A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 345: Poaching in front of her

This house may not be built today. They had just laid the foundation when someone came to inform the leader of the Dragonborn clan to invite them over.

"That's my grandpa's little errand boy." Long Xinglou thoughtfully walked to Shen Yinghuan to introduce the person to her, and then helped her clear away the yellow paper and other things on the table.

The little errand boy had a good ear and became unhappy when he heard this. "Hey, little errand boy, I am your uncle. Come on, call me uncle and listen."

Shen Yinghuan looked at the young man's sunny and handsome face that looked like a puppy, and blinked suspiciously, "Uncle?"

This one is a little too tender.

"Hey, hello, niece-in-law." The little uncle responded loudly, his smiling eyes curled up with a clear and cute look.

Shen Yinghuan:

Long Xinglou cast a sidelong glance at the guy climbing up the pole, then approached Shen Yinghuan and explained carefully, "This is my grandfather's son, who is the same age as me. His name is Long Youkang."

Then he asked Long Youkang, his tone became colder, "What did Grandpa want us to do there?"

When it came to business, Long Youkang stopped asking Long Xinglou to call him uncle, and explained the matter smoothly.

"It was the Chai family's head who brought people here. It should be about the bombing of the Chai family's Manxiang star in the lower star region. Grandpa asked me to tell you to make more preparations. That old guy took the initiative to come to our door to blackmail us. Ah, bah, If he takes the initiative to deliver compensation to his doorstep, we have no choice but to give him face, and must quote a heavy price to show respect."

The young man still knows the art of speaking very well, and what he said was very polite.

Long Qingtian, who was still moving stones over there, became interested when he heard this. He rolled up his sleeves and said, "Then let's go and take a look together. When we ask for the account, well, I still have some experience in quotation. When the time comes, I can give you some advice.”

Long Xinglou agreed immediately, "Okay."

Then the family was gearing up to ask for the bill, ah, bah, to get a quote.

Only Shen Yinghuan was still a little confused. Head of the Chai family, is that old guy not dead yet?

Long Xinglou noticed her expression, took her hand, and explained to her in her ear what happened before. It turned out that the head of the Chai family was not the head of the other Chai family. This Chai family owner was more important than the Chai family owner in the Lower Star Territory. More, this is the main branch of the Chai family, the head of the Chai family who truly controls the power of the Chai family.

The head of the Chai family in the Lower Star Region is just a branch of the Chai family.

At that time, the Manxiang Star exploded, and Chai Birong, the old poisoner, was not so lucky because he did not react in time. He had just climbed onto the starship in a hurry and was swept away by the explosion before he could run away. Following the entire Manxiang Star Chai The family perished together and was annihilated into cosmic dust.

Now the only main characters of the Chai family in the Lower Star Territory are the third young master Chai Haoji and the fourth young lady Chai Ziyan. They were summoned to the Upper Star Territory because of the Hongmeng Academy quota and were not on Manxiang Planet, so they escaped. .

Then Long Xinglou explained how he had preemptively asked the Chai family to give an explanation.

This time, the Chai family leader came here not to readily compensate, but to find trouble, but it doesn't matter, as long as people come, they have to compensate even if they don't want to compensate.

Longxinglou's grandfather, the patriarch of the Dragonborn clan, lived not far away, also in this "backwater". However, the stone house seemed a little larger and more spacious than other houses, and there was a defensive spirit placed outside. Pattern.

However, Shen Yinghuan knew that this "remote village" was not simple. Although it seemed to pursue ecological nature and the house was shabby, it was full of spiritual energy. At least it was higher than the bustling metropolis where Long Xinglou took her to the marriage registration office before. More than three times more, it is an excellent place for spiritual cultivation.

So the people who live here must not be simple. The fact that the patriarch of the Dragonborn clan now lives here is enough to illustrate the problem.

"Young Master, you are here."

Several tribesmen who poked their heads at the door noticed their arrival and immediately greeted them excitedly. They were especially enthusiastic about Longxing Tower, more enthusiastic than Long Qingtian, his wife, and Long Youkang, the elder of the tribe.

Shen Yinghuan also immediately grasped the key point. Young Master, these two words are not simple. The person who is called "Young Master" in the big family has been confirmed as the next leader of the clan. He has a high status in the clan, and only Second to the patriarch.

So Long Xinglou is still the young master of the Dragonborn clan?

Sensing the curious gaze cast by his wife, Long Xinglou pursed his thin lips, held her hand a little tighter, and explained in a low voice, "I was selected after the contract with Jin Long. The Golden Dragon is revered among the Yi clan, but I am not the final candidate. I am still being examined. If I don’t meet the requirements, I will be kicked out and the young master will be chosen again.”

"Oh." Shen Ying nodded understandingly.

"Shen Yinghuan, you bitch, I will kill you——"

As soon as Shen Yinghuan and Long Xinglou crossed the threshold, a familiar scream came from inside, carrying strong resentment and hatred, followed by a cold water arrow that shot towards her head. Face door.

Shen Yinghuan calmly raised her eyes, her eyes were calm and she made no dodge movements.

Seeing that the pressing water arrow was about to pierce her forehead and heart, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and held the water arrow. Veins appeared on the back of the strong hand, and she crushed the water arrow with her bare hands with powerful force. , the water arrow immediately turned into water molecules, fragmented and dispersed in the air.

Then he looked at the person who shot the water arrow with a dark and cold face, as if a ferocious beast was eyeing its prey, with murderous intent fully evident.

Chai Ziyan looked at him with resentment on her face, which was paler and thinner than before. She seemed to be blinded by anger. Instead of being afraid, she shouted crazily, "Brother Xinglou, why are you still protecting this bitch like this? She will kill me." Dad, you have killed so many of my tribe, why can’t you feel sorry for me, I like you so much.”

Shen Yinghuan raised her eyebrows. Was he poaching in front of her?

The surrounding Long family members, including Long Qingtian and his wife, immediately cast scolding glances at Long Xing Tower. It was outrageous that he had provoked such a bad peach blossom while his wife was still around, and they were planning to take away her daughter-in-law.

The face of Long Xinglou, the person concerned, was even more ugly. His eyes were as cold as knives and he looked at the crazy Chai Ziyan. His voice was cold and ruthless, "I don't protect my own wife, who should I protect? Please respect yourself, Miss Chai. I respect Chai Ziyan." Miss, you have no interest in your feelings at all.”

After saying that, he stepped back and hid behind Shen Yinghuan, looking at her warily as if he was afraid of being defiled by the madwoman.

Chai Ziyan was so angry that her eyes were bloodshot and her canthus was about to burst. She was about to say something crazy, but was interrupted by a voice.

"Fourth sister, please calm down. We know that you are targeting Miss Shen because of the death of father and clan members. But now in the Long family, we have to give the Long family a face. Miss Shen doesn't know the etiquette of being a guest. If we attack Manxiangxing without any precautions, we must know the etiquette of being a guest."

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