A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 433 Jin Hesong wants money to death

Of course, the rest of the freshman team, who did not look very outstanding under the light of Shen Yinghuan and Long Xinglou, were actually not bad. In the eyes of other people at Hongmeng College, they were also talented and promising existences.

For example, Long Tianrui, who was very motivated and came to ask for the secret of upgrading in the middle of the night, was beaten violently. The black dragon he contracted with was known for its strong combat power. Apart from the five-clawed golden dragon, his dragon was the most powerful.

Even though he usually pays attention to dressing up like a girl and dresses like a fashionable boy, like a silly and sweet rich second generation, in fact he is a lunatic when it comes to fighting.

As the saying goes, the soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, the hard ones are afraid of the violent ones, and the violent ones are afraid of losing their lives. He is the one who goes crazy and loses his life once he gets high.

Once the life-saving buff is turned on, not only the spirit beasts will be afraid, but also the people in the team will be afraid. They are afraid that he will die, and he will not recognize his relatives and even beat his own people. He is a ruthless person.

For this reason, he even scared away several peach blossoms who fell in love with him. This made Long Tianrui feel lucky. After all, he was a good man who wanted to keep his moral integrity and remain innocent for the one he was destined to be. Peach blossoms were the best. It’s better to stay as far away from him as possible;

Another example is Mi Xi, a healing unicorn who is very popular wherever he goes, not to mention that he grows very fast. Although he does not change his appearance every half a month like Shen Yinghuan, who advances continuously and rapidly, He also advanced quickly in a small way.

At this time, his Unicorn has successfully advanced from the ninth level to the tenth level of the intermediate level. The healing speed and the number of one-time group treatments have tripled. He is a very popular dad-like existence in the team.

Some teams that were unwilling to give up even made small moves behind their backs to poach others. Fortunately, Mi Xi was determined and was not swayed by those people's sugar-coated bullets;

In addition, Gong Shan has also made great progress. With Gong Yan as his sister, he has avoided many detours in cultivating the white tiger. His experience and practice go hand in hand. The speed of the white tiger's advancement even exceeds his own.

Fortunately, he is a good master. He and Bai Hu almost grew up together, and they are as close as brothers, so there is no betrayal by the spiritual beast. And the stronger Bai Hu is, it means that Gong Shan's overall strength is stronger. In their team The medium combat effectiveness can also be ranked in the top five;

There are also Jing Yao, Jin Hesong, and Shen Tu Lei. Almost no one in the Fortune Team is mediocre. Even Tan Yinshuang, who finally followed Uncle Shen Tu and entered the academy as an apprentice, has made huge progress under the training in the secret realm.

He was originally the weakest in the team, and the contracted spirit beast Nightmare was not known for his combat prowess, but he still impressed people with his willingness to rush forward without fear of death, surprising those who originally thought he would be a hindrance.

Of course, the most important thing is that he showed his advantage in Star Network coding. He upgraded the Encyclopedia of Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures. Just scan it and you will know what kind of Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures it is. Students with simple minds and well-developed limbs will no longer You don’t have to worry about missing out on the treasures of heaven and earth because of your lack of knowledge.

In addition, the closed anti-glare board mall in their new team, which lists the contributions, points, redeemable items, etc. of each team member, was arranged and structured by Tan Yinshuang, which can be said to have greatly alleviated the problem. The pressure on the team's logistics management has allowed Jin Hesong, the great butler, to successfully reduce the burden, freeing up his hands to worry about the team's external diplomacy, investment, and a series of other matters related to finance.

As the team's chief steward, Jin Hesong knows how to absorb wealth for the team, giving full play to his Pixiu clan's nature of only going out and not entering.

Of course, he represents the main body of the entire team and is very tolerant to the internal members, so everyone recognizes this big steward. Externally, it is completely impossible for other teams to take advantage of him, even the Pixiu clan. The same goes for brothers and sisters of the same clan.

In one of the multilateral trade talks held by several teams, Jin Hesong only used a super-grade heavenly material and earthly treasure to deceive the leaders of other teams and almost lost their pants. He was in He has become even more famous in Hongmeng College, and is nicknamed "Desperate for Money".

No one of the other team's chief stewards dared to compete with him. Once money matters were involved, they would run away like a mouse meeting a cat after meeting him.

Thanks to him, the chief stewards of each team said that their legs have become thinner, their scud speed has improved, and they can run as fast as they can when in danger. For this reason, they even have a conspicuous bag with a sign of gratitude and they even beat a gong. Dagu brought a penny of unwanted roadside wild flowers to make a wreath to thank him.

Jin Hesong: Whoever loves me wants this thank you!

All in all, his reputation has been widely publicized, and almost everyone in Hongmeng Sanctuary knows about it. Even the teachers have taken advantage of it and know that there is a housekeeper Jin Hesong in the freshman team who is extremely good at making money and managing money.

If the closed management of Hongmeng Sanctuary hadn't limited the spread of news, I'm afraid the entire Upper Star Territory would have known about it.

Jin Hesong's heart has a strong endurance. From the beginning of society, he was helpless in life, and now he is at ease. With a happy face, he got rid of the proud feeling that he is so awesome. Later, he also opened an independent financial management studio outside the team. , people from other teams are welcome to come to him for consultation on financial management, making money, cheating people and other issues. For the sake of everyone helping him promote the title of "Desperate for Money", he charges the highest price.

Needless to say, he has fully implemented his style of demanding money, and some people really buy it, and there are quite a few people.

After a few months, he didn't say he was making a lot of money, but he was still making billions.

Later, more and more people became famous, and Jin Qiaoyu was also taken over as an assistant. With the blessing of the Lucky Cat, Jin Hesong Financial Management Studio became increasingly prosperous and prosperous.

The two distant cousins, who were not very familiar with each other before, have become more and more familiar with each other and have become good partners in making money.

Of course, in addition to Jin Qiaoyu's natural talent for attracting money, Jin Qiaoyu also played an indispensable role in the secret realm. With the blessing of her female version of Long Aotian's halo, the team never left empty-handed every time they entered the secret realm. We returned home and even encountered a big surprise at the end.

Coupled with Ling Liang's good physique, once their team enters the secret realm, they will all gain a lot, making people envious and jealous.

Therefore, they can complete every mission in the secret realm. Even if they don't complete it the first time, they will definitely complete it the second time. However, it is still rare for the mission to be delayed until the second time.

In general, their team is climbing the tower in the Lower Secret Realm at a speed that seems very fast to the old students.

The school year is coming to an end, and they climbed from the first floor of the Qiankun Tower to the third floor of the Qiankun Tower at a speed that shocked everyone.

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