A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 205 The Desert Eagle has advanced

Shen Yinghuan was surprised that he told the news without reservation!

Then something moved in her mind, and she pretended to be confused and asked, "Does this King Lotus Buddha water have other uses?" 】

[Jing Yao: Yes~ A secret method passed down from a certain family in the Upper Star Region. It is said that drinking Wanglianfo water before awakening can increase the level of the beast-controlling space. The news I just received not long ago should be accurate. 】

It seems that making a lot of money from Wang Lian Buddha water will be done after I get out.

Shen Yinghuan's lips curled up, "Okay, if the senior doesn't get the Wang Lian Buddha water after he goes out, I can give priority to selling it to the senior." 】

As for giving it to her, it was impossible to give it to her. After all, her brothers were still settling the scores, and she was still poor and couldn't afford it.

There are also those children in the Shen family who have not yet awakened, such as Xiaoliu, the fat little fat boy with a controlling face.

Thinking about it, it would cost a lot of small spirit coins. She was a little reluctant to give it away. Why not start with Shen Qiyue. Shen Qiyue had to hand over 80% of the income and salary to the Shen family every year. Why not just let her go directly? The Jiaowang Lotus Water is also good. I believe grandpa and the elders will be very happy with it.

Shen Yinghuan's eyes sparkled.

After being teleported to a flower valley, Shen Qiyue was hiding among the flowers with her butt stuck out to avoid the swarms of bees patrolling back and forth. Suddenly she felt a cold chill rising on the back of her neck. She subconsciously turned her head to take a look, and saw only one A bee about the same size as her fist was flying out of there quietly, and flashed a sharp bee-tail needle that glowed dark green at her.

Her pupils shrank and she jumped up with a frightened cry.

With one wrong step and one wrong step, her movement immediately attracted the attention of the patrolling bee team. They immediately buzzed and flew toward her in a menacing manner, intending to severely punish the two-legged beast for intruding into their territory.

Shen Qiyue cursed in her heart, then hurriedly ran out, but her legs could not outrun the flying bees. After a while, she was stung all over her head.

Seeing that the ferocious swarm of bees were still chasing after them, even planning to swarm them, Shen Qiyue suddenly saw the large pond in front of them.

Her eyes suddenly lit up and her face flashed with ecstasy, she was saved!

So she sped up and sprinted, jumping directly towards the river.

There was a sound of heavy objects hitting the water.

Shen Yinghuan stood up from the Wanglian after hearing the noise, broke off the flowers and looked in the direction of the noise. The place was a bit far away from her, and there were only ripples and a group of people wandering back and forth on the water. Bee.

Her dark eyes narrowed, thoughtfully. Someone must have been chased by the swarm of bees and forced here, and then wanted to dive to survive.

However, this pond is not a safe place. There are a group of ferocious man-eating fish below.

[Master, do you want to take a look? ]

The little butterfly that sat on the stamen of the king lotus and sucked the nectar curiously stuck out its little head and asked eagerly.

Shen Yinghuan shook her head coldly, "No, it should be other people entering the Xuanyue Secret Realm. It's better not to meet them. Let's leave here first."

In this secret realm, not only the environment and the spiritual beasts were dangerous, but the people who were also competitors were even more dangerous. She did not intend to have more contact with people outside the Fortune Team.

Moreover, she had just harvested a lotus pod and Wanglianfo water. Since Jing Yao already knew about Wanglianfo water, there was no guarantee that other members of the big family would also know about it. What if she happened to be someone who knew about it and wanted to rob her? But the gain outweighs the loss.

She decisively pulled out the tools that had been extracted and put the glass bottle containing Wanglianfo water into the yin and yang ring, and then wanted to climb down.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt something strange. It turned out that the Desert Eagle, which had finished its advanced state in the beast control space, woke up.

It has thick brown feathers, and two golden feathers in its tail feathers are particularly eye-catching. The most important thing is its huge size. It already has the style of the giant desert eagle in the Yellow Sand Secret Realm, and is even more energetic, young and strong than them.

Shen Yinghuan's heart moved, and a formation with rich yellow light flashed beside her. A huge and powerful black eagle flew out of the formation, and its huge body instantly covered the sunlight falling from above.

[Master, I have successfully advanced~]

The desert eagle flapped its wings in joy and flew back and forth a dozen meters above Shen Yinghuan. The strong wind blew the lotus flowers around it staggering.

The Desert Eagle is now a third-level advanced spiritual beast. From the first-level intermediate level to the third-level advanced level, it has entered two large levels and one small level. Its speed is even more fierce than a small butterfly. Everyone who sees it has to praise it. Well cultivated.

The corners of Shen Yinghuan's mouth turned up, and her eyes were filled with joy, "Be good, I'll make braised pork for you when I get out of the secret realm."

The desert eagle and the little butterfly who heard it on the side suddenly became happy. They ate the braised pork once, and they missed that delicious bite too much.

The desert eagle was immediately full of energy and excitedly asked Shen Ying to get on its back. It could now fly with its owner on its back.

Shen Yinghuan also had this intention. She jumped up, grabbed its wings with both hands, and climbed onto its back.

After she sat firmly, the desert eagle immediately flew out excitedly with its owner, and the bee swarm chasing after it couldn't catch up.

Shen Qiyue, whose face was stung like a dough bun, soaked in the water and fought with the sawtooth fish for three hundred rounds, finally caught a small opening and emerged from the water. When she raised her head, she only had time to see an eagle flying far in the sky. and the people sitting on the eagle's back, but soon they all turned into tiny dots and disappeared from her sight.

If she opened her mouth to ask for help, she could only cry out in her throat.

Now her situation has reached a life-and-death moment. There are bees lingering above her without giving up, and there are sawtooth fish in the water that eat her flesh and bite her several times. The smell of blood attracts more sawtooth fish.

After weighing the pros and cons, she decisively summoned her spiritual beast, the Snow Demon, to freeze the water surface and block the speed of the sawtooth fish, while she swam quickly to the shore.

When she reached the shore, she asked the snow demon to cover her with an oval ice defensive cover, and she hid inside to avoid the swarm of bees.

But the swarm of bees were stubborn and refused to leave. Some of them were of the fire type and were still attacking her ice cover with fireballs.

Shen Qiyue had no choice but to feed the snow demon the treasures of heaven and earth that she had saved so hard to keep it going.

After more than half an hour of confrontation with the swarm of bees, the swarm of bees finally ran out of patience and flew away.

After Shen Qiyue waited in the ice cover for a while and saw no bees flying back, she breathed a sigh of relief and crawled out of the ice cover in embarrassment.

Only then did she finally have the time to notice the large lotus flowers growing in the pond in front of her, as well as the largest and most beautiful royal lotus in the center of the pond, and then her eyes were glued to it and couldn't move away.

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