A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 331 The Light of Righteousness

Shen Yinghuan's eyes flickered, Liao?

Liao Lin, who was threatened by Chai Liang, had tears in her eyes. She shook her body and nodded slightly, seeming to have compromised.

Chai Liang patted her face with satisfaction, then smiled, pulled her up and pushed her in the direction of "Chai Haobo".

Shen Yinghuan's eyes darkened slightly, and she calmly caught the person who was falling over, grabbed her arm and turned her around, pressing her forearm on Liao Lin's arm and resting it on her waist. , seemed to be holding her waist intimately, but in fact it was just resting on Liao Lin's arm.

A look of surprise flashed across Liao Lin's eyes, which was full of weakness and fear, but she soon returned to her timid appearance.

Shen Yinghuan lowered her eyes to see the emotion she had revealed this time. It seemed that the Miss Liao in her arms might really be the little Liao in the mouth of the rough man. What a courage to sneak in in this way.

Seeing the two people hugging each other, the scene immediately started to cheer, and the dog-legger who was following him looked at Chai Xiang provocatively.

Chai Xiang frowned with dissatisfaction, anger gathered in his eyes, and angrily kicked over the table filled with drinks in front of him. Suddenly, there was a crisp bang, and drinks of different colors were sprinkled on the ground and mixed with the glass. The air is filled with the smell of various spirits.

The atmosphere at the scene was like this strong drink, full of tense excitement, and it was still faintly over the top.

Shen Yinghuan took Chai Haobo's temper into consideration and also glared at him angrily.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the people around him quickly came up to grab Chai Xiang and tried to persuade him. A wave of people also came to persuade "Chai Haobo", and this was how the upcoming conflict was suppressed.

Chai Xiang sat back with a cold face and gloomy eyes. Then he took the wine handed to him and stared at Shen Yinghuan with dangerous eyes. He raised his head and drank a sip. Then he threw the glass away and hummed. After making a sound, he stood up and strode outside.

"This kid has become more and more angry since he was put in the important position of the master of the family. He even dares to challenge Brother Bo."

Many people who were still in the booth were muttering dissatisfiedly, and then as the waiter collected the drinks poured on the floor, it quickly became lively again.

Shen Yinghuan's eyes stayed in the direction Chai Xiang left for two more seconds, then she walked over with Liao Lin in her arms, and said to Chai Liang with a flirtatious smile on her face, "Give me an empty room. I'll have some treasures." When the weather comes, you can come and choose.”

Chai Liang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he glanced meaningfully at Liao Lin in her arms, and then said happily, "Brother Bo is so generous, unlike Chai Xiang, who doesn't take us seriously at all. Brother Bo, you are There is no way he can compare to the master’s biological son, that kid is stupid.”

She flattered her so much that she was so obedient, and she quickly helped Shen Yinghuan arrange a vacant room, and even enthusiastically asked someone to show her the way, but Shen Yinghuan refused impatiently.

Chai Liang was very sensible. He winked at her ambiguously, smiled and showed an "I understand" look, and then gave her a room number and let her do as she pleased.

Liao Lin, who pretended to be afraid and hid in the arms of "Chai Haobo", rolled her eyes silently. Chai Liang's mouth was very beautiful whether he was coaxing men or women. If she hadn't approached her intentionally before, she already knew it. His true face may be deceived by him.

But now that Chai Liang has brought her into Manxiang Star as she wished, and let her touch this club where countless deceived girls are kept, then he is of no use. The one responsible for sending women to the upper star realm Chai Xiang is useful, she has to follow him to find out.

Thinking of this, she had been taken outside to the corridor by Shen Yinghuan. There was no one in the corridor, and the lights were much brighter than in the club box just now.

Her eyes darkened and she was ready to take action.

But Shen Yinghuan let her go first and said quietly, "Let's go, follow Chai Xiang."

Liao Lin's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at her with wary eyes, asking, "You are not Chai Haobo, who are you?"

"The light of righteousness."

After Shen Yinghuan replied casually, she walked to the right side of the corridor. She put her mental power on Chai Xiang, but it would be broken if he went further, so she had to chase him quickly.

Liao Lin was stunned for a long time looking at "him" walking like flying. The light of righteousness? WTF?

But for now, they shouldn’t be considered enemies.

She suppressed the emotions shown on her face, and then chased after the person after a pair of dark eyes surged.

The two of them kept a safe distance one behind the other and followed Chai Xiang all the way to the basement of the club. The basement was in a good environment and the decoration was unique. There was just an extra transparent cell door, and a group of women were locked inside the door. They were beautifully dressed and sitting quietly on their respective beds, like gifts waiting to be opened.

The few people who were playing cards and drinking at the door stopped immediately when they saw Chai Xiang, and shouted "Brother Xiang" with a smile.

"Brother Xiang, weren't you playing up there today? Why are you down here?"

Chai Xiang tugged on his collar and gave the person who asked the question a cold, impatient look, "Where do I need to explain to you?"

The man shook his head in a fawning manner, with a flattering smile on his face, "No, no, no, how can I ask about Brother Xiang's whereabouts? What about that? Brother Xiang, are you here today as usual? These women are very well-behaved, and I promise to serve you well." Comfortable.”

Chai Xiang's expression improved a little, and then he walked to another empty room and asked the man to bring some girls in for him.

After a while, several girls who looked very young, almost eighteen or nineteen years old, were brought in. Different from the expressionless expressions and empty eyes just now, they now had cheap and profligate smiles on their faces, Chai Xiang They did whatever they were told, even those extremely shameful things, but they didn't resist at all. It seemed that they no longer felt shame and just did it anyway. It was like a tamed dog, even if it was beaten by firewood. Xiang was dying of torture as if venting his anger, but he still had the same smile on his face.

"This beast."

Liao Lin, who saw this scene, had red eyes and was shaking with anger.

When she thought that her sister might be treated like this, she couldn't help but want to rush in and kill this beast, who was worse than a pig or a dog.

Shen Yinghuan frowned, and there was also a fire of anger burning in her heart. She wanted to cut the person into pieces, but that was not enough.

She grabbed the impulsive Liao Lin and whispered, "Wait a minute, this beast's life is still useful. Tomorrow he will be responsible for sending people to the upper star field. That is our best chance to escape from Manxiang Star." , or do you mean that you have already considered your escape route and have other better ways to escape?"

Liao Lin stiffened, "No." (End of chapter)

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