A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 38 Spirit Pattern Master Three-piece Set

Looking at the three-piece gift box of the spirit pattern master that had been handed to her, Shen Yinghuan was shocked to realize that learning spirit patterns is not just as simple as the basic beginner's spirit pattern book and a teacher. It also requires a teacher. Tools for drawing spiritual patterns.

Good uncle, you are so thoughtful!

Shen Yinghuan had an excited smile on her face, but she was a little hesitant in her heart. Judging from how much the spirit pattern master cherished it, this three-piece set should not be cheap.

But after only a few seconds of hesitation, she reached out her hand and took it honestly, saying gratefully, "Thank you, uncle."

The smile on Shen Huai's face became gentler.

Then he sat down on the side and said with a hint of joking in his clear tone, "You're welcome. If Xiao Yinghuan succeeds in her studies in the future, my second uncle will also need your help. Some spiritual weapons require spiritual patterns. To achieve the effect, the second uncle does not know any high-level spiritual pattern masters, so he will have no choice but to cooperate with you, Xiaoyinghuan."

Shen Yinghuan didn't know whether her second uncle really believed that she could become a spiritual pattern master or was joking to relieve her stress, but after he said these words, she felt much more relaxed and beautiful.

Then the uncle and nephew returned to the topic, and Shen Yinghuan began to ask him for advice.

When the first question came out, Shen Huai glanced at his newly found fifth niece in surprise. Unexpectedly, her question was actually quite deep. She didn't expect it to be a simple superficial question like that of a beginner. She This question has been asked through the outer surface to the core.

Is it a coincidence or deliberate preparation?

Soon he had his answer.

After he answered, she immediately responded and asked deeper questions, which showed that she really understood and mastered it, and was able to draw inferences from one example.

The same goes for other problems that followed. The more the two discussed, the more profound they became. Shen Huai even found some inspiration from Shen Yinghuan and just wanted to go to the laboratory to experiment.

After answering all the questions listed by Shen Yinghuan, Shen Huai's evaluation of her has risen to a very high level, and a look of admiration appeared on his gentle face. His true fifth niece is a genius. ah!

If she failed to learn spiritual patterns from her second grandfather, she could learn spiritual weapons from him and become a spiritual weapon master.

Shen Xiao watched from the side with a sour heart. The second brother relied on his nice face to gain favorability. Huh, it was obviously his sixth uncle who met Xiaowu's niece first.

However, no matter how jealous he was, he had to admit sadly that his second brother did have real talents and knowledge, and he was rich and generous. He had no shortcomings except that he was a bit harsh in research, and he was more popular than a poor guy like him.

After dinner, and after some communication and digestion, everyone planned to go back to rest.

Grandpa's house had limited rooms, with only five rooms in total. He occupied one room, and Shen Yinghuan occupied one room. Two of the remaining three rooms were destroyed when they returned home. Two good eldest children, Shen Huai, were homeless. and Shen Xiao.

The last room was shared by two five-year-old children, Shen Jidong and Shen Qizhi, while Zhao Xunmei and Shen Qiyue went to stay at their friends' houses.

Shen Yinghuan returned to the room with the gift box and opened it to look at it. There was a crystal-like brush inside, which should be the painting brush in the three-piece set for beginners of spiritual pattern masters;

There is also a box of lingsha ink that is as red as cinnabar; and finally there is a stack of 100 long strips of yellow paper a little larger than a palm, whose scientific name is Huangqi paper.

Then she couldn't wait to go to Xingwang to check the price of the three-piece spiritual pattern master's set. She didn't know if she didn't check. After checking, the price was really shockingly high.

Let’s talk about the Huiling Pen first. Different materials used to make it have different prices. The price on the market fluctuates between 10,000 and 10 million.

Shen Yinghuan swallowed silently. Even the lowest price of 10,000 yuan was a price she couldn't afford. And the Hui Ling Pen made by her second uncle was obviously not the lowest price either. She specially adjusted a few pictures of the lowest price. I took out the Huiling pen and compared it. The one given by my second uncle is obviously more transparent and beautiful, and the hair on the tip of the pen is also softer.

I estimate it should be around 100,000.

Lingsha ink is better judged than Huiling pen. This ink is divided into three grades, the low grade is 100,000 Xiaoling coins per box, the medium grade is 500,000 Xiaoling coins per box, and the high grade is 1 million Xiaoling coins per box.

The price was really ridiculously high. Shen Yinghuan immediately pushed the small box containing Lingsha Ink to the center of the table, for fear of it falling.

Even if it is the lowest spirit sand ink, it only costs 100,000 small spirit coins! ! !

Shen Yinghuan touched her unhealthy little heart and felt that it was beating too fast, giving her a suffocating feeling as if she was overly excited. However, she still resisted the feeling of tightness in her chest and dizziness. Son, continue to check the last Huang Qi paper.

Huangqi paper, like Lingsha ink, is divided into low, medium and high grades. The low grade is 1,000 Xiaoling coins, the medium grade is 5,000 Xiaoling coins, and the high grade is 10,000 Xiaoling coins! ! !

What is in the box is one hundred pieces of low-grade yellow paper, which is also 100,000 Xiaoling coins.

In other words, the three-piece beginner's set of spirit pattern masters given by my second uncle is worth a total of 300,000 small spirit coins! ! !

Shen Yinghuan: w(Д)w! ! !

It's numb, it's numb, brothers and sisters, this is the biggest gift she has received since coming to Interstellar, the kind that even if she sells her, she can't even pay back.

Cat head crying jpg

Suddenly, I felt guilty that if I didn’t learn spiritual patterns, I would be sorry for my second uncle and sorry for this expensive three-piece beginner’s set!

So Shen Yinghuan's original idea of ​​whether to learn or not, and focus on participation, instantly changed to learning! Study hard! As long as you can't learn to death, learn to death! ! !

In the evening, she studied the mixed knowledge of junior high school and high school seriously until ten o'clock. In order to ensure that her fragile little body could still have the energy to study tomorrow, she had no other entertainment activities at night and went to bed directly.

She got up energetically at seven o'clock the next morning, and while sipping the nutrient solution, she had another discussion with her second uncle about difficult problems. Her learning progress was gratifying, and then at eight o'clock, she came to her second uncle's house on time with a three-piece beginner's set. Home reports.

When the second elder came out and opened the door and saw her, his expression was very surprised, "Are you really here?"

Shen Yinghuan pressed down her long hair that was blown by the wind, with a smile on her pale face, and said obediently, "Yes, didn't I agree that I would learn spiritual patterns from you, Grandpa Second? I'm here to report now. "

The second elder frowned and looked at her with some displeasure, "Don't you still have to study in elementary school, junior high school or high school? Do you still have time to learn spirit patterns? Little girl, don't be complacent at a young age. You have to know the importance, whether you can learn spirit patterns or not. It doesn’t matter if you study, the important thing is the college entrance examination.”

Shen Yinghuan was a little moved. No matter what the reason was, Grandpa Second's words of encouragement to study were indeed for her own good. However, "Grandpa Second, don't worry, I have already arranged the study plan and I guarantee that I can complete the study tasks within twenty days." Yes, the diploma is not a problem, just teach me the spiritual pattern."

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