and made a gesture to guide his energy back to his original state. He looked decent.

Opening his eyes, Li Yuanshan in front of him was looking at him with an expression that subverted all three views.

He really did it, this little guy actually cleaned up the raging inner energy in his body.

And it was within this short period of less than twenty minutes.

If he hadn't been able to clearly feel the real situation inside his body, Li Yuanshan would have almost thought he was dreaming.

"Xiaoyu, you..."

Chen Muyu looked at him dumbfounded. The situation reversed so suddenly that it was hard to accept it for a moment.

"I'm fine."

Chen Muyu grinned and shrugged, "Senior, how do you feel now?"

He only recovered the violent internal energy in Li Yuanshan's body. As for the internal energy that existed in the Dantian and could still be controlled, it did not move at all.

At this moment, Chen Muyu felt more than a little excited. He had 8,498 strands of inner energy. According to the system’s recycling price, 10,000 wealth was worth 1 strand. If all this batch of inner energy was recycled by the system, it would be a total of 84.98 million.

Adding in the more than 30 million he currently has in his account, he has a net worth of over 100 million.

The violent internal energy in his body was emptied, and Li Yuanshan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He quickly circulated his internal skills, and after walking for a week, he was smooth and smooth. Then he took a breath of turbid air, and the pale ash on his face was swept away. It was replaced by blood and vitality.

"Amazing, really amazing."

Li Yuanshan was very excited. He thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect that he could turn around and the person who saved him would be the junior in front of him.

At this time, the meridians all over the body are no longer blocked, and there is no need to worry about the power going crazy again. Although the internal energy has been lost a lot, his realm is still there, and it only takes a while to make it up. For him, there is no need at all. any losses.

"Xiaoyu, how are you? Can your body withstand that part of the skill?" After coming back to his senses, Li Yuanshan was still a little worried.

After all, if you pour all the water into a pot, you might burst the pot.

"I'm fine. My technique is special. It can't be saved even if it's sucked in, so it just dissipates." Chen Muyu found an excuse to deal with it.

Li Yuanshan saw that his complexion was rosy and he didn't look like he was in trouble at all, so he didn't go into details. I guess Chen Muyu wouldn't make fun of his own life.

At this time, Chen Muyu put the ring back into Li Yuanshan's hand, "Senior, your body should be fine now. With your cultivation, it shouldn't be a problem to live for another ten or twenty years. Therefore, you should keep this ring, and we will talk about it when one day, senior, you are really dead."

Li Yuanshan held the ring and felt dumbfounded when Chen Muyu said this.

"Good boy." Li Yuanshan sighed, "I really didn't expect that this would be the result. It seems that God has not been kind to me, Li Yuanshan..."

After saying that, he laughed a few times.

"Senior, although the hidden dangers in your body have been removed, the injuries are still very serious. I won't say anything unnecessary. You'd better heal your injuries quickly!"

The ring was returned, and Chen Muyu breathed a sigh of relief.


Li Yuanshan nodded slightly, "When you go out soon, call your third grandfather in."

Chen Muyu responded and quickly retreated.


This one really made a lot of money.

In the dining room in the front yard, Chen Muyu poured a cup of tea and drank it by himself. He was so excited that he made more than 80 million yuan in one go, and he did it effortlessly. It was too easy to earn this wealth. Bar?

In his mind, wisps of white inner energy were like strips of mist, swirling and condensing to form a cloud, floating in the dark starry sky of consciousness in front of the mountain. As soon as Chen Muyu's consciousness summoned them, they seemed to have life. The same way of changing forms at will.

Turbulent, surging.

You must know that Chen Muyu has practiced the Overlord's Heart Sutra and is now at the second level. The internal energy he has cultivated is only a few dozen strands, and the quality is far inferior to the internal energy recovered from Li Yuanshan's body.

Others can sell 10,000 pieces of wealth worth 1 strand, but as for myself, the internal energy condensed by the system waste recycling can only be sold for 300 yuan.

This is the difference in realm.

Li Yuanshan's level is much higher than Chen Muyu's.

At first, Chen Muyu wanted to give this part of his internal energy directly to the system for recycling, but now that he thinks about it, it would be a pity. Internal energy is not easy to control. Can this part of his internal energy help him practice?

If possible, this can be regarded as inheriting at least 70% of Li Yuanshan's skills.

Just thinking about it makes me a little excited.

Money can be earned at any time, but can internal strength be earned so easily?

Therefore, Chen Muyu made up his mind to wait until he returned to see if the internal power he had just received could be used on himself.

"What's going on inside?"

Teng Hu was sitting next to him. Seeing Chen Muyu with his eyes closed, he thought he was resting his mind. The smile on his face from time to time made him feel a little baffled.

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