A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 55 Life and Death Battle Contract

The sheep whose wool had been harvested were worthless. Shen Yinghuan decisively threw them away after using them. She ignored the four large quails who looked downcast as if they were forced to stand. She looked at the optical brain in the second grandfather's hand with a smile and asked what she just said. Then what is it that detects the spiritual talisman?

The second grandfather was probably not in a bad mood at the moment, so he answered casually, "This is a benefit given by the Spiritual Weapon Master Association. It is a special software designed by the twelfth-level spiritual weapon master to scan the level of spiritual patterns. It is accurate and error-free. It has never been used before." If you make a mistake, it’s worth 1 million small spirit coins, but you can get it for free as long as you go to the Spirit Pattern Masters Association on the main planet to register as a registered official Spirit Pattern Master.”

Shen Yinghuan was immediately moved. One million was as much as the windfall she had just made. She could receive it for free. Of course she didn't want to spend it herself.

She couldn't wait to ask, "Do we have to go to the Spirit Pattern Master's Association on the main star? Can't we do it on the Holographic Star Network? Now the Holographic Star Network is so real."

Seeing that she finally had something to talk about, Shen Jile immediately stood up and explained, "Sister, technology is so advanced now. The fake spirit patterns on the Holographic Star Network are as common as the online dating partner being a shemale or a fucking big guy who picks his feet. , so authoritative organizations and associations such as spirit pattern masters, spiritual weapon masters and beast control masters will not easily give people the opportunity to take advantage of loopholes. They must go through three real-life assessments and carefully verify their true identity. They will register the person and issue you an identity badge.”

"Oh, then we can only wait until we go to the main star for the college entrance examination." Shen Yinghuan sighed with regret, and we still have to wait nearly twenty days.

The second elder felt a little disgusted when he saw her like this, but he said dryly and honestly, "You don't have this software now, but it's not difficult to know the level of the spiritual rune. You can see the spiritual light overflowing when the spiritual rune ends. Judging by color, for example, the aura of the first-order spiritual pattern is red, and the thicker the color, the closer it is to a higher level; the second-order spiritual pattern is orange, and the same principle applies, and the thicker the color, the higher the level."

That is to say, the colors of the spiritual runes of each level are different. The spiritual runes are divided into twelve levels in total, including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, ink, silver, gold, and the seven colors of gemstones at the top of the twelfth level. Depending on the color, you can Determine the level of the spiritual talisman.

"If you don't understand, you can draw another picture and observe carefully."

Shen Yinghuan: "That's okay."

Just as the spiritual power in her body hadn't been exhausted yet, and it was still the time she had scheduled to learn spiritual patterns, she decisively picked up the pen.

Shen Jile, Shen Jingshan and the third elder, who listened seriously with their ears bent, immediately showed strong curiosity and came over to watch.

Even the four people pretending to be quail over there couldn't help but crane their necks with a look of relief on their faces.

You have to see Shen Yinghuan draw it with your own eyes, so that their stand today is not in vain.

Shen Yinghuan, who had already mastered the essence of painting spiritual patterns, was not frightened at all when facing these curious eyes. She calmly and calmly used her mental power to condense a spiritual energy control valve on her wrist, and then began to splash ink and write.

The pen moves like a dragon and a snake, flowing like clouds and water, and the characters appear on the paper. Finally, when the pen is closed, a rich red aura flashes.

It only took a minute before and after, which was incredibly fast.

Shen Yinghuan felt that her hand felt excellent and was at its peak, so she didn't stop, put the drawn piece aside, and took out a blank piece of Huangqi paper to continue drawing.

One after another, she was like a printer, and the spiritual patterns on each page felt like they were carved out of the same mold, fast and fine.

It wasn't until she finished the tenth painting and the spiritual energy in Shen Yinghuan's body was exhausted that she stopped with some unfinished thoughts.

The second elder, an expert at this time, was shocked to the point of numbness. He felt that he had learned all these years in vain. In terms of speed and quality, he could not compare with this fledgling girl's films. Only in terms of quantity, he still had a slight advantage. Children's advantage.

However, this advantage is only a matter of time. He only relies on his old age and abundant spiritual power. When she reaches his age, the number of drawings will definitely be more, and the level of the spiritual patterns will definitely be higher.

Her future is limitless!

After thinking about the future, the second elder felt excited and looked at Shen Yinghuan in the same way.

What a great way to make money. I regretted making that bet. Otherwise, if she had handed over 80% of the income, she would have become one of the pillars of the Shen family.

"Second Grandpa, how do you usually sell your spiritual talismans? I want to sell them." Shen Yinghuan suddenly said.

Grandpa's eyes were as green as a wolf, and his covetousness was too obvious. She couldn't bear it, and he would probably bring up the matter of framing again. In the future, she felt it was necessary to put these spiritual symbols and talismans together as soon as possible. That meaningful "first" sold well.

This is also a considerable amount of wealth. Although it is far less than her windfall of one million, that million is now invisible.

Hearing this, the second elder subconsciously replied, "Selling at the Spirit Pattern Masters Association is the most formal. Although there is a 1% handling fee, there will be no other troubles. However, you haven't registered with the Spirit Pattern Masters Association yet. If you can’t list it in your own name, you can list it in my name first.”

Shen Jingshan snorted, "Then it's better to sell it to our Shen family as strategic materials. We don't have to pay handling fees. Our Shen family may need spirit patterns for a long time. If you, good granddaughter, learn to attack spirit patterns, Tattoos would be even better.”

Shen Yinghuan was keenly aware of the hint of war smoke in her grandfather's tone. She paused and asked, "What happened?"

As soon as these words were said, the originally cheerful atmosphere suddenly turned serious, and even the best-tempered Third Grandpa lost his smile at this time.

Shen Jingshan had no intention of hiding it and spoke directly in a deep voice, "It's the Qian family who came to negotiate. Their attitude this time is too strong. We need to deal with the Qian family as a bet in advance. What we wanted to say when we came here just now is Well, I didn’t expect you, my dear granddaughter, to be so competitive. You’ve already won the bet before we even opened our mouths on this matter.”

Shen Yinghuan recalled what her grandfather said about the Qian family after the bet, and she realized, "Is grandpa planning to break up with the Qian family?"

"My dear granddaughter is so smart, she can tell you everything at once." Shen Jingshan looked at her with admiration and worry, and then slowly said a fatal and dangerous thing.

"The hatred between our Shen family and the Qian family is getting bigger and bigger. The Qian family can no longer hide their greedy faces. Blindly avoiding them is the worst policy and can only feed their appetite, so we, the Shen family, cannot avoid it.

If this negotiation breaks down, we and the Qian family are likely to go to war. By then, you, this year's college entrance examination students, will most likely be the first to confront the Qian family, and you, the most qualified among them, may also bear the brunt of the Qian family's attack. for sniping. "

There is an article in the imperial law that all major families have the right to deal with stowaways at will in their own territory. It is illegal to kill someone without permission in non-private territory. However, the legal etiquette is nothing more than human kindness. The Canglan Empire is a very tolerant country. And the empire tends to respect the strong. If there is really undying hatred, both sides can submit a "life and death war contract" to the empire.

For example, if the Shen family and the Qian family successfully apply for a "life and death contract", it will be legal, legal and guiltless for members of the two families to kill members of the other family no matter where they are.

Shen Yinghuan was surprised. Is there such a law that legally kills people with a free pass?

More updates~

After it was put on the shelves, the tickets were all gone. They are all gone. Mao Maotou is crying.

Good night, good night, give me more tickets so that I can have a good sleep and be motivated to update more.

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