A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 333 The faces of other members of the Chai family can also be smeared

After quickly putting away the eighteen spatial spiritual weapons, Shen Yinghuan planned to leave, but as soon as she stood up, an extremely harsh alarm sounded, and at the same time, the entire villa lit up with flashing red lights.

Followed by countless hurried and fast footsteps came from outside.

Shen Yinghuan's face darkened, and she glanced at the hidden grid, thinking that she had made a mistake. The old fox, the head of the Chai family, was really good at calculating.

The formations and mechanisms she encountered when she came in just now were all deceptions. The ultimate purpose was to let people touch this secret compartment and lose their vigilance after getting the things inside. She did fall into the trap.

She quickly stood up and glanced around the bedroom, finally landing on the cabinet behind the door.

As soon as he hid, a group of Chai family guards burst in through the door.

"Search quickly, we must not let anyone escape."

A group of people cheered and rushed into the bedroom. After seeing no one, they scattered around the corners of the bedroom to search for her, menacingly.

Shen Yinghuan narrowed her eyes and looked through the crack of the cabinet door, taking in a panoramic view of the situation in the bedroom. There were many people coming in, at least twenty people. Their strength was unknown, but it should not be low, whether they were rushing out to fight head-on or fighting head-on. Sneak attacks were not an option, so she chose to join.

Chai Hui, an unremarkable but very motivated side branch of the Chai family who got the job of guarding by stroking his beard and walking his horse. After working for three years, all he could do was stop the unfilial son of the Chai family, the second son of the Chai family, who asked the family leader for money. Besides, he was so idle that he almost picked his feet, which really left him with nowhere to use. Every day he had to pray to God that something would happen to the owner's villa soon, and then he would appear so handsome, perform heroic feats, and get promoted and raised his salary.

As soon as the siren sounded tonight, his eyes immediately lit up. Thank God, his opportunity to make a meritorious deed finally came.

So he rushed into the villa and went straight to the bedroom, but he didn't see a single person. How could this be possible? He ran up so fast. That person must not have been far away. He must still be hiding in this room. , he rolled up his sleeves and searched.

Under the bed, under the table, in the closet, finally he turned around and wanted to search the place where he came in from the door. Unexpectedly, someone was already here one step ahead of him.

"Chai Qing?"

He looked warily at the person holding the cabinet behind the sliding door, frowning and secretly thinking it was bad luck, but he didn't expect this kid to get there first.

He snorted dissatisfied, "Chai Qing, what the hell are you doing? The cabinet is so big. Is there anyone who can tell with just a glance what you are doing here, groping around, are you trying to be lazy? Hurry up and go elsewhere." Search somewhere.”

"Chai Qing" didn't even look back, "Okay, I understand, I'll go outside and have a look."

Seeing his obedient figure running out, Chai Hui nodded with satisfaction, considering that this kid was obedient.

Then he quickly turned around and went to the other side of the bedroom, but unexpectedly he ran into Chai Qing again, "Didn't you go search outside? Why are you back here again?"

As he spoke, he looked at Chai Qing in front of him warily. Does this guy want to take credit from me?

Chai Qing scratched his head in confusion, "I've always been here."

Chai Hui's face was ugly, okay, this kid is telling lies with his eyes open. People who usually look like idiots and can't even open their mouths are still hiding their intentions. Sure enough, a dog that can bite can't bark.

Humph, he rolled his eyes and secretly wrote down the account so that he could settle it with Chai Qing later.

Chai Qing was puzzled by his glare, but he didn't do it if he couldn't figure it out. He shrugged and went to search another place.

At the same time, "Chai Qing" who had gone out met other guards on the corridor. Each one of them could accurately call out "his" name and inquired about the information.

"Chai Qing" replied with a tight face and a serious expression, "I didn't see anyone suspicious in the bedroom. I'll go take a look in the garden."


The guards didn't question his behavior of running around alone at all. Instead, they took it for granted. Everyone is from the Chai family. Who hasn't put in the extravagant efforts to win the first place through meritorious service? How normal is it to leave people alone and find things by themselves? .

"Chai Qing" obviously noticed this anomaly. The guards of the Chai family were chaotic and unorganized, and their separate searches were just convenient for her.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she walked out more boldly and skillfully.

So she relied on a familiar face to reach the door of the villa without being identified or found to be abnormal, and finally successfully escaped from the villa.

This trouble-free escape experience also opened the door to a new world for her. Not only Chai Haobo's face can be painted, but also the faces of other members of the Chai family.

After leaving the villa, "Chai Qing's" face changed back to Chai Haobo's face and continued to face another place.

As a result, shocking and terrifying legends spread within the Chai family. Overnight, alarms sounded in several places in the central circle of Manxiangxing, but the strange thing was that the guards rushed in and turned over the land. A suspicious person was found. Some people suspected that the Chai family had done too many bad things and the evil ghost came to claim their lives.

The timid person was so frightened that he didn't even want to hug the woman. He hurried home and got into bed, calling seventeen or eight friends to sleep with him to feel at ease.

There are also brave ones who pick up knives and order three or five groups to fight ghosts and compete with the guards for jobs.

The central circle of Manxiangxing was very lively all night long.

But Shen Yinghuan, the instigator, was still running around the map conscientiously, looking for suspicious places. Unfortunately, most of the forbidden areas or suspicious places mentioned by Chai Haobo were just blind tricks, and she didn't catch any good things. Instead, it triggered an alarm.

However, once it was familiar, she transformed into a runaway driver, and later even took the initiative to trigger the alarm and play tricks on the guards.

Seeing how they can't find anyone, hey, it's quite fun.

Of course, there are also gains in some places, such as the Chai family's spirit beast egg breeding room, which contains tens of thousands of spirit beast eggs that have not yet been cultured.

She was good at hatching eggs. She collected all the eggs and put them in an empty space spirit weapon, and threw in a constant-temperature spirit pattern. It was all done. This was no better than the egg breeding warehouses of the Chai family.

Another example is their spiritual plant cultivation land. Hundreds of acres of land are cultivated with spiritual patterns. They are planted with high-grade spiritual grass, spiritual flowers and spiritual fruits. At this time, most of them are mature. The Chai family is harvesting them overnight. .

Shen Yinghuan came back here after searching in other places and killed a member of the Chai family to replace him. It wasn't until dawn that they stopped working. Then she tricked the person in charge of all the harvests here into a corner, killed him, and scooped him out. In the spiritual weapon space, he changed into his appearance and then left in a big way. When he got to a deserted place, he changed into Chai Haobo's face and walked to the club on a deserted path. (End of chapter)

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