A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 12 The fox’s natural enemy

The man's loud movements naturally attracted the attention of the foxes, dogs and people in the venue.

Shen Jile looked over with tears in his eyes. When he saw the man wearing an iron mask and a string of Shen family brothers dragging behind him, his face suddenly changed, his eyes widened, and he asked sadly, "What did you do to them?" What?"

Although the brothers had just fled when the disaster came, abandoning him and running away, he was still worried when he saw that they all looked like they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

The man glanced at him coldly and arrogantly, with a cold smile on his lips. He ignored the stupid boy who was about to die, reached out and took out a bunch of fruits of different colors from his pocket and threw them to the big red-furred fox.

The big red-haired fox lazily swung its tail, took the fruit into its mouth, and started eating it.

Bai Zexiaonai's voice was solemn: "Nine-flavored fruit, a second-grade elementary spiritual plant, can adjust the taste in a short period of time, making all the food eaten in the mouth become top-notch delicious."

Shen Yinghuan's eyes darkened. She knew how this man had raised this fox to be a man-eating fox. Now feeding it this kind of fruit would prepare it for a meal.

Her mood immediately became heavy.

On the other end, Shen Jile, who was ignored, didn't know the seriousness of the matter. He shut his mouth and then his attention was attracted to Shen Yinghuan who fell not far away.

The beautiful girl had her eyes lowered, she was pale, weak, and pitiful. You could tell at a glance that she had been bullied.

He didn't know where he got the courage to get up from the ground, ran over quickly like an eagle guarding a chicken, opened his arms in front of her, suppressed his fear, and said in a trembling voice, "Hurry, hurry up Run, I'll block him."

Shen Yinghuan was stunned for a moment, looking at the thin back in front of her that was neither tall nor strong, her eyes were incomprehensible.

The little puppy pricked up its little ears when it heard that the man making beef jerky had run away. It was stunned for a moment. The puppy's head turned curiously, and unexpectedly it met Shen Yinghuan's eyes.

The little puppy tilted its little head, "Woof~~"

[Why does this person look so similar to my master? ]

It ran over with its short legs and swung its short tail, circled around Shen Yinghuan twice, and then stretched out its small paws tentatively.

Seeing that Shen Yinghuan didn't drive it away, it poked its head over and sniffed carefully with its wet black nose, "Woof woof~"

[The aura of a weak human being is definitely not the master. ]


It raised its puppy head and stared at Shen Yinghuan's face with its dark dog eyes. It was so strange that it took another look.

Shen Yinghuan raised her lips and shouted, "Er Mao."

The little puppy instantly raised its airplane ears, and then its hair exploded all over its body. The whole dog leaned back, but because its short legs were unsteady, it rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

It was lying on the ground, hiding under the flower vines with a guilty look on its face. Only a pair of dog ears and a pair of dark dog eyes were exposed, and it looked over cautiously.

Secret observation jpg

If the current situation were not so critical, Shen Yinghuan would teach this stupid dog a lesson for calling its owner weak.

But now the Miying Fox has finished eating the Jiuwei Guo and stood up. The fox's fangs are exposed in its mouth, and it looks like it is about to eat a big meal. How long will it take if it doesn't run away now?


Shen Yinghuan picked up the little puppy on the ground, grabbed the young man standing in front of her, and ran away with him.

As long as the predators don't like dead things, they like to chase living animals. Seeing two lively people, the red fox immediately lost interest in the "dead bodies" lying on the ground, swung its tail and chased after them. Eat hot and fresh.

The man with the iron mask looked completely indifferent to this, and even raised the corners of his lips in a bad way, feeling extremely excited. In other words, he was just a lunatic who loved teasing little mice and liked to watch them struggle and fear before death.

This sea of ​​wisteria flowers has been created by him as an illusion, and the signal has been cut off. Everything is under his control, and he can fully enjoy it.

But Shen Yinghuan, who had known something was wrong in the sea of ​​​​flowers, would not have been stupid enough to rush in, and she had saved her before she came in to find Er Mao.


The ferocious howl of a wolf suddenly sounded, breaking the eerie tranquility of the sea of ​​wisteria flowers.

The man who was watching the show suddenly changed his expression and became alert.

Shen Ying, who had already run away, cheered and gasped for breath, like a broken box, the wind was leaking, and the smell of rust rose from her dry and burning throat to her mouth, and the word "miserable" was slapped on her forehead.

Weak, really too weak. With just such a little amount of exercise, her sick body couldn't bear it. Now her legs are weak and her eyesight is dark. If it hadn't been for the boy next to her who picked up the puppy and fought back. He ran with her, and relied on her tenacious willpower to hold him up. His broken body had already passed away and lay on the ground unable to move.

Shen Yinghuan bit her lip, her eyes fierce, she must improve her physical fitness!

As soon as she made this decision, she heard the howling of wolves getting closer and closer, and her eyes suddenly lit up, "Here it comes -"

Shen Jile's ears were sharp and he asked in surprise, "What's coming?"

"Reinforcements are coming."

The worried Bai Ze was now happy, "It's a fifth-level advanced Green Underworld Wolf. It has the exclusive skill "Eye of Reality" and can see through illusions. The wolf is also the natural enemy of the fox. The little butterfly has found a good helper." ah."

Yes, that's right, the hand Shen Yinghuan left before entering the sea of ​​wisteria flowers was the little butterfly, the blue hidden butterfly she saw outside the window before.

Relying on her golden finger "animal language", she quickly made friends with the little butterfly flying by. The little butterfly also patted its unnecessary chest and said that it would find its good friends to come and support her.

She only knew that Little Butterfly's friend was a powerful fifth-level advanced adult spirit beast that he met in the misty forest, but she didn't expect that Little Butterfly was so reliable and met the Green Underworld Wolf.

As soon as I heard what Bai Ze said, I knew that the little butterfly had helped a lot this time.

Sure enough, as soon as the Green Underworld Wolf appeared, it pounced on Miying Fox. The huge and powerful wolf restrained the big fox. The fox that was chasing them in high spirits was bitten by the Green Underworld Wolf in the blink of an eye, turning it into a bald fox. .

But after all, it was a ferocious fox that had eaten people. Under suppression, it aroused its ferocity and soon began to fight back.

A wolf and a fox fought fiercely.

Shen Yinghuan staggered to a stop, her face turned as white as a ghost, and she clutched her chest and gasped for air.

The little butterfly flapped its wings and came over to take credit, "Beautiful girl, my good friend is amazing."


It was so powerful and it came just in time. If it had come two seconds later, she might have been chased by the fox and would have been lying on the coffin.

Compared to Shen Yinghuan, the sensible person who arranged and facilitated this matter, Shen Jile beside her was dumbfounded like a stupid roe deer.

Could it be that the elders of the clan came to the rescue?

That's not right, it seems that no one among the elders in the clan has a Green Underworld Wolf!

He scratched his head, and like the little puppy in his arms, his small eyes were filled with big doubts.

Yeah, collect what you like~

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