A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 291 Dean Wei, this old boring gourd

Shen Yinghuan glanced at her eldest brother, and then asked with a heavy face, "Does Uncle Shentu know how to eliminate them?"

Shen Tuyou frowned and shook his head regretfully, "There is no solution. We can only expel it, and it needs to be expelled as soon as possible. They will devour the spiritual energy when they encounter it. If there is no spiritual energy, they will also look for the spiritual energy. If I guessed correctly, wait until they have absorbed the spiritual energy from the ground. The spiritual energy in those corpses will then attack us, or attack the planet's spiritual core."

The planets are all formed by the gathering of spiritual energy, and the planet's spiritual core is the heart of the entire planet. Once the spiritual core loses its spiritual energy, it is equivalent to the human heart stopping beating, and what awaits the planet is death and annihilation.

Hearing this, everyone's eyelids jumped, and they finally understood what the ghostly masked man meant when he asked them to be buried with him. When these spiritual insects devour the spiritual core of the Edge Star, the Edge Star will self-destruct and die. Then they and the others Won’t the people on the Edge Star be buried with them?

Fortunately, Shentu You, a person who knows these spiritual insects, is here. Otherwise, if they didn't know the news and didn't know that the Fringe Star would die faster, they might not have time to evacuate.

After understanding this logic, everyone present couldn't sit still, especially when they saw a few small black bugs burrowing underground, they felt even more terrified.

General Lin said anxiously, "I will contact the starship and relocate the star citizens of the Edge Star as soon as possible."

Long Xinghao also acted resolutely, "General Lin, take the rescue team to help the Star Citizens relocate. Be sure to let them know the seriousness of the matter. Just leave the base to us."


After the two parties negotiated, they immediately dispersed, and Long Xinglou and Jing Yao followed to help.

Although the mastermind in the base has escaped, there are still many Gu insect legions and Gu people left behind. Those who were captured and imprisoned in the base need manpower to rescue them.

Shen Wang and Shen Xiao were not idle either, and followed them intending to contribute their own strength.

In order to speed up, Shen Yinghuan gave Dangkang to Longxinglou.

So the only people left behind were Shen Yinghuan, who was weak and had been persuaded by Long Xinglou not to need help and to evacuate on her own, Shen Tuyou, and Dean Wei.

The three of them were silent for a few seconds. Shen Yinghuan glanced at the other two people, her eyes flashing, and finally she looked at the old man who was standing there motionless and asked, "Do you have any ideas for Dean Wei to stay?"

After some tossing, the bamboo hat on Dean Wei's head was still intact. When he heard Shen Yinghuan's voice, the gauze on his bamboo hat shook, and he turned to Shen Tuyou, slowly He said, "As long as they don't come into contact with the spiritual energy, they can't swallow it, right?"

Shen Tuyou had been getting along with Dean Wei for many years, and he immediately understood what he meant. His eyes lit up, "Yes, do you want to give it a try?"

"Yes." Dou Li nodded, and then he saw Dean Wei take out a large table from the space spirit weapon, and then all kinds of materials were put on it.

It doesn't look like the aura-filled materials of this era, but rather like the iron lumps, screws and other parts that have no aura in Shen Yinghuan's previous life.

Then she and Shentu You watched as Dean Wei began to quickly assemble something simple and similar to a vacuum cleaner with his bare hands. The suction port of the long tube was connected to a tightly sealed iron bucket.

It was not driven by spiritual energy, but the magnetic field interaction generated by the motor coils she had seen in her previous life.

Shen Yinghuan's eyes shone. She didn't expect that in this life, where spiritual energy was used as energy, she could still see technological products from her previous life.

"I'm here to help."

Shen Yinghuan said excitedly, then walked over and took the extra-long tube of more than 100 meters long from Dean Wei's hand, pointed it in the direction of the spiritual insect, and pressed the switch.

Suddenly the pipe made a sizzling sound, and a strong suction force came from the mouth of the pipe, and countless small black bugs were sucked into it.

In the blink of an eye, a large area of ​​black mass in that direction was sucked out.

Looking at the intact iron bucket, there were already many small bugs running rampant inside, but they couldn't get out. Shen Tuyou couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

He didn't expect that the insect that had been bothering him like a nightmare for a long time could be caught so easily.

"Dean Wei, what kind of spiritual weapon are you making that is so effective?"

If I make ten or eight of them and carry them with me in the future, wouldn't I no longer have to be afraid of this thing?

Shen Yinghuan's lips curled up in a happy mood, "This is not a spiritual weapon. If it contained spiritual energy, this iron barrel would have been long gone. Dean Wei should have used another scientific system, which did not use spiritual energy at all, so this iron barrel To be intact.”

"And this thing only works well on the Edge Star, a place where the spiritual energy is almost cut off. On other planets with sufficient spiritual energy, the spiritual energy will be sucked in together with the spiritual energy. With the blessing of spiritual energy, the spiritual energy cannot be contained. , and besides, they are only temporarily imprisoned and cannot be killed.”

Thinking of this, Shen Yinghuan suddenly had an idea, and an idea came to her mind. Since the spirit-loving insects can grow and reproduce by absorbing spiritual energy, what if their spiritual energy is cut off, will they starve to death?

The reason why spirit-eating insects and spirit-devouring beasts can show off their power and cannot be eliminated is because of the ubiquitous aura in this interstellar world. Even the planets are evolved from aura. But once the aura becomes extinct, the spirit-eating insects and spirit-devouring beasts will The beasts have lost the food they depend on for survival, and they will probably disappear and become extinct.

Of course, this idea is not realistic. Once the spiritual energy is extinct, the planet will also die, and humans will also be finished. It has not yet reached the point of perishing together.

What if we change the situation to a smaller one, such as locking the spirit-loving insect in a place with no spiritual energy, will it starve to death?

Maybe she can study a forbidden spirit pattern and create a space with no spiritual energy similar to a vacuum.

But unfortunately, there is no time for her to conduct research and experiments now.

Unaware of the bold thoughts Shen Yinghuan had in mind at this time, Shen Tuyou's originally bright eyes dimmed again after hearing her words, and he felt a little more disappointed.

But when he saw Shen Yinghuan, he had an admiring smile on his face again, and he praised without hesitation, "Huanhuan knows so much. Dean Wei, an old boring gourd, can see through the works of this old man at a glance."

Dean Lao Menghu Lukai:

The hat trembled and she looked towards him.

Shentu You quickly looked away and changed the subject, "Oh my, what should I do if this bucket is full?"

Dean Wei silently withdrew his gaze and walked towards the table, planning to assemble another one.

Shen Yinghuan turned off the switch and strode over quickly, "I'll help you together, faster."

Time waits for no one. The faster you move, the more spiritual insects you can catch and the fewer spiritual insects that burrow into the core of the planet. The spiritual energy in the spiritual core will last longer, leaving more for the rescue team and the people living on the edge of the planet. time.

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