A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 350: Started to have a love brain at the age of eight

Under the warm orange warm lamp, the beautiful woman was leaning on the bedside, holding a book in her hand and turning the pages. Her half-dried black hair fell down, sticking to her fair-skinned jade face, and her hair was still clinging mischievously. The corners of the upturned red lips made people's fingers itch, and they couldn't help but want to take off the two hair strands and hook them behind her small and exquisite ears.

Long Xinglou stood by the bed, staring silently at the two hairs, and then at her drooping eyes and long, raised black eyelashes. He pursed his thin lips, and his eyes were full of gentle smiles.

Just when he was mentally prepared to reach out and try to take off the two hair strands, Shen Yinghuan, who was flipping through the book, said, "Why are you still standing here?"

Long Xinglou was overjoyed and looked towards the empty space on the inside of the bed, "Can I come up?"

Shen Yinghuan looked away from the novel with some unfinished thoughts, and looked up at him with a half-smile, "Otherwise, it's not impossible for you to lay the floor tonight."

Long Xinglou immediately jumped onto the bed, lay down obediently on the empty space inside, and pulled up the quilt.

How could he sleep on the floor the night he received the certificate? His wife had invited him to sleep in her bed. How could a husband say no if he was so obedient?

"Daughter-in-law, let's go to bed. It's getting late."


Just when Shen Yinghuan was about to put down her book and get ready to sleep, there was a knock on the door outside, and she subconsciously turned her head to look in the direction of the door.

Long Xinglou's face turned dark and he looked over, "Who?"

The little fat man outside the door immediately explained nervously, his voice trembling slightly, "No, it's not me. It was the patriarch who asked me to call you. He said that the bride's mother-in-law is here and asked you to come over."

Shen Yinghuan had a surprised expression on her face, her natal family?

who is it?

She frowned and couldn't think of anyone who would come to the Star Territory to look for her.

"I'll change my clothes and go take a look."

Compared with her calm and curious attitude, Long Xinglou felt unhappy all over. What kind of mother-in-law would come at such a critical time when she wouldn't come at other times?

He was full of resentment in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face. He thoughtfully lifted the quilt and got out of bed first. With a low and gentle voice, he looked at Shen Yinghuan and said comfortingly, "I'll go out first, and you can change your clothes slowly."

"Okay." Shen Ying responded with a smile.

After the two of them changed their clothes, when the door opened, the little fat man outside had disappeared, and they didn't look for it. Long Xinglou turned his head and handed over his hand, "It's dark outside, hold on to me, and we'll go directly to Grandpa's place." .”

Shen Yinghuan looked at his big hand dumbfounded. Although it was not very bright outside, it was not too dark, and spiritual cultivators could see it even in the dark night. However, she still put her hand on his big hand in a dignified manner.

Long Xinglou clenched his big hands and dissipated the resentment in his heart, then summoned the Golden Dragon Brothers and flew over at the fastest speed.

It was quite lively outside the patriarch's house at the moment. A group of people were gathered around and didn't know what they were doing. Even the little fat guys were standing on tiptoes outside, jumping and jumping, shouting, "Let's go." Let me go in and have a look, let me go in and have a look.”

Shen Yinghuan turned to look at Longxing Tower, "What are the lively activities in your clan at night?"

Long Xinglou shook his head suspiciously, "I haven't heard of it. Maybe I came back and didn't know."

Both of them walked over curiously, and then caught the little fat man who was jumping up and down trying to squeeze in but couldn't.

The little fat man's body stiffened, and he looked at Long Xinglou with a guilty look on his chubby face, with a slightly flattering expression on his face, "Brother Lou, what can I do for you?"

Long Xinglou chuckled, but he didn't care about the little fat man and asked, "What are you doing here?"

The little fat man's eyes lit up, and he got excited when talking about this, "The book seller is here. We all want to buy books. Brother Lou, don't you know that the novels about love sold by the boss are very popular?" Well, many single dragons in our dragonborn family have relied on the methods in the book to catch up with their wives. I also want to buy a few more books.

If you want to have a wife when you grow up, you have to learn from childhood, so that you will not be a bachelor in the future. "

When it comes to love brains, there are really many dragon descendants. Look, this little fat guy started growing love brains at the age of eight.

Shen Yinghuan couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this, and then she became curious and pulled Long Xinglou to squeeze in. She also helped the little fat man and squeezed in with him.

In the center of the crowd was a suave man. He was sitting on a pony. There was a long low table in front of him. On it were colorful and girly books, such as "The Pampered and Unruly Little Wife," "The Scheming Rough Man Takes on the Power", "The Domineering President's Beautiful Girlfriend", "Contracted Couple for Ninety-nine Days, Fake Acts Can Be Real", etc. There was one book that looked particularly familiar, but it wasn't the one she was reading just now while lying on the bed. "The Story of the Little Darling Husband's Ascension, Please Pamper the Overbearing Lady".

This book was also the best-seller. When she saw it, there was only one copy left on the stall. Several men from the Dragonborn clan almost got into a fight over buying this book. Fortunately, the boss still had the stock in stock and put it out in time, so this was avoided. A murder caused by buying a book.

Shen Yinghuan was a little moved when she saw this grand event of snatching books. It was not like the people of the Dragonborn clan who wanted to rely on the methods in books to chase people, but she wanted to enjoy reading novels. The one just now was not enough for her.

Long Xinglou looked at the bookstall with deep eyes, sparks dancing in his eyes, and he was also very excited.

So the two of them followed without hesitation and lined up, and soon it was their turn.

"Which one do you want?" the boss asked while lowering his head to sort out the goods.

"I want them all, one copy of each." This time Long Xinglou didn't search at all, he wanted them all with a wave of his hand.

He felt that he also needed to catch up on these lessons in dating and chasing people. Compared with the little fat man, he was already behind at the starting line, but he was smart and eager to learn, and it was not too late to learn now.

Even though he can feel relaxed after marrying his wife, he doesn't feel relaxed at all. Can't he still divorce after getting married? He must always be prepared to tie his wife's heart tightly in order to avoid the misery of being divorced and abandoned. result.

"Get it yourself." The boss said in a lazy tone, and raised his eyes to look at them. When he saw Shen Yinghuan, the smile on his lips widened, and his peach blossom eyes also lit up. "Niece Huanhuan."

Shen Yinghuan, who was choosing a novel, was stunned for a moment, then looked up and scanned the man's face with his eyes, which looked a bit like his second uncle Shen Huai.

Just when she was guessing which uncle this was, he introduced himself with a bright smile, "I am your fourth uncle Shen Yao. I heard that you registered with the young master of the Long family. I happen to be in Taiheng of the Long family." Xingshang will come over and see you."

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