A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 36 If you are a man, let’s compete in beauty

# Damn it, it’s so damn insidious. After passing the primary school diploma exam, you can’t participate in the primary school exam list (╬▔ Pan▔)! ! ! #

Posted by: If you are a man, come and compare your beauty

Shen Yinghuan glanced at it and saw that this name was familiar to her. It was number one on the list of junior high school and high school just now. Judging from the angry comments on this post, this person who "comes to compete if you are a man" must have been number one on the list of elementary school before. However, after receiving his primary school diploma, he was expelled from the ranks of primary school students.

I didn’t expect to be like this, pretending to be old and new again, competing with primary school students for the list award, it’s really a great experience!

She complained silently in her heart, and then thought that maybe she could do it. She was a pure novice, not an old pretender.

But she still wanted to see what everyone thought, so she continued to scroll down.

Countless complaints were raised under the post.

[Attack Dolphinmon: No wonder the graduation exam is so easy, there are emotional traps here! Hahahaha...Bimei, you have today too! Finally, I have defeated the prestige of you, the domineering monster. 】

[Hurrying Xuanwu: Crying like a whirlwind, Big Brother Bimei is still lucky. I discovered the problem after taking the elementary school graduation exam. I was miserable. I only found out after finishing the elementary school and junior high school exams. The current rankings of elementary school and junior high school I can't crawl at all. Wow, I've lost 80,000 small spirit coins. I don't have the money to buy snacks for the little turtle. I'm so heartbroken that I can't breathe. 】

[Blue-eyed steel-toothed rabbit: Wuwuwu, life is not easy, Tutu sighed. The whole family of rabbit brothers and sisters rely on me to answer questions and get bonuses to support them, but now I have been expelled from elementary school and junior high school. If it weren’t for my kindness, A friend of mine reminded me that I had also started taking the college entrance examination diploma exam, and I was almost about to be expelled from my high school student status. Later, I deliberately failed the exam to narrowly save my status as a high school student. 】

[Monkey under the Moon: Wow, the sudden attack of the empire is really hard to guard against. No wonder my ranking dropped from fifty-eighth to one hundred and eighty as soon as I came up in high school. Everyone fell into the trap emotionally. Elementary school There is no hope for the junior high school rankings, now everyone is competing for the high school rankings, right? Hey, luckily I got online late today and didn’t have time to take the exam. If I can’t compete in the high school rankings, I’ll go to the elementary and junior high school rankings. Don’t be too envious of my brother~~]

[The most beautiful little thief cat in the world: No, no, no, you older seniors are competing with us primary school students for the list. It’s so shameless. No wonder this genius studied so hard and didn’t climb to the top 100 to get the bonus. As for toys, huh, you adults are so inferior. 】

[Fox Fairy Queen is the best: We junior high school students also protested because my mother spanked me several times because I couldn't climb the list. Last time there was a mixed doubles match. Wow, I want to report you for not being martial arts. A well-behaved high school student. 】

[Lazy little pig: Pfft - you did a great job, you should report these shameless guys. 】

[Wealthy Golden Monkey: The empire is playing a good game. I heard that the diploma system was proposed by the Pixiu clan of the Ministry of Finance. I used to think that the Ministry of Finance was too stingy to only get in and out, but this time the proposal is really good, let’s You guys who take advantage of the loopholes are in trouble. 】

Very good. It seems that there are many students who have the same idea as her, and the competition is still very fierce!

Shen Yinghuan could feel the fierce fighting on the list from these complaints. She silently exited the chat and looked at the three lists. Sure enough, the top 100 names changed very quickly. The name of the first place changed almost in the blink of an eye. , blinked again, and the top ten were all changed.

After lamenting that small money is really popular everywhere, she closed the list, opened the elementary school section without any desire, and began to study elementary school knowledge seriously.

"Pinyin Encyclopedia", "Cultivation Knowledge Notes", "Primary School Chinese", "Primary School Mathematics", "Primary School History", "Basic Spiritual Weapon Appreciation". A total of fifteen books with considerable pages.

The content was unexpectedly simple, because it was all in Chinese characters, so she didn't have to relearn how to read.

In addition, except for the subjective essays in primary school Chinese and the competition questions in primary school mathematics, the rest of the books are basically not difficult. With her photographic memory, she has almost read all the books that rely entirely on memory. Once it’s over, it’s all engraved in my mind.

But in just one hour, she had already learned all the content in elementary school.

Shen Yinghuan changed her posture and sat up to continue studying the next junior high school content.

The requirements of junior high school were much higher. Not only did the total number of books increase by ten, the number of pages almost doubled, but the content was also much more advanced. All Chinese and mathematics reached the level of difficulty that she had encountered in high school in her previous life.

But as a top student, these questions still didn't trouble her. Even in mathematics, she memorized some new formulas and could quickly apply them and apply them comprehensively.

The only difficult ones are the newly added "Encyclopedia of Interstellar Spiritual Beasts" and "Encyclopedia of Interstellar Spiritual Plants". These two books are really thick, with tens of thousands of pages each, and they all contain the most basic introductions to the species. , the racial classification, appearance and appearance of spiritual beasts, the growth area of ​​spiritual plants, their appearance, etc.

What is needed is carefulness and patience. For example, there are dozens of types of foxes alone. If you encounter similar foxes with only subtle differences, you will mistake them for the wrong one, and then miss the smallest difference. This requires great care. Memorize and memorize, even if she has a photographic memory, she still needs to be careful to avoid confusion in her memory.

When it comes to high school knowledge, based on these two books, it has become "Encyclopedia of Cultivation of Interstellar Spirit Beasts" and "Encyclopedia of Cultivation of Interstellar Spirit Plants". Based on the distinction, it also expands the in-depth habits and cultivation of spirit beasts and spirit plants. , different spirit beast races and spirit plant types also require different precautions. Some are completely different, and some are nuanced, which can be said to be very torturous.

In addition, spiritual weapon science is also a profound knowledge. This subject focuses on scientific research, similar to physics and chemistry.

Although what needs to be learned is only the basics, in the interstellar world, this subject must be completely new, something she has not learned before, and it is also more profound.

After more than three hours, Shen Yinghuan was so dizzy after watching it that even a top student couldn't stand it any longer. But no, time was tight and it would be impossible if she didn't study. She could only watch the complete collection of spiritual beasts for a while, and her brain was dizzy after reading it. Let's change the taste and read the study of spiritual weapons. If you encounter a problem with spiritual weapons and your mind can't think about it for a while, then put it aside for a while and read the encyclopedia of spiritual plants.

Then another round.

If you still can't solve the problem the second time, write it down first and ask it again in the evening.

After mastering the learning method, Shen Yinghuan realized that she had gained a lot during the entire afternoon until dinner time.

If she hadn't seen the dog sleeping next to her with her arms stretched out and her belly exposed, she thought she would be in a better mood.

Good night, good night~ Let’s vote~

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