Under Panyao's kind eyes, Shen Yinghuan pulled Longxinglou along and listened to Hua Yin introduce to her the treasures of heaven, material and earth on the twelfth floor of Qiankun Tower.

The two of them almost drooled when they heard this. Without him, there were too many things. All the money they had earned and saved before was not enough to make a fraction of what they had here. No wonder the Saintess clan was greedy and betrayed Wu Xi, the clan leader. Because the benefits are so tempting.

Pan Yao went out while they were talking, said hello to the two geese squatting outside the Qiankun Tower, looking up at the sky, and then began to suppress the chaos in the Hongmeng Sanctuary.

With this move, within two minutes, all the spirit beast tides faded away. Even the battered spirit beasts in Wei Xiuyun were gathered up by him with a wave of his hand and brought back to the third floor of Qiankun Tower, along with all the spirit beasts that Shen Yinghuan and the others had placed outside. The insect traps of the spiritual insects were thrown into the sealed forest.

After doing all this easily, he returned to the twelfth floor of the Qiankun Tower under the shocked and adoring eyes of the students.

Shen Yinghuan happened to ask if there were sycamore trees and sycamore fruits here.

"Little girl, do you want to save your father?" Panyao walked back with a big smile and bold steps.

Shen Yinghuan turned to look, then nodded, "Yes, does Master know about my father's situation?"

The smile on Pan Yao's face slowly fell, he sighed heavily, nodded and said, "I know, Hua Yin told me."

The smile on Hua Yin's face also faded a little, and she nodded melancholy and took over the conversation, "Back then, when your father was seriously injured and you were being hunted down, Wu Wu planned everything and took advantage of Dean Panyao's opportunity. Because your mother who was protecting you on the Origin Star was seriously injured and weak, she took advantage of the situation and led people to surround and kill you. The dean barely spared some of his energy to help Wutong, your retainer from the Phoenix clan, to send you and your father back to the Lower Star Territory. Home."

As she said this, she glanced at Shen Yinghuan again, "You were born with a strong soul. Coupled with the pursuit and persecution of the Holy Maiden clan, the baby's body was damaged. The body could no longer bear the weight of the soul. Your father has exhausted all his strength. It was the power of the Phoenix's Nirvana that protected your chance of survival. At your father's begging, the dean used his last strength to help you divide most of your soul and send it to another world before he was seriously injured and fell asleep. Therefore, the dean was unable to do anything else. Save your father.

I originally thought that your father would definitely die, but I didn't expect that your Phoenix clan had a secret method that could extend your father's life until now. "

Shen Yinghuan's eyes widened in shock, and her heart beat heavily. It turned out that she and the "original owner" of this world were the same person.

No wonder they look the same.

Long Xinglou turned his head, held her hand tightly, pursed his thin lips, and looked at her with concern.

Shen Yinghuan raised the corners of her lips and smiled at him, indicating that she was fine. She just felt like the dust had settled and she was down to earth.

Hua Yin glanced at the two people's clasped hands, with a smile in her eyes like a memory. Feng Sang and Wu Xi were also so loving and supportive of each other back then.

"As for the sycamore tree you asked about Huanhuan, apart from the Central Origin Star, there is only one from the Phoenix Clan in the star field. This tree happened to be found by your fifth uncle not long ago, and it is in the Gao family.

As a member of the Angel Bird Clan, the Gao family was dissatisfied and yearned for the powerful power of the Phoenix, so they attacked the Phoenix Clan several times. The Phoenix Clan's sycamore tree was also secretly shoveled away by their family and hid in their own territory. Now it is your father's. The retainer Wutong is taking care of it, but we don’t know yet whether it has produced sycamore fruits. "

In this case, they would have to go to the Gao family.

However, they were not in a hurry to set off, because since ancient times, for the sake of the stability of the Star Territory, Panyao has signed an oath with all the families in the Star Territory. He cannot enter the planets of other families at will, let alone rely on his strong strength on the territory of other families. They massacred people wantonly, while other families respected the Hongmeng Sanctuary where Pan Yao was located, and the Hongmeng Sanctuary had priority in resources.

Therefore, in the Hongmeng Sanctuary, although Pan Yao has a high status and powerful strength, he cannot interfere in the matter of going to the Gao family.

Similarly, even if Wu Wu and Wu Huan plotted against Pan Yao, they could not directly kill the Wu family.

However, the oath back then did not completely imprison Panyao and make him a doormat. Wu Wu took the lead in planning, so he could break the oath and kill the Wu family after paying a certain price.

However, Pan Yao has just woken up and his strength has weakened after paying the price. He may fall into Wu Wu's trap. Wu Wu's conspiracy methods should not be underestimated, just like the time when he was seriously injured and fell asleep.

That's why he didn't have the urge to chase Wu's house immediately.

Shen Yinghuan suddenly realized after listening to Hua Yin's explanation.

"Then it was Wu Wu who fought with Master just now. Why didn't Master keep him?"

Hearing this, Pan Yao looked depressed, his big head drooped, and he spoke in a muffled voice.

"That old boy from Wuwu has been having more fun over the years. What just came was just his clone, and there were ten clones hidden inside the clone. After I killed the clone outside, all ten clones came out, and nine blocked clones came out. Follow me and run away together to save that boy Wuhuan, it's too late for me to chase him again, alas!"

Shen Yinghuan showed a thoughtful expression and frowned. It seemed that Wu Wu was sinister and cunning, and he was a more difficult enemy to deal with than she thought.

She glanced at the master, who was scratching his head and irritated and with slumped shoulders, but fell directly into concentration the next second, and closed his mouth without asking any more questions.

After a while, Hua Yin was also called away by urgent matters, and the communication between the few people could only end here.

Shen Yinghuan and Long Xinglou were not in a hurry to leave, and directly started to eat the treasures of the big family on the twelfth floor. By the time they came out of the Qiankun Tower, it was already evening.

Long Xinglou held hands and looked sideways at the people around him, "Want to go back to the dormitory?"

Shen Yinghuan turned around and looked around. No one was there. He nodded and said, "Well, let's go back. But I learned too many things at once today and I have to digest them. Let's walk back slowly."

Long Xinglou didn't object, he let go of her hand and squatted down in front of her, "Come up, I'll carry you back."

Shen Yinghuan's eyes lit up, "Okay."

Then he walked over and jumped on his back. Long Xinglou put his hands on her thighs to catch her firmly, then straightened up and walked leisurely to the dormitory carrying his beloved wife on his back.

Shen Yinghuan held his neck with both hands, her head resting on his shoulder, and her whole body relaxed.

"Why do you think Wuwu is plotting against Master?"

Long Xinglou was in a good mood at the moment, and his tone was a bit lazy, "It's nothing more than profit. I once heard a rumor that Dean Pan Yao controls the key to the Central Origin Star. If he can get the key, he will You can enter the Origin Star at will and then control the entire star field."

Shen Yinghuan nodded, "It's possible, otherwise Wuwu wouldn't have been calculating for many years and irrationally confronting the master. It must be because the benefits are big enough."

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