A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 327 The body was picked up by Chai Haobo

More than half a day has passed since the live broadcast of Shen Yinghuan and Xiang Hongtian suddenly went black. In the afternoon of that day, Xiang Hongtian reappeared in front of the public with a miserable look and continued to live broadcast the competition. However, Shen Yinghuan did not show up, and the live broadcast room was also silent. Black screen, this is called Star Network. Everyone on the Star Network is talking about it, and there are all kinds of speculations.

Some people say that Xiang Hongtian and Shen Yinghuan fought, and in the end, Xiang Hongtian won miserably, and Shen Yinghuan was seriously injured or died and was eliminated; others said that Xiang Hongtian's identity was not simple, and there were shady forces behind it, and Shen Yinghuan was behind it The family persuaded them to quit.

In short, some people are happy and some are worried about Shen Yinghuan's absence, and many are gloating about it. However, the empire has not given an explanation for a long time, so there are more and more speculations, and all kinds of outrageous speculations on the Star Network have become more and more intense.

Secretly, many people from the Shen family, Jing family, Shentu family, etc. were searching for her whereabouts non-stop. Unfortunately, they found nothing and could not trace her whereabouts at all.

Long Xinglou was as anxious as a walking freezer, freezing wherever he went. He also hurriedly carried all his small treasury to find his father, and begged him to let Qinglong come forward and use his power to make a divination for the sake of money. Find the location of his future daughter-in-law.

And where is Shen Yinghuan, who has single-handedly touched the hearts of almost the entire empire?

She was lying in a luxuriously decorated room, being "hidden in a golden house".

At this time, there was a rustling sound outside the door of the room, and then the door was pushed open a small crack. After observing secretly, a thin figure sneaked in, and then he lowered his voice and greeted the door. other than others.

"Come on, come on in, I overheard. This room is the room of that bullshit second young master of the Chai family. Most people don't dare to come in. Let's hide here for a while and wait for the previous wave of patrols to pass before looking for anyone."

"Okay, okay."

So a few more people tiptoed in one after another.

After closing the door, several people were cautious in the room and looked around.


Suddenly, a thin man walking at the front screamed in surprise. The man following him quickly covered his eyes with his hands and threatened in a low voice, "What's your name? I don't know that we sneaked in. If we are discovered, What should we do? If you want to die, don’t get involved with us.”

The thin man quickly shook his head, pointed in the direction of the bed with wide eyes, and frantically motioned for them to look over.

Several people subconsciously looked sideways and saw a girl covered in blood, her face covered in blood, lying there. The gray sheets were soaked in red blood, and only her weak breathing proved that she was still alive.

Several men burst into tears watching this, with sad expressions and red eyes.

"She must also be a girl who was deceived by the Chai family. Damn it, Chai Haobo tortured someone like this. She shed so much blood. I'm afraid there's not even a piece of good meat left on her body. I don't know how my sister is doing. Will he also be tortured so miserably, wuwuwu?”

"My daughter, she is only eighteen years old. She is in her prime years. She told me before that she would buy a house on the main star and take me to live with her after she established a firm foothold on the main star. But now, oh, she is being bullied. The Chai family deceived them."

Shen Yinghuan woke up from this burst of whimpering and the rough man's howling, and the pain in various parts of her body also woke up. Her face was twisted in pain, and her expression was ferocious.

But in view of the unknown situation around her, she still held back and quietly pricked up her ears.

What's going on with these big, loud voices crying and howling in front of her bed, as if they were wailing in the grave?

After waiting for a while, she also learned some of the information she wanted from their words. This place was actually on Chai's Manxiang Star, and she was still lying on the bed of Shen Qiyue's scumbag husband Chai Haobo in her previous life.

She frowned for a moment, disgust rising in her heart.

After she was dragged into the teleportation array, her already seriously injured body could not bear the two more violent and unstable teleportation channels with superimposed teleportation spirit pattern structures. She fainted before she could reach the exit of the teleportation array.

After she fainted, was she transported to Manxiangxing and had her body picked up by that scumbag Chai Haobo?

This is not good news. The Chai family is not on her friendly list, and Chai Haobo is not a good person.

"No, someone is coming."

Someone tipped off the news at the door, and the men who were crying beside her bed immediately stood up and said, "Quick, quick, hide quickly."

"Hide under the bed."

"I'm going to hide in the closet."

"Here, here, this Chai Haobo is an armor enthusiast, let's hide inside."

After a moment of chaos, silence returned to the room.

After a while, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside, and Chai Haobo walked in from the door in a very good mood, dressed like a dog, humming a tune.

"Hey, you're awake." As soon as he saw Shen Yinghuan with her eyes open on the bed, her swollen and overindulgent face was immediately filled with a smile, and he blinked, thinking that he was very handsome and charming.

"Miss Shen, we meet again. This time I saved you. Is it time for you to commit yourself to me?"

Shen Yinghuan frowned and rolled her eyes, not wanting to pay attention to this disgusting and greasy thing.

She was in pain all over her body now, even her bones. This Chai Haobo could only be a porter to move her here, but he didn't treat her at all. What kind of bullshit savior was he?

Chai Haobo's smiling face froze and he couldn't hold back his anger. His face suddenly dropped, and there was a look of anger between his brows. He gritted his teeth and threatened, "Shen Yinghuan, you bitch, don't toast and eat as a penalty. You are a missing person outside now." Now, no one knows that you are here. Even your best friend, the Second Prince, can’t find anything to do with me. If you obey me and obey me, I will keep you alive and help you with your treatment. Let’s cook it later. Now that I'm mature enough, I can still marry you as my wife."

"But if you don't listen, huh, you won't be able to survive. That dead girl Chai Ziyan wants to find you and torture you to death. My father and my third brother also want to arrest you. If it weren't for you By luck, I met you first, brought you back, and hid you. Do you think you can still survive this miserable life? You must not know what is good or bad."

Ever since he saw the danger and strength of this woman in Xuanyue Secret Realm, Chai Haobo was so scared that he trembled, but he couldn't help but think in his heart that other women couldn't play well. This time he was lucky enough to have her wandering in front of his house. But he delivered it to his door, hahaha. What an opportunity God gave him.

He won't let her go this time. When this woman becomes his, his father and third brother will definitely spare her life for his sake.

Chai Haobo made a good calculation in his mind, and the corners of his mouth raised crazily and gradually became abnormal.

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