A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 96 Is she imaginary or not?

"Hiss--" The roar of the giant sand lizard sounded at a frequency that was unique to the giant sand lizard. It was high-pitched and mixed with fury, and then it kept shaking its head crazily, trying to throw the damn two-legged beast off it.

Shen Yinghuan gritted her teeth and didn't let go. She then grasped the smooth and cool hilt of the dagger with both hands. She followed the force of its swing and removed the strength of her feet. Her body was thrown into the air, and then she turned her wrist. Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, he flew up and spun 180 degrees in mid-air, then changed his direction and landed lightly on the back of the giant sand lizard.

After she stood firm on her feet, she quickly squatted down and lowered her center of gravity, forming a zhama stance.

Then she had a determined emotion in her cold eyes, and she turned her hands holding the hilt of the sword vigorously. The blade of the sword that penetrated the body of the giant lizard tore at its flesh and stirred and twisted vigorously, and the green blood flowed more cheerfully. .

The giant sand lizard under its feet also struggled even more fiercely. Like a bull before death, it used its last strength to charge forward and knocked away the two giant sand lizards next door. The yellow sand splashed everywhere when its tail hit it.

Flowing yellow sand rain fell, covering Shen Yinghuan's head and face. The bright and beautiful person turned gray in the blink of an eye, but her eyes were clear and compelling, with a sharp edge.

In the end, the male giant sand lizard died, and its huge body stopped showing signs of activity.

Shen Yinghuan also covered her chest and stood weakly supporting the dagger for a while, trying to calm down her rapidly beating heart and the murderous aura that was constantly emerging from the depths of her soul.

But soon she regained her composure and pulled out the dagger, then jumped on the head of another male giant lizard at close range. She followed the same pattern, finding the joint between the scales on its head and neck and stabbed it hard with the sword, turning it around. The hilt of the sword increases damage.

After it died, she rested for a while, then continued on to the next one.

Her movements were inconspicuous on the battlefield of large male and female giant sand lizards. The red-eyed male and female could not even care about the little fleas jumping around above their heads.

Therefore, as long as Shen Yinghuan holds her ground and doesn't fall, her risk will be greatly reduced, and she can even find time to pick up the leak again.

Of course, for the sake of safety and to avoid being regarded as a fussy kid, she chose to be a principled person, specializing in picking up male giant lizards. If she encounters a female giant lizard in danger, she will take the initiative to help.

The audience before the live broadcast was also called 666 by her operation!

[Wonderful and wonderful, her spinning and jumping postures are so graceful, and her dancing must be very beautiful. 】

[Every time I see her kill a giant lizard, I just want to cheer, and then I see her taking a rest. Every time I think she is about to lie down, she gets up again, spins, jumps, and stabs the spirit beast. , so is she weak or not? This makes my heart beat wildly, it’s so exciting! 】

[I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I know she’s very lucky. She’s made a fortune by picking up leaks. It’s sour to see her points on the martial arts test list keep increasing and her ranking keep rising. It’s so sore, my male idol Jingluo doesn’t have the growth rate as fast as hers. 】

[Hey, that little girl upstairs, can you speak with some intelligence? You actually said that she was lucky because of my goddess of joy’s amazing operation. If this is considered lucky, why don’t you show it to me? , I see you will be on the street in a matter of minutes. 】

[That’s right, I encountered the Tiankeng Meat Grinder at the beginning. The students of Zixiao Academy have personally proved that this is a dangerous place with a narrow escape from death. It is surrounded by dangers. It would have been too early for others to encounter it, but I, the Goddess of Joy, not only escaped from danger with my own ability , he also found a giant sand lizard for himself to use as a mount, and subdued a group of people to serve as bodyguards, how majestic it was. 】

[Also, don’t look at Huanhuan jumping up and down on the heads of those giant sand lizards, with light movements and graceful postures. Occasionally picking up something is so easy that you think it is very light. It all requires super courage. The mentality of not changing his composure when the mountain collapses on top, as well as the extremely precise skills and control, these are indispensable. If you look at another person, he will be thrown down and trampled into the mud in minutes. This However, the large-scale battlefield of the Giant Spirit Sand Lizard is more powerful than the tide of spiritual beasts. Once it is trapped in it, the loss of arms, legs, and peeling skin will be considered light. 】

[Hmph, it’s not okay to just follow others when they are relaxed. 】

It can only be said that Shen Yinghuan got off to a good start. She was framed and got out of trouble perfectly. In addition, she is beautiful and weak, looks like a vase, but is very energetic when doing it. She has a series of fan-attracting qualities, which made her quickly become a live broadcaster. The popularity in the room turned into fans, which also allowed her to lay a good foundation for the live broadcast room from the beginning.

Therefore, there was a lot of discussion on the barrage, and once someone questioned it, a large number of fans came to clarify it. People who said that Shen Yinghuan was lucky, envious, and hateful could not even raise their heads and left in despair.

Then there was peace again on the barrage!

This left the Shen family, who were eagerly waiting to speak for their granddaughter, completely useless, and they felt quite regretful.

Of course, Shen Yinghuan is not in danger now and is absolutely safe.

As the battle escalated and became more intense, the female Giant Spirit Sand Lizard gradually became weaker and her situation became more dangerous.

In order to save the decline of the female giant lizard, her actions began to become radical, and the speed of killing the male giant lizard also accelerated, and her little flea was also exposed to the male giant lizard with her big movements. In the eyes of the sand lizard, their attitude towards her also changed from ignoring it to being hostile, and even several males attacked her together.

After several confrontations, Shen Yinghuan also suffered a lot and suffered many scars on her body, especially the second-level high-level male giant sand lizard that flew towards her and opened its bloody mouth and almost bit it off. Her beautiful head.

People and animals were all furious at this moment. Countless barrages were flashing about the danger, saying that she was too radical and had exposed herself by being aggressive and competitive, but Shen Yinghuan had a strong point in her heart.

The fighting opportunity is fleeting. If the female giant sand lizard fails to restore its decline, their momentum will plummet, and they will eventually be defeated quickly. And she cannot escape the encirclement and bite of these male giant sand lizards, so she must catch it. The opportunity is right to help the female giant sand lizard turn the tide of the battle before the turning point of defeat arrives.

"Er Mao."

After being almost hit again, Shen Yinghuan bit her lip and summoned Er Mao with sharp eyes.

I saw an orange five-pointed star flashing on her forehead, followed by a complex pale orange formation around her feet, and a gorgeous and bright golden retriever dog appeared——

As soon as it appeared, it showed its momentum, its eyes were fierce, and it opened its mouth and roared, "Woof woof woof~"

[Whoever dares to bully the master will see if I don’t scratch him to death. ]

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