A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 67 Feeling the breath of rhubarb

In a triple room.

Because the starship shook violently, Shen Qiyue and Shen Qifei, who were addicted to light and brain, were thrown away unprepared. Shen Yinghuan was also affected, but fortunately she reacted quickly and used her two feet to hold the other person up when she rolled to the edge of the bed. A bed supported her body, so she didn't fall down like the other two.

"It hurts me so much. What happened?" Shen Qifei, who fell on her face and had two nosebleeds from her nose, climbed up from the bed while holding her waist, grinning in pain and looking hideous.

Shen Qiyue has stayed up late for the past two days and is physically weak. She is no better than Shen Qifei now. Although she didn't have a nosebleed, there was a large bruise on her forehead. Her disheveled hair was messy and had not been taken care of for two days, and her face was pale and gloomy. Like a female ghost.

The two sisters climbed up from the bed and came face to face across the bed, and then they were both shocked by each other's ugly appearance.

Shen Yinghuan silently looked away from their faces, and then said calmly, "The starship encountered a large number of spirit-eating beasts. Do you want to go out and have a look together?"

"Spirit-swallowing beast!!!" The two of them were suddenly shocked. They no longer cared about laughing at each other's appearance, and both had ugly looks on their faces.

Spirit-swallowing beasts, as the name suggests, are spiritual beasts that can swallow spiritual energy. They are born and raised and reproduce naturally. They live in groups in the universe. As long as they are rich in spiritual energy, they will attack and suck them. Planets and stars Ships, human spiritual masters and spirit beasts are all on their food list.

In addition to the internal fighting among humans, the Canglan Empire's main concern is the spirit-devouring beasts. They have a notorious reputation for having devoured countless planets, including humans and spirit beasts, and are classified as a first-level dangerous species. .

The Imperial Legion was originally established to fight against these soul-swallowing beasts. Decades ago, after countless bloody and fierce battles by the Imperial Legion, these soul-swallowing beasts were driven hundreds of light-years away from the Empire's territory. Only a few slipped through the net occasionally. Only then can the fish escape the military-defended border and get in.

But it is almost impossible for a large number of spirit-devouring beasts to appear like this time. Fortunately, they were hit by their starship by chance. No wonder the two were surprised and frightened.

If the starship's firepower cannot deal with these soul-devouring beasts, they will probably be buried here along with the starship and be sucked into human beings.

Shen Qifei wiped away the nosebleed and said in a panic, "I'll pack up and go out soon."

Shen Qiyue glanced at her sloppy appearance and followed in a hoarse, dry voice, "I'll be there soon too."

"Okay, let me go out and take a look first."

Shen Yinghuan put on her shoes and stood up, shook her white skirt and walked towards the door.

Today is the third day of riding the starship. In the early hours of last night, she had completed the task of ranking first on the list for a consecutive week and received an additional bonus of 100,000 Xiaoling coins. Just now she took the high school diploma test again. , and also successfully registered for the college entrance examination, which is now under review. She just needs to wait for the news, so today she can say goodbye to the home girl life and go out.

But just as she reached the door, she suddenly stopped and turned to the two of them, "By the way, grandpa sent news not long ago that the application for a life and death contract between our Shen family and the Qian family has been approved. Please pay attention to safety when you go out. It’s best to find a few more people to act together to avoid being targeted for assassination by Qian’s family.”

Shen Qiyue and Shen Qifei's pupils suddenly trembled. After looking at each other, they struggled to hold back their dislike of each other, "I know."

The enemy is present, so let’s put the civil war aside for now.

After Shen Yinghuan went out, Shen Qifei stood up on the bed and muttered, "You're still talking about us. Why did she, the number one target, go out alone?"

Shen Qiyue's hand raking her hair paused, and she rolled her eyes, "I think you haven't developed a memory yet. Can Shen Yinghuan call someone else?"

Shen Qifei: I suspect that you are mocking her for not being a human being, and there is evidence. But it’s not a coincidence. I think so too.

Shen Yinghuan, who didn't know that she had been spoken ill of behind her back again, plunged into the crowd after going out. At this moment, the aisle was in a mess, everyone was rushing out, and the crowds were so crowded that she even It was too late to get away from the crowd, and I was carried by the crowd all the way, and was finally squeezed into a utility room for some reason.

"Phew." She breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly closed the door. It would be better for her to wait until everyone was gone before going out.

Bai Ze: "Huh——"

"What's wrong?" Shen Yinghuan asked, turning her head to look at the utility room casually. It was twice as big as the triple room they lived in. There were various large and small cardboard boxes stacked up, and they didn't know where they were. There was a lot of dust on it, as if it hadn't been cleaned for a long time. There were also a few fresh animal footprints left on the dusty ground. It should be that some spiritual beast had been there not long ago.

At this time, Bai Ze's voice continued, "I seem to feel the breath of rhubarb."

Suddenly, the expression of Shen Yinghuan, who was indifferent, changed, and her face showed ecstasy, "Where is it? Is it in this room? The paw prints on the ground look like small tiger paws."

Bai Ze: "The aura of Rhubarb is moving. It should be using space to jump. It was possible that it was in this room just now, but it is not here now. It is on the other side."

Shen Yinghuan immediately opened the door and ran out quickly, saying in her mind, "Quick, show me the way."

This time she wasn't afraid that there were too many people in the corridor, so she followed Bai Ze's directions and looked for it. Unfortunately, Rhubarb jumped in space too frequently, and every time she was about to find it, it would leave one step ahead.

After several times of being fed by Tiancai Dibao, her slightly improved body could no longer bear it. She was so tired that she was panting. She had not even gained a hair from the hard work for half an hour.

Bai Ze: "Huanhuan, come on, hold on, Rhubarb is probably dying. The distance it jumps is getting shorter and shorter."

Shen Yinghuan was panting while holding on to the wall. She frowned and couldn't help but mutter, "What is Rhubarb doing? It's jumping and moving so frequently. It wasn't such a diligent tiger before. Could it be that it's in some kind of trouble?"

"Hey, have you found it?"

A familiar and domineering voice came from behind. Shen Yinghuan turned around subconsciously and saw that it was indeed the jewelry shelf. Well, Chai Ziyan, the fourth daughter of the Chai family.

I saw her frowning, standing in front of several sweaty attendants with an arrogant and angry face, and scolding them angrily, "What's wrong with you, a little girl who has just been born?" If I can’t find the tiger, what use do I need from you? I’ll give you another half hour. If you still can’t find it in half an hour, I will deduct your wages when we get back.”

Good guy, this is such a big threat. The few bent servants suddenly broke into cold sweat. Then they nodded and bowed, said a few good words, and quickly dispersed to look for people.

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