A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 355: Grab the best house

Even the bamboo forest on the periphery of the Hongmeng Sanctuary is an eighth-grade purple bamboo forest. The bamboo forest is as dense as clouds and has a profound artistic conception. Coupled with the light white mist, it is like a Guanyin dojo, sacred and inviolable.

In this bamboo forest, there are purple bamboo houses of various sizes, especially the bamboo house in the center of the forest, which is the tallest, largest and most elegant.

The person leading the way was a beautiful senior sister in white clothes with an air of fairy spirit. Her name was Hua Nanrong. After leading the candidates here, she said with a gentle smile, "This purple bamboo forest is the most beautiful place for every candidate to take the exam." Temporary residence in front of us, you can choose your own place~~”

"Ah, yes, there is another thing you may want to refer to. Every year, the best Zizhu House in the Zizhu Forest ranks first in the admissions examination of our Hongmeng College. It is said that there is some mysticism in it. I don't know if it is true or not. , you seniors, I didn’t grab the best room back then, nor did I get first place, it’s such a pity, if I had known I would have worked hard to grab it~~”

After she finished speaking, she and the other seniors and seniors who were smiling strangely disappeared like a puff of smoke without giving others a chance to react.

This whole fairyland seemed to have suddenly turned into a ghost, which was quite scary.

Jin Qiaoyu looked around with vigilance and cautiously moved closer to Shen Yinghuan, "Junior sister, do you think there is any mystery in what the senior said just now? Should we go grab the best house?"

Shen Yinghuan and Long Xinglou looked at each other, and then said in unison, "Grab it."

As soon as they finished speaking, the two of them took the lead and rushed towards the purple bamboo house in the center.

At the same time, several figures jumped forward among the crowd of candidates.

But in the blink of an eye, the originally quiet and peaceful Purple Bamboo Forest was filled with tense situations and murderous intent. All kinds of swords and swords flashed by at an incredible speed. Those with lower strength could not keep up with their speed.

What was equally astonishing was the purple bamboo forest. The bamboos seemed to be refreshed. One second they were broken and destroyed, and the next second they were restored to be exactly the same as before.

No trace of the fight could be left in this purple bamboo forest.

[It’s awesome. It’s worthy of Hongmeng College. It has a profound foundation. Even the temporary settlement in this peripheral area uses an infinite reset spiritual pattern array. The reset speed is so fast, it must be at least eleven. It's a high-level spiritual pattern. 】

[What's the eleventh level? I don't know what I'm talking about. This is obviously the twelfth level high-level spirit pattern array. It is said that the president of the Spirit Pattern Masters Association set it up when he was still a student of Hongmeng College. 】

[Look, look, this fight is so exciting. My eyes are so dizzy that I can’t keep up with their speed. Is this the strength of the geniuses of the major families? They are really too strong. 】

[It’s just a one-on-one fight now, their spirit beasts haven’t appeared yet, otherwise it would definitely be more spectacular. 】

[No, what the senior said was probably just a joke. Is it necessary to fight so hard to grab the bamboo house? 】

[I think the senior sister is deliberately provoking it. The geniuses present here all represent their respective families. This recruitment is not only about their admission to Hongmeng College, but also represents the face of the major families. The senior sister said that The best house was suspicious, so they had to rob it just to save face. 】

[Therefore, there is a doubt formation, true or false, oh, I’m a little bald, no, is there any first place winner from the previous sessions of Hongmeng Academy who can give an explanation? 】

Everyone on the Star Network scratched their heads, unable to determine whether the senior sister's words were true or false, but the intensity of the war in the bamboo forest was rising steadily. Even those who were still hesitant and hesitant were affected, and the blood in their bodies was ignited. One by one, they began to be eager to try and gear up.

As a result, a chaotic war began. Even if someone wanted to stand still or take advantage of the situation, everyone was involved.

Shen Yinghuan and Long Xinglou were at the forefront of the chaotic battle, and she also encountered a strong enemy.

This is a seemingly delicate, charming and seductive woman. She has a soft figure and is very good at jujitsu. She also likes to fight with people close to her body. She is like a beautiful snake that entangles and hangs people. Originally, she was clinging to Long Xing. Lou, but Longxinglou abides by male morality. When he saw something was wrong with this woman and wanted to covet his beauty, he immediately hid away from his wife on alert.

Shen Yinghuan stood in front of him and looked at the woman with a charming smile opposite him displeasedly. She chopped off the person's head with the sharp machete without mercy, her voice rebuked, "He is a married man. Please respect yourself."

Miao Ying's body was soft and she lowered her waist and spun around, easily dodging it. Then she winked at her with a charming smile, and smiled sweetly, "There are no men in the world who don't steal cats, so you turn a blind eye and close one." Just keep your eyes open, a woman who cares too much won’t be liked by men~~, don’t you think so, Master Long?”

As Jiao Ruan spoke with a smile, her arms wrapped around Shen Yinghuan's arms as dexterously as a snake. They seemed soft but were actually extremely powerful.

Shen Yinghuan lowered her eyes and said in a calm tone with a hint of ridicule, "Huh, people have different personalities, and men have different temperaments. It seems that you are not very lucky. You have met unkind people in the past, and all you have met are scumbags. , It’s so miserable, now we still see men with the same colored glasses as before.”

As she spoke, her arm was wrapped in white light. Then her arm vibrated and trembled. Then she changed her hand with the machete, flipped it around, and slashed at her arm quickly and accurately.

Miao Ying's face changed slightly. She didn't expect Shen Yinghuan to be so bold and die together. At the same time, she was very angry at her words, but she had to avoid their sharp edges. She subconsciously loosened some of her strength. Loosening can lead to retreat, but advancing can attack. Once Shen Yinghuan's sword hesitates for a moment, it is her best time to attack.

"Miss Shen seems to have a lot of confidence in Young Master Long. It must be because of the rumors that the Dragonborn clan is a pair for life. Then does Miss Shen know the other extreme of the Dragonborn clan? They are carefree and spend their whole lives lingering among flowers. This The gene may not show up in the early stage but may show up in the later stage.”

Shen Yinghuan's dark pupils were calm and resolute. There was no hesitation in the knife in his backhand. On the contrary, he was decisive, sharp and sharp. The strong wind that was coming had already arrived first, and the sharpness pierced the skin.

Miao Ying's face changed drastically, she actually dared!

At the critical moment, she let go and retracted.

In the confrontation between the two sides, she showed her intention to retreat first, which was also the best opening for Shen Yinghuan. The blade that was just a hair away from her arm suddenly stopped, and she grasped the scale accurately. She curled her lips, and the knife in her hand As if he had expected it, he didn't stop for a second before turning in a very fast direction and slashing across.

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