Shen Yinghuan's heart tightened and her face became serious. This lineup was not easy to deal with.

Bai Qing raised her hand to make a pause, and Tan Amber immediately stopped attacking her and throwing fireballs at her.

Shen Yinghuan's eyes flickered over Tan Anbai's eyes warily, and finally fell back on Bai Qing's face. With a stern look in her eyes, she asked coldly, "You were the one who planned Bai Yang's attempt to kill me in the Zui Zhu Secret Realm." of?"

After Bai Yang's death, Gong Yan once thought that Bai Yang's attack on her personally was a bit unexpected and was not in line with his temperament. However, because the person was dead and the clues were cut off, she let the matter go. However, after Qi Xujiegu woke up and exposed Bai Qing's conspiracy, she connected Bai Yang's incident with Bai Qing.

Bai Qing was stunned for a moment, then the corners of her lips on Qingxiu's face were raised like a puppy, she clapped her hands and laughed happily, "Sister Huan's guess is really right, Sister Huan is so smart, but if Sister Huan wants to hear my praise, Not now, we don’t have much time now, why don’t you let Sister Huan surrender and let me take you away, then you can hear my praise for you earlier, Sister Huan.”

Shen Yinghuan's words gave her goosebumps all over her body. Her eyes gradually became weird, and she even wanted to capture someone alive. She thought he was here to kill her again.

As if he knew what she was thinking, Bai Qing looked at her with a smile and said, "If Sister Huan cooperates and is caught by me, she will indeed have a chance to survive, but if Sister Huan resists, there is nothing we can do. I You can’t go against the master’s order and keep Sister Huan alive. Sister Huan, you are a smart person and you should know how to choose. Don’t worry, I like you very much, Sister Huan, and I will definitely let the master give you one more breath.”

Listen, listen, what kind of dark perversion is this.

Shen Yinghuan couldn't help but spat at him.

Bai Qing was not annoyed, and smiled with a regretful expression, "Since Sister Huan doesn't want to live anymore, then I am also very considerate and willing to do what you want, Sister Huan."

As he spoke, he moved his hands and directed the two college teachers beside him to take action.

As soon as the combat teacher on the left moved, a swift and violent attack struck Shen Yinghuan with a powerful wind like thunder, one blow after another, leaving no room for breathing.

Fortunately, she studied hard and continued training, coupled with the martial arts fighting skills she learned in her previous life, she was able to cope with it with 100% of her strength and could barely hold on.

However, the most troublesome thing was the strange middle-aged man. As soon as he took action, he summoned a transparent spirit beast. Shen Yinghuan had been lucky enough to see a spirit-swallowing beast, so she recognized it at a glance as a spirit beast that had fought with humans for several years. A small spirit-devouring beast that has not been eliminated for thousands of years and can only be expelled. It is similar to the spirit-eating insect.

But the strange thing is that this jellyfish-like spirit-swallowing beast actually has two scarlet eyes. Maybe this is the key reason why it can be contracted. Otherwise, since the existence of human beings, we have never heard of anyone successfully succeeding with a spirit-swallowing beast. Contracted.

As soon as it appeared, it immediately rushed towards Shen Yinghuan. The alarm went off in Shen Yinghuan's heart. In his distraction, he was slapped away by the combat teacher. It hit the ground and was dragged for more than ten meters. A stinging sensation came from his chest. Blood immediately overflowed from his lips.

Stimulated by this bright red, Bai Qing's dark eyes showed a hint of madness, and then he raised his hand and threw it, and a black insect flew towards Shen Yinghuan.


Triple crisis!

[Summon a little monkey, whose wooden fish sound can restrain this man-made soul-eating beast. ]

Bai Ze's voice sounded urgently in her mind.

Shen Yinghuan felt Gulu getting up from the ground and immediately followed suit.

Three summoning formations lit up, and Little Monkey, Ice Silkworm, and Dangkang all came out.

Before the light of the formation was extinguished, the little monkey nimbly jumped to the corner with the little wooden fish in his arms and knocked on the wooden fish. The sound of Sanskrit spread out, and the spirit-swallowing beast that had originally swooped over stopped in mid-air and began to hesitate, its scarlet eyes flashing crazily. with;

The ice silkworm immediately and fearlessly pounced on the black bug, and fought with the bug for three hundred rounds;

When Kang directly used time reversal, he faced the practical teacher who rushed over.

The two sides are in a stalemate!

Bai Qing's face turned sinister, and the corners of his lips raised, "Oh, it seems that I still underestimated Sister Huan. Sister Huan's little monkey was really caught in time, but just to resist their attack, It’s still too early.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the actual combat teacher took the lead in breaking the shackles of time. A huge four-dimensional beast appeared beside him. Time was shattered and he returned to his original appearance.

The four different beasts rushed towards Dangkang, and the practical teacher chased after Shen Yinghuan.

But the most powerful thing was the spirit-devouring beast. As the middle-aged man's flute sounded, it began to struggle crazily. Its scarlet eyes grew as big as red lanterns. Then its tentacles stretched out in all directions, and all the surrounding spiritual energy was directed towards it. As it gathered together, its body gradually grew larger, and its invisible pressure spread outwards.

The little monkey shrank his neck, and the sound of the wooden fish being crushed became a little softer.


Seeing the double attack from the tentacles of the spirit-devouring beast and the combat teacher, Long Xinglou appeared with eyes split open and rushed towards Shen Yinghuan like a cheetah, followed by the sudden appearance of purple thunder and a boom. It directly scorched the tentacle.

The five-clawed, no, now it has become an eight-clawed golden dragon. A divine dragon swung its tail and met the combat teacher's thunder fist.

After Shen Yinghuan escaped, her face showed joy, "You're here."

But when she touched the tattered clothes on Long Xinglou's body and the mottled blood stains hidden under the tattered clothes, the smile on her face stopped and turned into worry.

"Were you attacked upstairs too?"

"Yes." Long Xinglou responded in a low voice, and quickly took her hand and blocked her behind him. He stood in front, with a tall and straight body without any bend, and a strong and tight back. of fighting spirit.

Thunder arced, and the thunder and lightning in front of him condensed to prepare a powerful killing blow.

At the same time, the little monkey suddenly became energetic when he saw someone coming to support him, and the sound of wooden fish kept coming and became louder and louder.

The spirit-swallowing beasts, Gu insects, and the Four Immortals were all affected to varying degrees, and even the combat teacher was no exception.

Bai Qing's face darkened, and his eyes were full of gloom. He stared at Longxing Tower. In order to stop him and kill him, he not only sent two spirit-devouring beasts but also added a king-level spirit. The master didn't even stop him, and allowed him to fight back in a short time. He even came here to save Shen Yinghuan, trash, those trash.

Especially seeing Shen Yinghuan's surprised look after seeing him appear, a fierce storm gathered in Bai Qing's eyes, as if he wanted to drag the person to death, but his reason told him to leave, and he missed taking Shen Yinghuan away just now. There should be no need to stay longer when you have the opportunity.

He gritted his teeth and took a gloomy look at Longxing Tower. He snorted, turned around and disappeared with Tan Anbo. (End of chapter)

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