"At dawn, get up and start working. Every lazy person just sleeps and sleeps without making progress. The donkeys in the production team don't dare to rest like this. Those who are in a hurry come out to work. All the wisteria flowers must be harvested before noon. , otherwise it won’t be sold.”

The sound of gongs and drums was heard outside, accompanied by the old man's curses.

Zhao Xun, who was smiling all over his face, suddenly fell down, and muttered, "It's the second elder who is not shy to call the soul again."

Despite her words, she still stood up.

Before leaving, she helped Shen Yinghuan tuck in the quilt and warned her gently, "Huanhuan, you don't have to come out until you recover. Just let me and Xiaofan do the work. If you don't feel well, Just sleep a little longer. If you can't lie down anymore, you can get up and walk around. If you're hungry, you can get free nutrient solution outside. If you can't rest, you can go to the next door ward to see Dongdong, Xiaozhi and the others. That room is full of people. You are the little brat of the clan, they are particularly admiring you now, you will definitely be very popular when you go there."

She had really considered every detail for her. The warmth flowed out of Shen Yinghuan's eyes. She nodded obediently while lying on the bed, "I understand, Mom, go ahead and do your work."

The three people sitting in rows across from the hospital bed, Shen Jifan, were filled with sour hearts and looked at Shen Yinghuan with vicious eyes.

But would Shen Yinghuan care? Of course not, she smiled very happily as she watched the three of them go out to work hard.

The only pity is that Shen Qiyue is still here. It seems that her attempt to steal things last night was not exposed.

After the door closed, Shen Yinghuan stopped smiling, then lowered her head and pulled away the quilt covering her body. She was still wearing the same clothes as before, even her coat was well worn. She pursed her lips and reached out to take out the clothes in her pocket. After confirming that it was still there, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she frowned and started thinking again. She felt uneasy leaving this small book outside. It would be bad if it was lost or picked up and someone saw the contents inside. But she couldn't throw it away. What was recorded on it The thing may be due to the will of the world in this world. No matter how good her memory is, she can't write down all the contents. As long as she sleeps, the memory related to the future events recorded on it will weaken. She must take time. Keep it with you and review it from time to time so that she can remember it.

Therefore, it is better to create a space to store things, but the space props in this world are spiritual weapons, which are expensive and cannot be afforded by ordinary people.

In addition, there are spirit beasts with spatial abilities, but these kinds of spirit beasts are even more rare to find. It is impossible for spirit beast cubs with such skills to circulate on the market. They are all monopolized by the upper class families, so it is still It would be more reliable to buy a space spiritual weapon.

Shen Yinghuan turned on her optical brain to check her balance.

Good guy, the bare single digit "9"! ! !

Judging from "Shen Yinghuan's" memory, this was because her adoptive parents felt sorry for her, and just in case, they sold the potatoes grown in the field to give her the "confidence" to bring her back to the Shen family.


Shen Yinghuan sighed quietly, so poor!

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and a head cautiously poked in from the outside.

Shen Yinghuan turned her head and looked over.

When their eyes met, Shen Jile smiled shyly, then opened the door and walked in, "Fifth cousin, how are you? What were you sighing about just now?"

Shen Jile was her grandfather's third brother and the only grandson in her third grandfather's family. He introduced her to her before she fainted last night.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little tired from lying down." Shen Yinghuan walked over vaguely, then looked at him and asked, "Why didn't you go to work?"

Shen Jile scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile, "I have benefited from you, sister. The brothers who were rescued in the sea of ​​wisteria flowers last night just shared the work assigned to me to express their gratitude."

"Oh, that's good." Shen Yinghuan was a little absent-minded, her eyes swept over his empty arms, "By the way, where is the little puppy?"

"We have sent it back to the kindergarten. Do you want to see the fifth cousin? But we may not be able to get in. After the cub escaped last night, the watch there is very strict now. We have to wait until we awaken to the beast control space at noon. Only then can we go in and select the cubs.”

Shen Jile said with a smile, and then like magic, he took out a red fruit from his pocket and handed it over.

"Sister, you eat this first. This is the spiritual enlightenment fruit reissued to you by the clan. It can increase the probability of awakening the beast-controlling space. You must eat it three hours before the awakening ceremony."

Hearing this, Shen Yinghuan was not polite and immediately took it and took a bite. Her eyes in a good mood curled up, "It's quite sweet."

Shen Jile immediately puffed up his chest proudly, "That's right, my grandfather has very sharp eyes. He can definitely pick out the best things at the same price. This batch of Qiling Fruits was picked out by my grandfather himself. All are round and plump, juicy and sweet.”

"By the way, sister, if you are tired from lying down, would you like to go for a walk with me? We will attend the awakening ceremony together at noon."

Shen Yinghuan thought for a while, she was in better health now and had nothing to do. She could go out for a walk or explore ways to make money, so she nodded happily and agreed.

Holding the free nutrient solution she received in her mouth, she walked around and discovered that the Shen family was indeed a poor family. Even though their family occupied the entire Little Star, poverty was still reflected in every aspect.

For example, except for the misty forest, the entire Little Rose Planet is planted with wisteria flowers. However, these wisteria flowers are not for viewing, but for sale. Because wisteria flowers were in short supply in the interstellar world decades ago, the purchase price was high. It was extremely high, so the Shen family decided to plant wisteria flowers all over the whole wisteria.

Even though the purchase price of wisteria flowers has been decreasing year by year in recent years, with the flower vines and the planting and cultivation methods they have gradually figured out over the years, they are reluctant to cut down the wisteria flowers and take the risk of planting other high-priced plants.

Except for the wisteria that belongs to the entire tribe, the plants planted in the yard of the tribe belong to themselves. Because they are poor, they plant all plants with economic benefits. They plant them densely and full, just to be able to Plant more points and sell more Xiaoling coins.

Last night, the spirit beasts rioted. Many clan members' houses were destroyed, and the fruits, vegetables and other plants in the yard were trampled to pieces. As Shen Yinghuan and Shen Jile walked along, they heard the sound of crying for their fathers and scolding their mothers, and some people lying in distress. He touched the grass roots on the ground, slapped his thighs and shouted "My lifeblood".

Among them was her sixth uncle Shen Xiao. No wonder I didn't see him in the hospital today. He was mourning the flowers and plants in his yard.

Those cries of grief, like those of a dead father, are really heart-breaking for those who hear them, and tears for those who hear them!

So sad!

"Oh, it seems like it's not easy to make money!"

Shen Yinghuan also sighed with a sad face. If the money was easy to make, everyone in the Shen family would not be so virtuous as to cry over the plants that can be sold in the yard.

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