A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 69: The tiger fell to the ground and was bullied by the dog

Shen Yinghuan was still working on smuggling the young lady's pet. Shen Yinghuan didn't dare to relax. She quickly finished the contract with Dahuang, and then threw it into the beast-controlling space without caring about its tearful eyes and wanting to scream and complain. .


Rhubarb was thrown onto a green lawn with a confused look on its face. It rolled on the tender grass, shook its fur and got up from the ground. Its furry tiger head looked around, its eyes full of curiosity. .

[Where is the tiger? Why was the tiger thrown here? Where is the master? Could it be that the master also has space powers and can change the space by raising his hand? You are worthy of being my master. ]

It excitedly stepped on the ground with its paws. Hey, this place is so beautiful. It's amazing that the grass doesn't have a mouth and didn't pounce on the tiger.

Stepping on it, stepping on it again, the childlike nature of the mature tiger was still intact, and he was very happy playing tricks and playing tricks. As a result, he accidentally did the splits, and the whole tiger rolled down a small slope. , when it shook its tiger head and got up dizzy, it suddenly met a pair of dark eyes.

Dahuang jumped back as if his tail was being stepped on, and Fried Hair roared, "Ouch~~"

[Where are the demons and ghosts from? Let me get rid of them. ]

Er Mao rolled his eyes vividly, then looked at the little milk tiger with puppy eyes that was only one third of its size in front of him, grinned like a dog, and smiled mischievously.

[Dahuang, I didn’t expect you to be here today. I finally got the chance, hehe~~]

The tiger hair on the little tits became even more explosive, and a pair of tiger eyes were wide and round, "Er Mao, you are Er Mao, you are such a teacup dog, how come you have become a big guy, what do you want to do, don't come over, don't come over."

But how could the little milk tiger with all its powers outrun the handsome golden retriever? As soon as he jumped out, he was held down by a dog's paw, and then began a brutal ravage.

The little milk tiger was fiddled with by the dog's paws, and its beautiful white fur was dyed with green grass juice, turning it into a little green tiger.

A blue butterfly was still flying above them, pointing and watching curiously.

In the end, Big Yellow's ears drooped and he collapsed on the ground. His tiger face was full of hopelessness. It was really a tiger being bullied by a dog!

Ermao: ()

She didn't know that a "deeply touching" reunion after a long absence was going on in her beast-controlling space. Shen Yinghuan breathed a sigh of relief after sending the rhubarb inside, but just as she reached out to cover the cardboard box back, she saw something in her peripheral vision. But he saw a bright light.

She lowered her head and looked up carefully, and saw a small transparent bottle the size of a thumb lying in the corner of the carton. There was a transparent liquid flowing inside. You couldn't tell it unless you looked carefully.

Suddenly she felt blessed. Could this be what was stolen from Chai Ziyan?

Listening to the approaching noise coming from the corridor outside, the expression on Shen Yinghuan's face became anxious. Dahuang has been hidden, but the evidence is still here. Should it be destroyed?

At this time, Bai Ze's excited and cheerful little voice came, "Iori Bamboo Marrow Liquid, this is Iori Bamboo Marrow Liquid, Huanhuan, we are so lucky, drink it quickly, and you will be the one who drinks it." That’s it.”

Shen Yinghuan's eyes also lit up. The things she was thinking about just now were actually delivered to her door in advance. Dahuang is really her good friend.

"Then will my soul be restored after I drink this vial?"

Bai Ze: "How can it be so easy? The soul is a mysterious restricted area. This tenth-grade high-grade Yashen Bamboo Marrow Liquid is just one of the materials for repair. A total of eight materials are needed to repair the soul. It counts as the foundation. When the foundation is laid, Only when it is ready can other materials be used, and there are only 5 drops of Iori Bamboo Marrow Liquid in this small bottle at most, and at least 99 drops are needed to lay the foundation."

Shen Yinghuan:

She finally realized the seriousness of the matter. Good guy, 99 drops of the tenth-grade high-grade Iori Bamboo Marrow Liquid is only the foundation for repairing the soul. It is conceivable that the upper "building materials" must be more precious, which also proves the lack of soul. Severity of injury.

"Then what will happen if I can't repair the damage to my soul?"

Bai Ze did not answer directly, but gave her an analogy, "The soul is like a balloon. If there is a hole, the air inside will leak out. When the air is gone, the balloon will be gone as well. It needs to be called." Only when the skin is completely repaired is a good balloon, only then can it continue to be inflated to become a bigger balloon.

But if you only temporarily block the hole, it is treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. Although you can blow air into it, you must always prevent the hole from being torn again and the possibility of air leakage again. "

Shen Yinghuan realized something and directly grasped the key point, "In other words, my current talents and qualifications are like balloons, and they are still elastic. Now they are just leaking. After being temporarily blocked, my talents and qualifications have been reduced, and I will wait until my soul is repaired. Then if I inflate it again, my talents will be even stronger.

But if I cannot completely repair my soul, then there is a limit to my growth. If I forcibly improve, I will face the possibility of collapse and loss of strength. "

Bai Ze: "As expected of Huanhuan, his understanding is very high."

Shen Yinghuan: "What about the other seven materials?"

Bai Ze: "Well, I haven't finished receiving the inherited memory yet. Well, I'll tell you later."

Shen Yinghuan: Suddenly I feel that Bai Ze is not so reliable anymore!

Then she picked up the small bottle, unscrewed the lid, and quickly poured it into her mouth. It had the same color as it, and the taste was bland and no different from water. If Bai Ze hadn't said it, she wouldn't have believed that it contained Iori Bamboo Marrow. liquid.

After drinking five drops, only a small bottle was left as physical evidence. She thought about it and decided to keep it. A bottle that could hold the tenth-grade high-grade Iori Bamboo Marrow Liquid was not an ordinary bottle.

Then she summoned the little butterfly in the space and let it hide with the small bottle, just in case. Otherwise, if the eldest lady had a whim and wanted to search her body without practicing martial arts, it would be troublesome.

After that, she walked back and forth on the ground again, leaving many footprints at random, completely covering up the little tiger claws, and then randomly selected a few cardboard boxes and deliberately scattered them, making it look like she had searched them. Then she patted the stains on her hands. Then before the attendants at the door walked in, Shi Shiran walked out and just passed them.

The eldest lady, Chai Ziyan, was standing not far away. At this time, there was Qian Hongyu beside her.

Seeing her come out, Chai Ziyan's eyes immediately scanned her body like a searchlight, and she asked with suspicion, "Why did you stay in there for so long? Are you hiding my little tit?"

Shen Yinghuan looked calm, "Do you think it's possible that in just such a short time I can get a spirit beast cub to contract with me without making any sound? I didn't expect you to have so much confidence in me."

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