A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 78 Apprenticeship Successful

At this time, the teachers from the two colleges who were fighting to the death also saw the scene in the command room through the screen, their eyes were sad, and they all turned into sour chickens.

Is it difficult to accept a disciple now?

The spirit pattern masters were indeed rich, but they couldn't afford the price.

So one by one could only wipe away the blood and tears and retreat when faced with difficulties.

But there was an uneasy Tang Chenan next to him, smiling and fanning the flames, "Oh, your argument was in vain, my little apprentice flew away~~"

The breaths that the teachers were holding back exploded immediately. This girl is so mean. Did he have planned this scene for a long time? Was the beautiful talk just now just to play with them?

Based on his bad taste in the past, the possibility is 99.99%.

Suddenly, all the teachers, whether from the same school or from different schools, looked at each other, quickly shook hands and reached an agreement - beat him up!

Two fists were no match for four hands. Tang Chenan was immediately held down and beaten by a group of people, especially in the face.

Long Xinglou ignored his plea for help, and his indifferent eyes were stained with a gloating smile. You should get rid of it, you deserve it!

Then he turned his gaze to the screen again, staring closely with a pair of cold black eyes. Which teacher will she choose?

His fingers tightened, with a nervousness that he didn't even notice.

Yes, which teacher will she choose?

Shen Yinghuan was also thinking.

The apprenticeship gifts given by the two Your Excellencies were very generous, especially for Mr. Mi. This old man should have been born in a big family. He carries a sense of nobility and arrogance from a big family. He is even more generous in his dealings, even with tenth-level talents. The treasures were all smashed down, and she was so greedy that she almost drooled. It took her a long time to hold back and not agree.

In contrast, although Mr. Zhu is not so generous, she prefers this old man's temperament. He is casual, has no airs, is shameless, and can show a flattering expression to a junior like her. He does not have a big family in him. The blurred rigid rules are more like a strong man growing wildly, and he lives a more free and willful life.

If she had to choose a teacher, she would prefer Mr. Zhu.

This is one, and the other is the academy to which the two old men belong.

The Canglan Empire has three top universities, Jinding College, Zixiao College and Baihua College.

She had read information on the Star Network before and did some research.

Jinding College is the first choice college for the children of big families. Because this college has investment from big families, some of its resources will be tilted towards the children of big families. Although this preferential treatment is not too great, it has advantages.

Therefore, most of the children of big families choose this academy, so that in recent years, every student in the academy has someone behind him and cannot afford to offend easily.

This is the same as in the past, if a brick fell from the foot of the imperial city, a young master or even a relative of the emperor would be knocked out.

Therefore, Jinding College has become an invisible aristocratic college;

Baihua College, this college is exactly the opposite of Jinding College. Because the first principal was born as an orphan and was a heroic representative among the common people, he preferred ordinary students who had no money, power and family. He even established a financial aid program for poor students. funds, work-study programs, etc., so it can attract the attention of more civilian students;

As for Zixiao Academy, it is the most practical, neither biased nor partial. Everything depends on strength. No matter you are a child of a big family or an ordinary family with orphans, as long as you have talent and strength, as long as you are a strong person, you will be able to obtain resources. The stronger you are, the more preferential treatment you will receive in the academy.

Therefore, most of the students attracted by this academy are tough, and they are all fighting mad, and they can start a fight if they disagree with each other.

Generally, it is difficult for peace-loving people with normal brains to survive in this academy. They must either join like crazy or be willing to be a low-level transparent person. Therefore, the students in this school are extremely polarized, with the King Juan and the Salted Fish clearly distinguishable.

Shen Yinghuan had an idea before. From the information on the Star Network, Zixiao Academy was the most suitable place for her to grow and become stronger.

Mi Lao is a teacher at Jinding College, and Zhu Lao is a teacher at Zixiao College, so the balance is tilted more towards Zhu Lao.

"I choose Zhu Lao."

Under everyone's nervous attention, Shen Yinghuan did not tempt them, and soon spoke out her choice.

Of course, her emotional intelligence is not low, and she will not easily offend another person after making a choice in public.

So she pulled the corner of her mouth and grinned to the sky. She also wanted to criticize the new old naughty master who had a sullen expression on Mi Lao's face, and she spat out some words to Mi Lao who didn't look very good-looking, mainly to praise him and hint that the reason why she was I made this choice mainly because of the college, not because of the people, and I also lowered my profile and said that I would ask for advice and exchanges in the future.

This was very helpful to Mi Lao, who cherished talents, and his cloudy face immediately turned clear.

After a fierce operation, she perfectly gained the favor and love of the two bosses. Not only did the new master give her the promised apprenticeship gift in public, but even Mi Lao also gave her a meeting gift, a A painting pen that looks expensive at first glance.

The cute young man in the corner who is a new spiritual pattern master is almost crying.

Qian Hongyu even wished she could not take her place, hoping that she would be the one appreciated by the two Your Excellencies.

Even Long Xinglou's dark eyes had a hint of envy. If he also went to learn spiritual patterns, would he also gain two generous teachers?

Shen Yinghuan succeeded in becoming a disciple and received the golden recruitment order from Zixiao Academy from her teacher. However, this trial illusion was not over and the test was still going on.

As a person who had already passed the test first, she also learned the cause of this incident from the star captain.

This illusion trial was indeed initiated by the college, but not all the three top universities participated. Only Zixiao College and Jinding College participated, and the leaders were her new master and Mr. Mi.

The recruitment teams sent by the two colleges were originally separated, each recruiting their own recruits. After all, it was easy to fight when they came together to select the young talents. However, I did not expect that the plan could not keep up with the rapid changes. On the way back, the starship that Jinding College was traveling on flew halfway. When something went wrong, the operation could only be stopped temporarily. Mi Lao called his son-in-law who was passing by, Captain Star, for help.

And his son-in-law's starship was filled with elders, so the two academies went together.

It was true that they met the spirit-swallowing beast later, and the first alarm was also true, but soon the empire's legions arrived to control the situation in time. Mi Lao and Zhu Lao simply took advantage of this opportunity to join forces to start the last illusion. Trial, after the second alarm sounds, it is the start time of the illusion trial.

In other words, the two major academies had already conducted trials to select good seedlings before, and what they encountered was a last-minute decision. No wonder Chai Ziyan seemed to know the news and started to show off herself early.

After understanding it, Shen Yinghuan stopped interfering in the trial, cut off contact with the Shen family, and took this opportunity to concentrate on learning the second-level spiritual patterns with the two big guys in the spirit pattern world.

The result was naturally gratifying. She finally drew the second-level advanced spiritual pattern before disembarking from the starship. The progress was so rapid that the two old men were shocked to see emoticons.

Good night, good night~

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