Shen Jile slowly retracted his frightened chin, feeling happy and proud.

Xiaoha, ah no, Ermao really makes Sister Huan look good!

Let's see if they dare to beep blindly now.

Facts have proved that she still dares.

Shen Qifei was so stubborn that even eight horses could not pull her back, and her head was bruised and bleeding.

Her eyes were red and she said stiffly, "It's just that the spiritual beast has awakened, and there is also the matter of the spirit pattern master. This is the most important thing."

Shen Jile also got angry, "Okay, let's make a bet then. I bet that my sister Huan can successfully draw the spirit pattern and become a spirit pattern master. If I win, you can't speak ill of Sister Huan anymore."

They are obviously biological sisters. Forget Shen Qiyue before, it was a fake, but Shen Qifei is the real deal and was born from the same mother as Sister Huan. Sister Huan would be so sad if her words were heard by Sister Huan.

He was a little sad. Sister Huan had just come back. No matter how smart or powerful she was, the mental damage from her relatives would definitely have an impact on her.

He couldn't change Shen Qifei's mind, but he could at least shut her up.

Shen Qifei became angry and said angrily, "Okay, just bet. If you lose, call her selfish three times in front of Shen Yinghuan."

Er Mao, who listened to the whole story with his ears angled, narrowed his dog eyes, then turned around and punched the cat twice more, barking angrily.

[Your master is so annoying. ]

The three-tailed civet cat who suffers innocent consequences and suffers more injuries:.

Meow, meow, it also feels that its master is so annoying. Meow is being sloppy. Can this master be replaced?

This matter was not kept secret, and it was quickly spread. Everyone in the Shen family knew everything they should know. However, except for the rebellious young people who were not very stable and did not believe in evil, the elders were still very stable.

They had all been slapped in the face several times, and the swelling hadn't subsided yet. It was risky to stand in line, so of course they chose to wait and see.

Maybe Shen Yinghuan will give them another gorgeous turn and create a miracle!

Holographic Star Network.

The spiritual master's dojo is in the system's one-to-one classroom.

Although the system teacher speaks strictly, although the system teacher's teaching is dull and unreasonable, and although the system teacher fights really hard and doesn't let go at all, Shen Yinghuan can't stand her. She has a smart mind and rich fighting experience in her previous life.

Therefore, after applying the basic output of spiritual power to a round of actual spiritual power sparring with the system teacher, she has successfully grasped the essence of stable spiritual power output.

Although it only works nine out of ten times now, and the success rate is only 90%, she is confident that she will be able to control it perfectly in time.

As for renewing another round to continue practicing, she thought about it and decided to forget it. The 9.9 Xiaoling coins were not brought by strong winds. It was already very painful to spend this amount. Spending another amount will make her heart, liver and lungs hurt. She needs to practice more. Why spend money when you can master something through practice, and she also has ideas about where to practice. The spiritual master competition in the hall outside is very good.

When she was in the lobby just now, she took a look at the rules of the Healer Competition. She didn't pay attention to the other rules, but there was only one that she couldn't take her eyes away from after just one glance, that is, there is a novice protection mechanism in the competition - - If a player with zero points loses, no points will be deducted, and the minimum point is zero.

In other words, even if a novice like her who just entered the competition loses, it won't matter. At most, she will be beaten by her opponent and it will be painful.

There is no loss if you lose, and you get points if you win. As long as you participate, you can exercise your spiritual power. How can you miss such a good thing?

At this time, in the viewing hall for the spiritual master competition, everyone's face was filled with red light, and their faces could not restrain their expressions of excitement. They were all excited about one thing.

"Ah, the Snake World Master ranked second in the standings has launched a points war against the mediocre worker boss who is ranked first in the standings. I didn't expect the war to start today. Hehe, I'm so damn lucky. It took dozens of days. The Holographic Star Network happened to catch up last time.”

"Hey, I knew this day would come. The Snake World Master has long been eyeing the number one position. He has challenged him several times before, but the working boss just didn't respond. The reason is that he is working to support his family. On the road, I am busy and have no time. If anyone else had said this, I would have thought he was a coward, but if he was a working man, then I would be too convinced."

"Hahaha, the image of a working man and a working emperor is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. I also understand it deeply. The one-on-one teaching teacher I received from the famous teacher at the spiritual master's monastery was the working man. In addition, the famous teacher next door had small classes and famous teachers. All the big guys who work part-time in large classes also have part-time jobs.”

"Not only the famous teacher class at our spiritual master training center, but I also know that the famous teacher class at the Spiritual Beast Competition Arena next door also has part-time bosses. When my brother first became a beast master last year, he enrolled in the class of part-time bosses. "

"Let's just say that the working boss is either working or on the way to work every day. Why are you wasting your time paying attention to the world of snakes this time?"

"Then what else could be the reason? Shexing Tianxia gave too much. I heard that Shexing Tianxia was rejected too many times and was laughed at. After that, he became angry and threw money at him. Only then did the working boss agree to fight him."

"How many were smashed?"

"One million Xiaoling coins, as long as the working boss beats him, all the money will belong to the working boss."


Everyone took a breath of cold air and were shocked by this generosity. If it were them, they would have agreed without hesitation.

Shen Yinghuan, who was passing by, couldn't help but have an expression of wonder on her face after listening to it. She admired it, this is one million!

Then she floated past the lively crowd with an envious face and walked to the service desk outside the hall to register her name.

And just when she was leaving, the big screen happened to come out, and it was the scene of the game between Snake World and Ping Ping and the ordinary workers.

Now is the time when the two of them have just entered the venue. The man on the left is wearing an expensive purple training uniform. He has a handsome face and a feminine face. His smile is full of evil, and he exudes the aura of "I am not a good person".

The man on the right is much more ordinary, unremarkable and unremarkable. He has an ordinary male face that would be unrecognizable if thrown into a crowd. To say that he is special, he is extremely cold and facially paralyzed. There is basically no trace of that on his face. What emotions.

Just when the man on the right was about to take action, the feminine man on the left suddenly spoke.

He smiled and went straight to the point, "How about we add another bet? I'll make a bet that I will get all your points and become the first in the standings. But with my strength, I'm still a little behind, so I I want to call for help and have a two-player battle so that I can have more chances to win against you."

"Of course, you can also choose to agree or not. If you agree, you can freely choose your partner. If the partner you choose is in the top ten in the standings, I will add an additional 100,000 to the original one million bet. ; If you are in the top 100, add 300,000; if you are in the top 1,000, add 500,000; if you are a novice, just double it and add 1 million."

"But if you lose, all your points will belong to me."

The man with facial paralysis had an unwavering indifference on his face, but the words he spat out were, "Deal, I choose the newbie."

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