A sickly beauty controls an interstellar beast

Chapter 98 The sickly beauty was welded to death on the head

Shen Yinghuan stared at such saucy operations.

Mom's second-haired kid is coming of age, and he actually thought of the method of burrowing into the ground. Not to mention, its golden hair is really an excellent camouflage for hiding in the sand, and it is also very smooth and smooth for sneak attacks.

With Er Mao's wave of output, the battle situation soon changed substantially. This time, the female giant lizards had the upper hand, while the male giant lizards were weak. The counterattack of the females was finally coming.

Shen Yinghuan and Liu Fufeng's body stiffened again, and it was time for her to leave.

Then she stepped on the heads of the giant sand lizards, and quickly and lightly rushed to the outside of the battlefield. She stabbed a few more males on the way and successfully left the battlefield under the cover of the female giant sand lizards.


More than ten meters away from the battlefield, she found the body of a giant spiritual sand lizard and sat down on its head. The strength supporting her body also relaxed as she sat down.

In this battle, she had to kill the male giant lizard, and also take into account the battle situation to ensure that the female giant lizard would win. It was really hard work, hard work, and a lot of effort. She felt that she had been used by the Shen family a few days ago. The body restored by Caidibao became weak again.


She sighed. In fact, this was not her psychological effect, but a fact.

Look at her little palm-sized face now, dirty and splashed with a few drops of green liquid, but even this can't hide her pale fragility and bloodless lip color. Her originally white and shiny skin... After a while, it also lost its luster, showing a bleak and dead whiteness.

To make matters worse, she vomited blood again. This mouthful of blood was caught off guard, and the unsuspecting viewers outside the live broadcast were all shocked and confused.

What kind of serious injury is this? You look so weak, can you still continue to take the college entrance examination?

However, although questions emerged one after another, after Shen Yinghuan shook out the yellow sand mixed in her black hair and braided a one-sided centipede braid to reveal her beautiful and delicate facial features, they fell in love with her beauty again. Next, there are no more problems.

Even though she looked sickly, she was still beautiful, magnificent and thrilling. The beauties in the live broadcast room said that we were all bleeding.

So the four words "sickly beautiful woman" came out of nowhere, and then they were welded to Shen Yinghuan's head and couldn't be removed.

Even though her face will look rosy and shiny in the future, her current photo of a sickly beauty on the yellow sand has become a hot search topic and has become a hot item, and it has become countless people's first impression of her.

At this time, Shen Yinghuan had no idea what the outside world was saying about her. She raised her sleeve and wiped the blood on her lips, then turned the black backpack on her back to the front and took out a bottle of nutrient solution. He took off the lid and started drinking.

The nutrient solution in this desert is indeed an excellent food, it can quench thirst and keep you full, but it is just a little missing.

She had been copying homework from the Shen family's college entrance examination group, so she only brought one bottle. After finishing this bottle, she would have to find the next food by herself.

As for water, she has a water-attribute spiritual power bias, so she doesn't have to worry about running out of water.

Thinking like this, she used some spiritual power to condense a few water balls to fill the empty bottles with nutrient solution, and then continued to pour.

[Master, I want some water too, I'm so thirsty. ]

Er Mao emerged from the yellow sand in front, shook his golden fur, and then trotted over with his tail swung, his pair of dark dog eyes staring covetously at the small bottle in her hand.

Shen Yinghuan paused her hand and said, "Go back to the beast control space and drink."

If it weren't for the fact that the water or plants in the beast-controlling space were only available to spirit beasts, she would have scooped it out long ago.

Ermao felt aggrieved, and there was nothing wrong with the dog wanting to be fed by its owner. However, in order to prevent Rhubarb from riding on its neck, it immediately became well-behaved.

[Okay then, the master will call me out after I finish drinking the water. I found a box under the yellow sand when I was sneak-attacking those shriveled calves, and I will drag it out soon. ]

Shen Yinghuan's eyes suddenly lit up. She was worried about where the supply box had been trampled by those male giant lizards. Even if she had to dig out the box after the battle, it would be a big project. Unexpectedly, Er Mao found it first.

Good dog!

Today's Ermao is really surprising.

Er Mao returned to the beast control space and drank a lot of water. He boasted proudly to Da Huang before he came out. Then, one man and one dog squatted on the body of the Giant Sand Lizard and watched the huge battlefield ahead.

They didn't feel much when they were in it just now, but now as bystanders and watching dogs, they were a little shocked.

The battlefield was not that big. It was about the size of eight spiritual masters' training grounds outside the Shen family. From a distance, it looked overwhelming, with rolling yellow sand, and the barbaric primitive fighting was so nakedly displayed in front of them. It was intimidating and intimidating. Encountering a desert hurricane brings little shock.

Perhaps the male giant sand lizard knew that they were on the verge of extinction, so they fought back more and more fiercely. The intensity was several levels higher than when they were there before. Shen Yinghuan could not guarantee that she and Ermao would be able to survive if they were still in the battlefield. Retreat, after all, the counterattack before death is the most terrifying.

But the final result was good. The female giant lizards had the advantage and initiative, and then controlled the final outcome of the battle. They won, and the male giant lizards lost.

In the end, the male giant lizard only left a few more well-behaved ones as future male pets for breeding, and the rest were all cleaned up by the female giant lizard.

Er Mao couldn't wait to run over the mountains and ridges, stepping on the corpses of countless giant sand lizards and running towards the direction where the supply box was just now.

Shen Yinghuan regained some strength, and after seeing that the crisis was over, she also followed Er Mao and walked slowly.

By the time she caught up with Er Mao, he had already pushed open the corpses above with his hard work and skill, and then used his paws to dig and dig at the yellow sand. After digging a hole in the boss, he finally saw the shiny silver supply box. .

Er Mao immediately bit the supply box and dragged it out of the pit, then used his paw to push it to Shen Yinghuan like a treasure.

Shen Yinghuan also sat down cross-legged, pulled the supply box in front of her, then took out the optical computer and scanned the lock similar to a QR code. The next second, a blue light screen was projected in front of her eyes.

The five questions listed above are all the lowest-level yellow-level questions. The answer time counts down to 1 minute. If not all answers or errors occur after one minute, the supply box will turn on the self-destruct mode.

In other words, once the answer mode is turned on, the box has only two endings, one is opened and the other is destroyed. It is absolutely impossible to use it twice to answer questions.

In other words, the materials released by the admissions office cannot be fully used by students, and more are likely to be destroyed, while the materials that students can use will only become less and less.

The dog is still the dog of the Admissions Office and the question maker!

Good night, good night~

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