Shen Yinghuan also used her fingers slightly to rub the back of Long Xinglou's hand soothingly, pursed her lips and thought, "That sycamore fruit."

It's hard to say whether it's dangerous or not. The main reason is that there is only one sycamore fruit. If something goes wrong, my father's life will be saved.

Wutong immediately said with a firm expression, "I'll go, I'll go to the lower star field to see him off."

Shen Yao glanced at him, chuckled and shook his head, "Uncle Wutong, you can't do it either. Your identity has been known for a long time. If you go there, you will be more likely to be targeted. I think it's better to let Lao Wu go and see him off by himself." Yes, he is as cunning as a fox. If he burrows into the crowd, no one can find him. His hands are as slippery as a loach, and his ability to escape is also top-notch. Moreover, it is safer for him to have a small target alone."

Shen Qin: Are you praising him?

Shen Qin himself was indignant, but Shen Yinghuan's eyes lit up at the fourth uncle's proposal. The fifth uncle's ability to escape was indeed first-class. Just now, he was safe in front of a super boss of Wuwu's level, let alone Give me some fruit.

Moreover, there is no doubt that the Tan family and the Wu family knew that her father needed Wutong fruit, and the speculation that they sent people to intercept and kill him is just a guess now.

In the end, after some discussion, everyone decided that Shen Qin would go back alone to deliver the sycamore fruits. As for Dean Pan Yao's idea of ​​also wanting to deliver the fruit, everyone immediately passed.

Firstly, Panyao was injured, and secondly, when he came to the Lower Star Territory, Panyao had the strength to suppress him. If Wuwu shamelessly ambushed and assaulted him, even Dean Panyao might not be able to avenge him.

After making this decision, a few people boarded the broken starship that was pulled over and prepared to return to Hongmeng Sanctuary.

A group of people in the starship command room were trembling.

"Liao, Sister Liao, someone has boarded our starship, what should we do?"

"The people who go to the Star Territory are so amazing. There are actually people who can walk in the universe without taking a starship. Sister Liao helped him, and he also brought us back. So, do we count this time? Good luck?"

"Yes, yes, if that person is willing to help us, then wouldn't it be more possible for us to seek revenge from the Chai family?"

The woman who was called Sister Liao had a serious face and did not speak. She just walked out in a hurry. When she saw a familiar face in the crowd coming in from the hatch, a smile immediately broke out on her face and she shouted excitedly. He said, "My benefactor, it's really you."

In the crowd, Shen Yinghuan subconsciously looked in the direction of the voice, with a bit of surprise in her eyes, "Liao Lin."

Liao Lin walked over quickly with excitement on her face, very happy, "My benefactor still remembers me."

How could Shen Yinghuan not remember that this girl was so bold and daring that when she was in the Lower Star Territory, she led a group of people who had lost their sisters, sisters, and daughters to sneak into the planet where the Chai family was located. Later, the girl found out that her sister was dead, and she was addicted to manipulation. Together with her, the spirit insect destroyed the Manxiang Star where the entire Chai family was located and dragged everyone in the Chai family to be buried with her, so she still admired this girl very much.

It is understandable that she helped Dean Pan Yao get rid of the spiritual insect.

"You guys come to the Star Territory."

Liao Lin's smile faded, "We are following the news to seek revenge from the Chai family. Those who participated in that incident were not only the Chai family from the Lower Star Territory, but also several Chai family members from the Upper Star Territory. Anyway, I don't have a sister. If we succeed, we will simply fight to the end with those beasts of the Chai family. If we succeed, there will be fewer poor people like us who have lost their loved ones."

The men and women who followed her, old and young, also nodded in silence and choked.

They have no hope of living anyway, so they might as well fight with those beasts from the Chai family.

Shen Yinghuan was a little helpless and a little moved.

"The Chai family in the upper star region and the Chai family in the lower star region are not the same, and it is not easy to sneak in. It will be difficult for you to seek revenge."

Liao Lin had a prepared expression on her face, "We knew it, so we didn't rush to take action. We just investigated the Chai family first. Unexpectedly, we found out something fishy. They were keeping abducted people in captivity, and they were also Keep the spirit-loving insects in captivity, and when I get close to the place where they keep the spirit-loving insects in captivity, I can die together with them."

With her ability to control the spirit-loving insects, it might be possible to succeed, but how to get close is a big problem.

Pan Yao, who followed, frowned and said, "Spirit-devouring beasts and spirit-eating insects are the public enemies of the entire human race. These things will only grow more and more. We must deal with them as soon as possible. Little girl, are you sure this news is correct?"

Liao Lin nodded with a serious expression, "That's right, I can control the spirit-loving insects and I can sense them even when they are still eggs parasitic in the human body. Not long ago, we and the Chai family I have encountered a group of people, and most of them are parasitic with spirit-loving insects."

Shen Yinghuan thoughtfully said, "The spirit-loving insects are inseparable from Wuwu. These parasitic spirit-loving insects in the Chai family may be Wuwu's backhand. We can cut off his backhand."

Pan Yao narrowed his eyes and was filled with indignation, "Whether it has anything to do with it or not, this matter must be taken care of. Go to the Chai family now. Those spiritual insects must be dealt with. Once the Chai family cannot control them, they will become a nightmare for the entire interstellar. "

The spirit-eating beast had threatened the survival of mankind in the past, and the spirit-eating insects that were exactly like the spirit-eating beast could also be a disaster for mankind.

Shen Yinghuan stopped Pan Yao and blinked slyly, "Master, this matter concerns all mankind. We cannot be the only ones to take action. Other families must also know and take it seriously, otherwise they will think that our Hongmeng Sanctuary relies on Master. Your strength is deceiving."

Pan Yao's eyes lit up, and then he nodded seriously, "That makes sense. I'm injured now, and I can't go to other families' planets because their strength will be suppressed. It's better for them to contribute to the survival of all mankind. This matter It’s also their own business.”

"Hurry up and send a message, send it in my name, saying that the Chai family is keeping spiritual insects in captivity in an attempt to destroy all human sovereignty."

After Hua Yin nodded, he looked at Shen Yinghuan appreciatively, and then happily executed it.

Soon all the major families in the Upper Star Territory received news about the Chai family's anti-humanity. The Upper Star Territory, which had only maintained a superficial stagnant state for many years through overt and covert fights, started to stir. It was like a drop of water entering a pan of oil, and the whole thing was boiling. , pointing the finger directly at the Chai family.

Soon the major families sent representatives to surround the entire Chai family.

The Chai family was caught off guard by this chaotic fight, and the Wu family, Tan family and other families were also caught off guard.

Shen Qin took advantage of this chaotic opportunity to quietly explore the lower star field.

As for Liao Lin, the instigator of this chaos, her face was dull now, looking at her in a daze.

They just want to get a little help to help them sneak into the Chai family. What's going on now, making the entire Chai family a public enemy?

Liao Lin and others swallowed their saliva and looked at the scarred but energetic Dean Panyao in awe. Their faces were all red and they were in a daze. Oh my god, they seemed to have helped a great person. Got it!

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