A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 268 The starship was bombed

Jin Zhenzhen shrank his neck, "Can I also change to a smaller knife?"

Shen Yinghuan rejected her, "No."

Jin Zhenzhen wanted to be angry subconsciously, and her delicate eyebrows wrinkled in dissatisfaction, but when she glanced at Shen Yinghuan's emotionless black eyes, the anger in her heart was like a bucket of ice cubes poured on her, cooling her down. Yeah, it can't get hot at all.

I can't afford to offend him, so I can only submit in humiliation.

Fortunately, after using the machete, the wound was only a little bigger than a fruit knife, and the blood flowed happily. There were no other side effects, and her whole hand was not chopped off. Jin Zhenzhen felt relieved. He covered his wrist and moved aside.

When it was Shi Mengyu's turn, Shen Yinghuan still had that killer face that showed no emotion, and she still had the machete in her hand.

Shi Mengyu:

She held out her hand silently.

After all four people's poisonous insects were dealt with, Shen Qiyue looked at Shen Yinghuan who put away the machete with sad eyes. Why was she still treating her differently?

Treat her differently, just treat her differently. Shouldn't the person being treated differently be her, a sister of the same race who shares the same sorrows? Why is it Jin Caicai?

In terms of familiarity, Jin Caicai should be the person who has been in contact with Shen Yinghuan for the shortest time.

When Shen Yinghuan glanced at her, she looked away in a hopeless manner.

Forget it, Shen Yinghuan is not an emperor and needs to be treated equally, so just treat him differently.

At this time, the radio on the starship rang.

[Passengers on the starship, please pay attention. Passengers on the starship, please pay attention. The starship will arrive at the edge star in three minutes. According to reliable news, there is a group of extremely vicious gangsters hiding on the edge star. They kill people and set fires without mercy. They do evil things, human trafficking, human experimentation, no matter the old, weak, sick or disabled. Now they have ambushed the starry sky port. The starship route can no longer turn around and can only stop at the starry skyport.

For the safety of the passengers on the starship, the star captain decided to dock and enter the edge star airport and return immediately after one minute. Passengers who need to continue on the edge star are asked to wait at the door of the starship and seize the time to get off the starship. ]

"Didn't you say the stop would take five minutes? Why was it shortened to one minute?"

Shen Qiyue and the other four people stood carefully with their ears raised. After the radio sound stopped, they looked at Shen Yinghuan in confusion.

Shen Yinghuan looked in the direction of the door and frowned, "Maybe something happened."

Then she turned to look at the four of them, "You stay here and just follow the starship back. Don't worry about other things."

The four people immediately nodded like chickens pecking at rice, even if they were asked to do so, they didn't want to do anything about it.

Shen Yinghuan hurriedly bid farewell to the four of them and walked quickly to the starship command room. On the way, she also helped Jing Yao, grabbing the thin man and the strong man who wanted to run away after hearing the announcement, and escorted the two of them together. Arrive at the command room.

The command room was in chaos at this time. The starship staff looked pale and panicked, walking back and forth hurriedly. There were two red warning lights on the control screen, and there were five people wearing starship work clothes lying on the ground. The blood under the five people had flowed out, and their chests had not risen and fallen. They were obviously dead.

There were many bloody footprints and scattered papers around their bodies. The ground was mottled and bloody.

"What's going on here?"

Shen Yinghuan knocked the thin man in her hand unconscious and threw it to the ground. She walked in with a frown and asked.

Mi Xi, the obedient gatekeeper, walked out from behind the command room door, looked at her with bright black eyes, and said shyly, "Xuemei Shen, you are here. We just caught five traitors who were hiding in the command room. They wanted to destroy the starship. System, fortunately our captain discovered it early and can still rescue it now."

Shen Yinghuan was surprised. She didn't expect that there were actually people hiding on the starship, and there were only five of them. However, Lan Yindie had been following the thin man and the big man. These two people obviously knew nothing about the traitor hiding in the starship.

"Is the shortened docking time of the starship also related to this matter?"

Mi Xi nodded with a smile on her face, "Yes, the captain can repair it, and it can also improve the system flexibility in the starship, allowing the starship to return home faster. Moreover, there is a traitor in the starship command room. It can be seen that there are no more starships." It’s not necessarily safe, so the captain plans to improve the performance inside the starship so that it can reverse course as soon as possible.”

Shen Yinghuan had a surprised look on her face. She didn't expect Longxing Tower to have this skill!

Then she found Long Xinglou in front of a starship control console with a serious expression and his fingers flying around to quickly repair the system program.

A man who works hard is quite handsome, especially since this man's side profile is almost perfect, which is even more pleasing to the eye.

After the beautiful man admired them for a few seconds, she coughed lightly, looked away and asked Mi Xi, "What about the other people in the team?"

Mi Xi: "Go to the starship to check for other safety hazards."

"Then I'll help too."

Shen Yinghuan nodded at him, turned around and left the command room neatly.

When Jing Yao, who was still standing at the door guarding the big man, saw this, he also hurriedly knocked the man unconscious and followed Shen Yinghuan out of the command room.

But before the two of them could take a few steps out, there was a loud bang. The entire starship began to shake violently with the explosion, and more than half of the screens in the command room lit up with red alarm lights. It's dazzling, and the sirens are shrill and piercing, making people's hearts beat violently.

Shen Yinghuan and Jing Yao looked at each other and walked back to the command room with ugly expressions.

The staff inside were in a mess, with ghosts crying and wolf howling rising to the sky.

"It's over, it's over. The entire spiritual power conversion system has been blown up. It can't be repaired. Even if it is repaired, it has to climb outside the starship to repair it."

"Oh, the engine is broken, the drives are all ruined, and the entire starship is ruined. If it's broken like this, it's better to just buy a new one."

"Ah - hurry up, hurry up, Your Highness the Second Prince, we can only make an emergency landing at the edge star airport. Who the hell blew up the starship? This is a new one and is worth more than 500 billion."

The star captain cried with snot and tears and leaned next to Long Xinglou, lamenting the passing of the starship.

Shen Yinghuan had a tense face, walked quickly to Long Xinglou, lowered her head and asked, "Is there really nothing we can do?"

Long Xinglou frowned and nodded with a heavy expression, "Yes, Captain Star is right."

It seems that the Edge Star Base is hidden deeper than they thought, and even the starships controlled by the Empire can hide their people.

No, maybe they used Gu insects to control the starship staff.

No matter which one it is, it proves that the base is far more powerful than they thought, and its methods are more unpredictable.

The two people looked ugly. This discovery raised their vigilance to the highest level. The tough battle at the Edge Star Airport might be more difficult than they imagined.

At this time, news came from Jin Hesong's side, and Guang Nao rang.

"Xinglou, I caught the two people who bombed the starship. They were ordinary passengers. Unfortunately, I couldn't stop them in time. They are bleeding to death from their orifices now. They must be controlled by Gu insects."

Long Xinglou's voice was low, "Don't worry about them. Join Gong Shan and the others and return to the starship hatch immediately. Prepare to disembark from the starship in one minute."

"Captain Star, broadcast an emergency announcement to inform everyone of the situation of the starship. Let them rush to the nearest hatch of the starship within one minute and prepare to go down, otherwise they will be destroyed together with the starship."


After the two orders were issued, people on both sides quickly executed them.

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