The eighth day...

ninth day……

tenth day……

On the evening of the tenth day, he broke through to the Golden Immortal realm.

Chen Muyu was already a little numb, not only physically but also mentally.

He has heard of an elixir that can instantly turn you into an immortal, but those are all novels and movies. In the real world, cultivation is done step by step and accumulated bit by bit. It took him ten days to do this from Yuan Dynasty. The infant realm directly reached the golden immortal realm.

Although the physical pain during this period was unimaginable, such a terrifying improvement was completely worth it.

What would have taken others thousands of years to accomplish, I have accomplished in a day and night, which can only be described as incredible.

In fact, he was able to make such rapid progress entirely because of the Yuanying of the Supreme Purity in his Dantian. At this time, Yuanying was already in the shape of a young man, with a jade-like body. He held a fly whisk in one hand and an ice lotus in the other. The treasure was solemn, even though it was closed. Eyes, but not angry or intimidating.

Although the spiritual energy of the ancestral veins was coming with great force, this statue of God would not reject anyone who came, swallowing up all of them and feeding back a large amount of energy, so much so that Chen Muyu's cultivation level kept rising.

If this continues, I'm afraid we can really reach Da Luo Jin Wonderland in half a month!

Ever since the white crane spirit and wild boar spirit came to cause trouble, no one has come again. Chen Muyu tried several times, but he couldn't escape. He had no choice but to stay here and practice in peace.

the eleventh day……

The twelfth day……

Thirteenth day...

By the early morning of the fourteenth day, we had reached the peak of the Golden Fairy Realm.

Is it going to be Daluo Jinxian soon?

Chen Muyu raised his head and looked at the sky. Immortals will also suffer heavenly tribulations. When an immortal reaches the level of Daluo Jinxian, he will also suffer another heavenly tribulation.

This catastrophe will be even more ferocious.

Although the sky is clear at the moment, according to my current cultivation speed, at most two more surges of ancestral veins will probably be able to successfully advance to the Great Luo Jin Fairyland.

At that time, it will inevitably lead to a great catastrophe.

In other words, there is a high probability that it will be tonight.

Chen Muyu was very excited. Today was already the fifteenth day, which meant that Sun Wukong would be back the day after tomorrow at the latest.

Of course, there's a chance he won't come back.

However, Chen Muyu thought to himself that although the curse mark left by the Buddha was strong, it would never be infinitely strong. It could withstand the catastrophe of ascending to the Immortal Realm, but could it withstand the Daluo Immortal Realm?

That was the most powerful catastrophe, and it contained the power of heaven. Chen Muyu didn't believe that this curse seal could withstand it.

Just in time, he held the Wuzhishan to block the thunder, and once the curse seal was broken, he took advantage of the situation and escaped.

I have to say that this plan is definitely feasible.

Chen Muyu looked forward to the coming of night.



Two more ancestral veins surged, and Chen Muyu once again experienced inhuman torture.

At night, after he woke up from the pain and his physical wounds healed, Chen Muyu listened to the silence around him and raised his head to look into the night sky again.

His face changed slightly.

No, I was at the peak of Daluo Jinxian in the morning, and now it's evening. After two ancestral vein infusions, why haven't I broken through yet?

The immortal energy in the body has become much thicker, almost exponentially increasing each time, but these two times, it only increased, and there was no qualitative change.


Have you encountered a bottleneck?

Chen Muyu frowned slightly, which was a bit embarrassing.

If you can't break through, you won't be able to cause a natural disaster. If you can't cause a natural disaster, it means you can only wait for Sun Wukong to come back.

Forget it, wait and see tomorrow, maybe it's not the bottleneck.

With a bit of worry, Chen Muyu lay on the ground again and fell into trance. The Xuan Gong was running, the sky was unobstructed, and the Nascent Soul in his body was incessant. The mountain behind him had grown to be extremely huge.

Before I knew it, it was dawn.

As the sun shines down, the ancestral veins at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain surge again.


Another physical torture. When Chen Muyu woke up, it was already half past nine in the morning.

No breakthrough again!

Still at the peak of Golden Wonderland.

Chen Muyu realized that something was wrong, and his skills improved a lot, but there was still no breakthrough.


I can't understand why it got stuck here when it was so smooth before.

Let’s check again at noon.

Chen Muyu placed his hope on noon. If it was still like this at noon, there would be no doubt that he had encountered a bottleneck.

Noon came quickly, and the earth veins surged again. The timing was extremely accurate.

This time, it lasted for nearly an hour.

However, Chen Muyu still didn't make a breakthrough.

The results are deplorable.

According to previous experience, reaching the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm and entering the Golden Immortal Realm was only two accumulations. He has been stuck for two days now, and the difficulty is too great.

The key is that he hasn't felt that he has touched the threshold of Da Luo Jin Wonderland, which is very confusing.

Now he was sure that he was really stuck.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Muyu felt a little depressed.

What should I do? Today is already the fifteenth day. If I am really stuck in this realm and Sun Wukong does not come back, what will I do?

Are you really going to be trapped here, suffering from the surging ancestral veins every day?

In the evening, the ley lines boiled again.

This time, Chen Muyu was still only powerful, and still had not touched the threshold of Da Luo Jin Fairyland.

Just by practicing the technique, Chen Muyu always felt like something was missing.

Accumulation but little success? Not qualified enough?

It shouldn't be the case. Doesn't it mean that the Jiuzhou Ancestral Lineage can add qualifications, and there is no need to consider the issue of qualifications at all?

As for the need to accumulate a lot, I have accumulated it for three days, and I have been almost bursting several times. Isn’t it still a lot?

What's missing?

The weather was very good tonight. Looking at the stars in the sky, Chen Muyu fell into deep thought and entered a state of enlightenment.

Chaos energy?

A word suddenly appeared in Chen Muyu's mind.

I remember hearing Xie Qingyan, the Iron Broom Fairy, say that Da Luo Jin Fairyland needs to transform the fairy energy in the body into a more advanced chaotic energy.

Chen Muyu suddenly remembered that in the Xu Valley, several strong men from the Golden Fairy Realm were fighting for the Chaos Grass. The purpose was because the Chaos Grass contained the energy of Chaos and could help the monks realize Chaos.

Zhu Wuji even died because of this thing.

In other words, the energy of chaos is the foundation for breaking through the Great Luo Jin Fairyland.

Thinking of this, Chen Muyu's heart ignited a raging fire again.

A monk of Chen Muyu's level cannot create something out of nothing. If he wants to break through the Great Luo Jin Fairyland, he can only find a way to get in touch with the energy of chaos, introduce it into his body, and use it as a fire to enlighten and then start a prairie fire.

Coincidentally, he still has dozens of Chaos Grass plants, all of which are in the storage ring.

Chen Muyu also quickly took out one.

This thing looks ordinary, just like a weed, and no one will notice it if it is thrown on the roadside, but in the eyes of the Golden Fairyland monks, this thing is a treasure.

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